Bytes of Light Podcast

Bytes of Light Podcast

Hosted by: Angel Rohrer, Seth Rohrer

Bytes of Light is a weekly podcast hosted by Angel and Seth Rohrer that is designed for those searching for transformation, higher awareness, internal freedom and unconditional love. They explore mindset mastery,...


Investing in the Self, BUILDING SPIRITUAL MUSCLES with Jennifer Falchi - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #32

Today we are happy to have another one of our authors on the podcast, Jennifer Falchi! She provides insights into what her writing journey was like, what steps she took to birth her chapter, and what it's like...
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Healing through NUTRITION and HEALTHY PATTERNS with Kristina Dubois - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #31

Today we bring on another one of our contributing authors in Bytes of Light: Evolving Leadership for the Spiritual Entrepreneur, Kristina Dubois! She and Angel have known each other for more than one lifetime. They...
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We Published a Book! #1 NEW RELEASE! Healing Through Publishing with Angel and Seth - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #30

Oh my goodness gracious our book is finally here! After months of work, collaboration, and venturing through incredible challenges, we have released Bytes of Light: Evolving Leadership for the Spiritual Entrepreneur...
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Being Vulnerable, UNLEARNING AGREEMENTS with April Kaiser - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #29

This week we bring on another one of our authors in our book, April Kaiser! April, like Dustin from last week's episode, co-runs Buckaroo Buddha Holistic Healing LLC and is here to share some insights from her life...
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Bowen Therapy, Stepping out of COMFORT ZONES with Dustin Kaiser - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #28

Today's episode introduces another phenomenal contributor in our upcoming book, Dustin Kaiser! Dustin shares his journey with us, confronts some of his shadows and how stepping out the dark led to where he is today...
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MULTI-DIMENSIONAL HEALING, Reclaiming your Power with Grace Solaris - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #27

Join us as we share space with this powerhouse goddess. Grace Solaris is the real deal. Come listen to her hero's journey through the darkness, learn how important it is to "do your inner work" so you can be of...
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GARDENER MEDICINE, Redefining Leadership with Gurpreet Juneja - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #25

Today's episode brings in another author in our book, Gurpreet Juneja. She shares her experiences trying to balance working life as a parent, explains what "gardener medicine" is, and touches on the Corporate mindset;...
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KUNDALINI AWAKENING, Cracking Open with Emoke Molnar - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #24

This week we speak with contributing author Emoke Molnar. Emoke met Angel during a two week Massage Course in Kelowna. Angel was able to help facilitate Emoke's Awakening and she shares her experiences with us, what...
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EMBRACING CANCER, Connection, Life, Death and Faith with Lee McCormick - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #26

Join us as Lee and Angel share how they met, the medicine they shared in Teotihuacan and Peru and Lee's new journey, walking with the Angel of Death as he embraces his experience with cancer. He shares his shamanic...
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OUR MISSION, Shifting the Spiritual Healing Model with Angel and Seth - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #23

This episode is very personal for us. We wanted to talk about our "Why." Why are we here? Why do we do this podcast? What is our mission? We dive into our "why" and discuss how we got where we are today; some of the...
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Crystal Healing, POWER JOURNEYS with Don Jorge Luis Delgado - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #22

Today's episode features the return of Don Jorge Ruiz Delgado! Jorge shares tales of his travels across the world, crystal healing, and we get very excited about hosting Jorge at our upcoming book launch in Salt Lake...
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EXPLORING your SEXUAL SELF, Seeking Bliss with Daphne Paras - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #21

This week's episode features Daphne Paras, who comes to us today to talk about her chapter in our upcoming book as well as her pleasure tool she has birthed into the world. The episode touches on her journey from her...
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