Don Jorge Luis Delgado, PERUVIAN SHAMAN gifts us with love, crystal energy work and ancestral wisdom

Season #1 Episode #1

Our very special guest today is one of our beloved teachers, don Jorge Luis Delgado.

We dive into the crystal world and the magic we experienced with him during our time in Peru.

don Jorge Luis Delgado, he is an internationally recognized teacher of Inca spirituality and a modern Inca “Chacaruna,” a bridge person, who assists people in connecting to their spiritual self within their own traditions. He has worked very closely with Don Miguel Ruiz (the author of “The Four Agreements”), gridding light and has been featured, as a recognized authority on Inca philosophy and traditions for many years and has been featured on nine episodes of the History Channel’s series, “Ancient Aliens,” as well as the BBC documentary, “Everyman.” Jorge Luis is the founder and owner of Contiki Tour Company and the Taypikala Hotel chain in Cusco and the sacred valley which both Seth and I stayed in this last spring as well as Lake Titicaca. Most importantly, Jorge Luis has personal relations with the Andean priests and priestesses within the indigenous people of Peru. He has been presenting his knowledge in many forms all over the world and most recently Egypt!

Jorge Luis Delgado was born in the Andes mountains of Peru. He is a descendant of the Quechua and Aymara native cultures. A lover of ancient wisdom, Jorge Luis became a “chakaruna”- bridge person - at the age of eleven, and began to assist and show pilgrims and travelers how to find their way.

Jorge Luis’ love and passion for Ancient wisdom has motivated him to share his Solar heritage in different parts of the world. He has brought teachings to the United States, with programs at New York City's Omega Holistic Institute and the New York Open Center. He was featured in the BBC documentary, Everyman, and is frequently interviewed on Peruvian television. He has also participated in programs on the History Channel, and has been featured in more than ten episodes of Ancient Aliens.

Author of Andean Awakening: an Inka Guide to Mystical Peru, Inka Wisdom: Return to Joy, and the of Machu Picchu: The City of the Children of the Sun. Jorge Luis is recognized worldwide as an authority on Inca philosophy, spirituality and tradition. He is an organizer of great world events and an activator of portals for the expansion of consciousness. He has offered workshops in North, South and Central America, as well as Europe and in Asia. Jorge teaches at New York City’s Omega  Holistic Institute and at the New York Open Center.

Jorge Luis has brought to public attention the Aramu Muru Doorway, an inter-dimensional portal located in the Hayu Marca mountains in south Peru. He is also a founding member of The Brotherhood of the Solar Disc, an Andean esoteric society. Jorge Luis is way-shower for this 10th Pachacuti, this time when the world is being turned upside down. He teaches that a new consciousness is emerging, one leading to a Golden Age that was fully activated by 2012. He is a keeper of the ancient knowledge and uses it to assist in healing for all who are ready.

Jorge Luis Delgado is the founder and owner of Kontiki Tour Company and owner of hotels in Cusco, Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu), and on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Most importantly, Jorge Luis is known and respected by the Andean priests and indigenous people of the region. Jorge and his wife have three children He resides in Puno, Peru. To contact him: 

[email protected]


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