SHAMANIC BREATHWORK, Teach with Integrity, Calling out False Prophets with Atlantis Wolf

Season #1 Episode #11

In today's episode, Atlantis touches on the benefits of Shamanic Breathwork.

Going through a guided breathwork meditation allows you more control of your experience, but support is needed to ensure your experience is positive. We touch on the importance of teaching with integrity, and how important it is to lead by example and with a high level of excellence to provide the most effective support to those needing it.

"If you think you're enlightened, go spend a week with your family" - Eckhart Tolle Tune in today for all this and more!

Atlantis Wolf is a Shamanic Life Coach who uses medical massage, emotional release therapy, and the spiritual guidance of galactic dragons to assist her clients seeking permanent solutions to their chronic physical and emotional pain.


Business: Sano Totum: Heal the Whole


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[Episode Transcription]


Welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer our mission is to bring bite-sized nuggets of information to be digested as you please take a quick bite or stay for the whole party pleasure being the main component of our mission we will also bring other humans into our space to share their magical Brew with us all love service and wisdom is what we are bringing to the table join us in our magical kitchen where what is being served is for your highest good


welcome to another episode of bites of light uh with your host Seth I'm Angel and today we are joined by Atlantis wolf yay welcome welcome so wonderful to have you here today so excited to play in your birthday portal yay twice this week yeah birthday is tomorrow and we're just uh we've had teachers on that or have talked to teachers that we got to sit in that magical energy so yay and thank you for picking today you're welcome my pleasure I did it on purpose whatever we talked on I think December 28th or 29th which was actually my mom's birthday interestingly enough and so we're just gonna like Hopscotch all the all the birthday Magic from here to There and Everywhere I love it excellent I love it so why don't you tell everybody what you do and what your magic is um so I do many things just like everyone let's face it um I've spent the last 13 years as a medical massage therapist and then went and got my Reiki master from William Lee Rand himself oh the guy who started the International Center for Reiki training because I figured I wanted my candle to be lit by the candle yes um I also do kinesio taping I'm a certified kinesio tape practitioner so whenever you have swelling or sprains or things like that it'll move the lymphatic around um and I also well I have an engineering degree that was the first thing I did I have a civil engineering degree dual major and English minored in environmental engineering and um I also have spent the last five years studying with Linda star wolf and learning the shamanic practices around shamanic breath work so I am just about to finish my very last out of the four trainings which has taken four years um and I'll be a master shamanic breath work facilitator so shamanic breath work because breath work yeah it's like my this is my big Juju my big juice yeah shamanic breath work is different from the other ones because for one it's trademarked she went and actually trademarked the process and how it is and where it came from and she spent 30 years creating it and breath work is so popular right now that I feel like it's it's hard to distinguish but this one has its lineage with Stan Groff with Jackie small with the people that were trying to figure out how can we use breath instead of plant medicine to create a psycho-spiritual experience because with plant medicine which I'm all in favor of I I don't think it's binary it's not one is good and the other one is bad right but with plant medicine you are surrendered to the journey you are going for the ride whereas with breath work you're in control so sometimes if you're a person who has trouble letting go do plant medicine because there's no choice you are strapped in and going off the roller coaster but with breath work it's a little more subtle because you're doing this circular breathing in through your nose out through your mouth or just in and out of your mouth but it's without a pause and so you're recreating that sort of state that non-ordinary state where you sort of take off it's like being in a plane and you're taking off but you decide how fast do you decide how deep and how far and I feel like that makes it a good practice for everyone plant medicine is not for everyone there are absolutely people who should not do it shamanic breath work that's for everyone because you're in control you're saying I can handle this much I'm going to drop into the intelligence of my body and my body will take me to a place where I can go where I feel safe now with me because I'm there and doing it with you there's going to be body work and support and holding and encouraging so sometimes you get to a place where you feel like you need to scream you need to just vocalize and get it whatever that trapped emotion is oh I'm also an emotion code practitioner the trapped emotion out of your body and sometimes you have to do that the easiest way to do it is to scream is to vocalize is to release it but people get very tied into I'm not allowed to do that so I come along and I whisper in their ear give it a sound yeah give it a sound open your throat and I have no problem screaming so what I usually do is just get close to their ear not in their ear but going parallel to it and just start to tone and just you know ah and then as loud as they go I'm right there with them and they don't even realize that they're doing it yeah yeah and that gives them so much more permission to just really go into that place and then of course you're going to fill it back in with love because you have this beautiful space inside you can breathe deeper and easier and you know it's euphoric you almost don't know what to do with yourself so at the end of the breath work because this is all just done with breath and music I drum you in get the ancestors around you get the guides the healers everyone that's around you to hold the space for you with me so there's physical support emotional support spiritual support but it's your breath and the music and then you are on your own Journey but afterwards one of the important distinctions between shamanic breath work and a lot of the other stuff is the integration it's not a high and goodbye is what I say it's a journey and then you come out and I have art supplies paper and you bring something that happened to you into this world it could be a big swirl it could be a face it could be a dot it could be anything it's important to bring that experience that you just had into the physical world to begin to embody it and say what the heck was that why did I see aliens in my journey I don't believe in that I don't look at that and then we get to hold it up and say kind of looks like you kind of looks like a mirror maybe my friend perhaps so beginning that process of moving it into this world and then embodying it and then when when it's done we do a group share you share what you want to share if there's a bigger group we'll have them pair off and share together and then just go around and give a word and then after it's over about a week later I do a zoom integration call so people can come back into the space swirl the energy again see if there's anything else that came up because things are going to come up and once that door is open it may stay open and other things may come up so I say all that because integration processing and support is so important to me and I don't like what I see where sometimes people are doing it um maybe in festivals which again it's good to have an experience like this in a festival in a group to if for a comfort level but sometimes people are ready to pop and they go deep and there's no support for them they're just sort of left on the side of the road and so that's where I come back to make sure let's process a little and with a group and a week later and then I do shamanic coaching so if you need even more support I'll give you a better rate and we can do that for as long as you need it and then go do another breath work right excellent it's I I really I feel like there's nothing better I can offer out of all the things that I do it's the best thing that I offer yeah yeah I've just begun my own my own path in in facilitating a very a very similar experience of breath work and it's it's also very inclusive of the debrief and the the support and the the container and that container being one of the most important parts of it right yeah right it some people do like because they go in and they trust you so they will just I say it's it's like that your breath is like the gas pedal it's like the accelerator yeah crank up your breath you're going to slam that gas pedal down and you're going to take off so some people are going to go out there and be driving the car like Grandma and that's okay that's where they're at and other people yeah other people are going to go full Indy 500 and and they might go flying off the track and so being there to support that but you're right you get to control that and and that container is what's so important that we don't get a lot of times with plant medicine because people are just they're not doing it with practitioners no they just get the medicine and then and then they take it and then and there's no no container for the process and you're right there's no control over that they just it's it's gonna be happening and there's no ceremony there there needs to be a ceremony around it there needs to be a space there needs to be an intention there needs to be safety protocols there needs to be a setting you know it's not you're not doing it on the way to doing something else it's not you're not just sort of yeah throwing it away it's not the kind of experience you throw away it's an intention ceremony so you bring it takes a while you know you want to collect the energy before you really go into it and I feel like that is it's subtle but it's real it's why people have that experience in breath work versus eh it didn't really do anything for me yeah but but because like you said it's become this like it's the hot button word right now out there breath work so as soon as people see that there's value in a thing a lot of people start jumping on board whether they have the skills to do it or not which you know for the collective might be good because you remember yoga used to be the same way yoga used to be something that like weird people did in the 70s that were they made a really skeletal and and you know they would suck in their stomach and it was all about gurus and starvation and it was way over but you know now everybody does yoga and it's beautiful that we have that in our Collective toolbox that we can all say I'm going to do a yoga class and it's not like oh why what's wrong with you that's so weird so that's true birth will probably be the same thing it'll Bubble Up and it'll have integrity with some people and not with other people and it'll all shake out I think in the end but just like everything else in the world you know every time we see modalities come in this happens it's the same as you know I love that you went um and did your Reiki training with William Rand because I teach about him in my classes and Oh no you're the first person that I've met that has actually met him oh yeah like he like his training was at his house he lives two hours from me he lives in um close to Detroit Michigan so he teaches out of his house in Detroit Michigan and then or he did when I took it right 12 years ago and then in Hawaii he has a family house in Hawaii um which is two hours being so much more affordable exactly exactly but he's um he made us all like bean soup and we were sitting in his living room and you know we were all and it was for advanced Reiki training it was the whole weekend we were there in his house which is just a little ranch house in Michigan it's not anything over the top or anything like that his speakers are really big he's really into like his old school speakers those are fantastic but he's so understated yeah and um so easy we all went out to dinner together you know on the last night and very approachable kind of quiet he's one of those people that's just sort of like and attuned right yeah he's not and I think that's where my spiritual journey started was through Reiki that's what woke me up um and so I love that we have that that connection and I love to hear that breathwork has evolved over the last 10 years because my first experience I was the Indy 500 racer and wasn't that on the other side oh I'm sorry felt like I went through um I now with the knowledge that I have in the language that I have there was a little bit of a mental breakdown in that space and I wasn't held so I love to hear that your process also includes the exit and the extra support because in the beginning that was not being done no but because Linda starwolf her background is in Psychology and addiction support and you know she's in the mental health field that's where she started when she was 19 and 20 and things like that so there's so much preparation there's so much medicine and support and attention given to the process being an entire process from start to finish that I I mean obviously I'm dedicating my life to taking it out into the world so clearly I think that this is the best way to go yeah um and that's what comes into my mind is you know the the fourth agreement uh always do your best because even teachers sometimes drop the ball totally yeah and when you know better when you know more you do better yeah and so I think I think finding teachers that have consistency and you know for everybody listening there is a due diligence that you need to do when you're going to do especially like what you said breath work is blowing up this is kind of the new thing so make sure you do your homework about who's facilitating what their track record is what the lineage is like everything that you're saying make sure that you do that because when it comes down to it you know in your bones whether this is going to be a person that you can trust or not yeah knowing sometimes even then you're going to get dropped like I think people need to understand that it's not always a hundred percent yeah and if you find a breath work that will give you a certification in 30 days that's exactly I would question that I mean I've been studying it for four years yeah you know it's a different experience once you've practiced it in one-on-one group people you know sort of different flavors of it and seeing different things and you know my background isn't body work so I've already worked on 3 000 clients in medical massage so my ability to Intuit what needs to happen with someone who's going through their process is going to be totally different than someone who is a CPA who's doing this on a weekend and thinking I'm going to help the world well you are going to help the world but there's an Integrity piece that's missing that maybe you need a little more practice and some training yeah and I love you know especially like you and I the healers that have done all of the modalities because my background is deep tissue massage as well and knowing having that basis and and Laura too are the publisher she she was a therapist as well so when you find these healers that have already done Decades of Bodywork like physical body work Hands-On and then they step up into these other shamanic modalities yeah those are the ones you need to look for those are the ones that know the medicine and they're not just oh this is a cool thought I'm going to jump on and do it and and you know instead of doing their own work they're busy working on everybody else and practicing and and that's that was one of the experiences that I had it was somebody who was dabbling and had no business doing what they were doing in that moment well and you know I can understand why because as a collective we're all trying to wake up it's like we're all trying to figure I I look at it as um we're all kind of tearing the cobwebs off of our eyes and it's like wait I'm empathic and that's a thing and maybe that was always a thing and that's why I feel everybody's feelings and don't have my own feelings and what are my feelings and how do I discern them and so I really see people they're just jumping they're jumping into well I've never done plant medicine so I'm going to do Ayahuasca I'm like no don't do that that's a three-day ceremony with a shaman and


that's the problem you know people are like well I wanna I wanna bungee jump right I want to think give me the thing that's going to get me there the fastest because that's what we've been conditioned to you know give me the trial by fire I could take it I'm tough I don't need to do the work just give me the pill that'll fix it yeah that's kind of what western culture's gotten to like oh yeah do the I want to put in the five or ten years that people have put in in the past to to master these skills or the you know their own mental processes I just yeah give me the pill give me the plan whatever that'll just fix me today and it's like you know and a good question if you're wondering about your practitioner ask your practitioner how their what is their relationship with their own parents if they say oh I haven't talked to my parents in 20 years like maybe you need to do some work around that first before you are my holder keeper Guru teacher you know what I mean because that's the ultimate test in my book if you've got like uh you know because I I've done a lot of work but I feel like that's where it all comes down to I feel like it was Eckhart Tolle who said If You Think You're enlightened go spend a week with your family yes yes what are your relationships for sure yeah and that that doesn't mean that they changed it just means are you still triggered are you still yeah a little kid are you still hurt are you still wounded it's an awareness it's a mirror it's not a judgment but if you are coming across a teacher who has no relationship with their family oh they don't understand me they don't get me I'm too cool for them I'm doing something that they'll never understand well now you're just working with an ego and if you don't feed that ego then you're in big trouble so I like to bring that point up too and I'm doing breath work everywhere I am called to go out and do it absolutely everywhere so I'm already doing it in Toronto I just set up an event in Cedar Rapids Iowa um my friend is down in Atlanta I have another friend in Boston so you know let me know I will come to your town I'll make it work I'll figure it out I have a car well and I'm gonna do um I'm actually gonna do the uh the love initiations the Egypt tour so I'll be doing shamanic breath work on the Nile on the boats and then I'm going to come back through England and my friends in England I have a lot of friends who are in my dragon meditation group so I'm going to come back through England and do shamanic breath work there as well and um just keep going so let me know if you ever want me to bring it to your town absolutely yeah yeah we there's so many really amazing things happening right now um and a lot of us are stemming kind of from the same community and just coming out and it's just so nice to see these these evolved Healers coming up to share their medicine with the world it's important you know especially with what you know our world has collectively gone through over the last couple years you know there is this this you know Rippling PTSD that everybody's trying to recover from and you know we're being called we're being called to step up and say that there is another way there are and there are trusted Healers that that can hold this type of energy that we're not just dabbling that we've heard the call and we've done our personal work for the last couple of decades to prepare for this time on Earth yeah you know and so and you can't go and you can't go where you can't walk somebody down a path you haven't walked and that is the key if there is anything else you you don't take away from that that is the key right there A Healer can only take you as far as they've gone themselves


and it's okay to ask the hard questions when you're looking for the for the healers it's okay totally yeah yeah that's part of why we're doing this is bringing healers together and getting into a space of collaboration where I have my knowings that I can share with people are different than yours and I can I can give them something and when they bump up against something that I really can't give them that that honest true knowing from Spirit I go I am not the person for you for that but here's somebody who is yeah and that's how we do the best service we can to the people that are looking for answers not by trying to be there everything pointing them in the direction of who can be what they need in this moment and which is away from that Guru concept where you pick that one person that you spend your whole life yeah following emulating and giving your power away too well and that was the piscean age I mean the pisian age was all about the guru find the guru whereas the Aquarian age is all about you are the guru You Are the Healer you are the shaman um and that's another reason why I like the shamanic breath work and it's it's all about the Shamanism is about the path of direct Revelation so it's not about what do I think you need to be doing it's let me teach you muscle testing so you can figure out what your body wants to eat let me help you do a you know learn how to work with a pendulum so you know where you are in your day or in your body let me help you access your own body's intelligence so that when emotions come up you can release them you could come to me I'm certified sure I could do it but I would prefer to teach you how to do it so that you get this idea that you can pull out these things pull out these strings on your own and if you are with a teacher who's teaching you how to do your own work that then you have found someone that is standing in Integrity yeah if you have found someone that's ready to pull that I met somebody who was like oh I can pull all the bad stuff off of you I just like me and I'll do it great yeah right me you need me okay what's going to happen standing up in the room and going you need my community [Laughter]


yeah if spirit is you know let's say that that really happened and let's say that I said yes yeah go ahead and take like all the grief out of my shoulder or whatever like that spirit's gonna look at you and say and you learned nothing so here's a whole lot more pain here's frozen shoulder and yet so here it is again yeah but with a thunderbolt right like right with something incredible and worse so it does it doesn't work it's not only not productive and irresponsible it also doesn't work exactly so you know teaching set yourself up for another lesson right because once you get it you get it and so I I think learning to walk with the angel of death is in every human's best interest you know we come down here the these these Soul baskets are Mother Earth they they are matter and we will eventually have to give them back one day yeah they're borrowed just like everything else on this planet everything we're sitting on the computers that we're looking at like everything here is given to us and at any second mama Gaia can go okay you're done with that I'll have that back please but humans get so attached to everything that and then prediction of suffering gets raised again oh it was taken away from me that person was taken away from me this was taken away from me but it was never yours to begin with right it's true and so in Eagle medicine when you look like even as as the teachers as eguals it is that student was never yours in the first place no that piece of this like everything that comes to us is a gift and when it goes we wave and say goodbye and thank you for their time send it with love so it is and they might come back and they might not yeah and it's okay you know what I always say I'm I always say I'm never gonna die because I still have to clean out my basement right


there you go like oh no I'm not gonna die I still have I still have stuff in my basement I need to organize so not gonna happen um but I feel like it's such a gift when you do understand the concept the actual concept of death and it's there's a shamanic death when you go through shamanic death it's a rite of passage it's a ritual it's you know from childhood to adulthood from being married to not being married to being a mother to being an orphan you know to children not children all of these things are all a shamanic death because it's not a physical death that's right but it's preparing you for a physical death and it is foolish to think that we came here to accumulate things and it's really the biggest the biggest illusion of all is that is why I'm here I'm here to fill up my bank account and buy a lot of crystals right then well we could challenge that one I think so I think I could take it with me I'm gonna try you know it's a good practice right like I I regularly buy crystals knowing this is not for me I don't know who it's for yet but I'm just gonna put it right there and then when the right person comes along and be like oh here it is here's this is for you so giving away things is a great way to start to practice that attachment and non-attachment and that flow because it it's all about flow a hundred percent and this came into your life then one day it'll go out of your life and that is the way yeah yeah and I think that's where the work is as humans and so I think like circling back to the breath work it is and has been for me one of the most powerful ways to release energy yeah right to release attachment because especially when you're really in that addictive space whether it's mentally or physically um because it's process addictions and then the oh yeah drugs um breath there's this there's aggressive and soft nature to breath when you go in because like you said there is a control factor to it you know I can remember the very first time I ever did breath work was actually with a trauma therapist and he gave me a baseball bat and a bunch of pillows and I beat the [ __ ] out of that thing with him screaming in my ear get it


I was not softly led into the breathwork world that's okay that was your initiation but I needed that again I we spoke actually it's in my introduction about I needed somebody who could out Warrior my warrior so that I could be held while I did the work and that's the piece too it's it's it's having people that are strong enough to hold that level of emotion because you know I know in your guys's teachings I know star wolf uh she doesn't give you baseball bats right like that would not be a safe environment you do have you do we we actually hand out pillows and you use your own fist so exactly but it's it's a similar concept where you know do you need a physical release right mine was old oh yeah and um but it were it was effective because the practitioner was full of integrity exactly and you know it's true what you were saying about um the emotions and trapped emotions become very familiar to us and so it sort of ties into that concept of well if I release these trapped emotions I'm going to become a different person somehow subconsciously we think I don't know who I am without my wounds so we we stick to these wounds we stick to the uh they hated me my dad's an alcoholic my mom abandoned us we hang on to all these things because it's easier than so what I am going to release everything that ever happened to me today I'm going to pretend I have amnesia and I'm going to look around the world well how about that oh my shoulder hurts okay well you can either figure out how to get the pain out of there or you can say somebody hurt my shoulder was it you was it you like get it out I can get the paint out deal with it like that's just what you came through with you know you just don't worry about who did it to you it's not even important somebody did it some things happened somehow somewhere so we get wrapped in our stories yes we created the stories around it and sometimes well a lot of time the story isn't even true because it's your perception of the event and once once we try to put words around what happened it already isn't true because it's our perception and you can retell your story right I had a better one I my dad was in the military and he made us move all the time retell the story I was so lucky I got to see so many places when I was a kid I got to see this that the other and make friends all around the world exactly retell the story yeah


because both stories are true it's whatever one you decide to believe in where are you going to put your attention right because they are both true oh yeah they're they're definitely it's it's the multi-layer cake yeah they're just different points of perception and at any point you can choose where your attention is going to be and what story you're going to focus on but I think people also get wrapped up because they always think that time is linear and therefore it can't go back and retell that story they don't understand the concept that actually time is just an infinite series of now it's always now always it was now then it's now at this moment so in this moment of now you could go back retell that story and it will affect everything from the story till now and it ripples forward because now you've got a new story going forward and until you play with this idea of what happened to me and who and where and what does that mean you know you have to sort of let go and dissipate the emotional component so that you can read the story right if you read the story like it was happening to someone else you may feel differently about it and sometimes you need that container that's when we come into play you know because a lot of this internal work and the untangling of your own perceptions only you can do that work um and it doesn't occur to people they need a Healer they need a guide they need someone to walk them through that yeah because if you can't have that Eagle Eye Vision and do the recapitulation yourself sometimes you need somebody like us who can actually read your energy can go into your subconscious and actually translate what's happening in your brain and bring it out into physical matter with our own perception and for those of us who have done our work we can be that clean mirror to pull it out and not put our own perceptions on it to say exactly what's going on in your brain without putting our own words in it and that's where that's where my Mastery is and you know being as I'm I'm we're connected right now I can see you can do that as well right so finding people that can live on this vibration those are the ones you want to be reaching out to help translate what's going on in your brain because sometimes you just don't have enough Clarity to do it yourself right because you're you you can't see it you just can't see it you can't perceive it it gets very tricky to to gently walk people into that place of self-reflection where they see it um and and to me I don't care and that that's the beauty that I bring to it is exactly I'm open because what happened to you I don't care about I want to make sure like you said that I'm a clean clear reflection exactly but what happened to you I'm not invested in all right we don't get hurt to the stories right we're just we're just there to provide you the information just like when you go into the doctor's office you know they don't get hooked to your stories we don't get hooked on stories either but that shows the Mastery level of the healers and people would want to play with people I love that people are like oh can you tell me about um the uh like the fire that I was in because like with the emotion code there can be ancestral healing so there can be stories with the ancestors and so one of the things I'm really good at is doing muscle testing to go back like is it mother father what side and aware and then finding the original story where the emotion was created right um and then seeing that story telling that story allowing that to be heard seen and witnessed and then it disappears and comes down so when people are like okay tell me the story again about the time when my ancestor was in Ireland I'm like hold on because I have no memory about it so I have to ask their their own intelligence I have to ask their auric field and then I'm like yeah so it was the grandmother and there were two kids and she got the one out and she had this one over here but her husband went back for the fourth one and then he died and then they died and that's why you're afraid of Fire right because I don't I don't have it like I'm reading your book you know what I mean I'm just opening up your book but it's like and when you're in that challenging space and the information comes in it comes in and then out and then it's closed and you don't hang on to it so like no I got other stuff to do like I gotta go make dinner I gotta be thinking about this exactly it's none of my business yeah but that's the integral piece yes right it is yeah and it's it's not not um moving to the place where it's I can do this and you can't help you get through this and you can't go in you need to stay right here and do you know that's the subjugation piece that we're trying to clear from yeah from the healers and the and moving forward bringing Integrity into the work that we do and I will tell you that I was trying to decide if I was going to tell you the story or not but that means it's yes green light green light I I was in a situation at a retreat with a group of people and there was someone who was a false prophet who was saying I do akashic record reading and I was like I'm not even kidding you every Dragon every ancestor everybody on my side was like no like red light what what I'm trying to have breakfast like literally this was over this long table and breakfast and she was like record I'm like probably not but they were really upset about it so later on a girl that I was sitting next to um she was upset and I said what's the matter like she just her whole body you know everything signal upset and she said well name of the person who was the false prophet said that my boyfriend doesn't support my work and I just moved five states away to move in with him and to start his new life or whatever like that and first of all right into holy fire Rage like my whole body just turned into flames I was just like what nonsense this is this I'm like okay and now we're at dinner you know so say and I can see this person's steam like long table or whatever like that so I had her face me and I said I'm gonna teach you something right now and I said and I put my hand on her heart so I had all of her love and attention right there and I said how does my hand feel she said good warm you know loving motherly I said right mother Mary right here right through okay and I said now tell me your name and she did and I said how's that feel good tell me where you live tell me you know tell me something tell me the name of someone you love I said do you feel that like do you feel that in your heart I said no I want you to tell me something that's not true tell me that um I'm so like truth aligned like saying in that truth yeah I was like tell me you're a man like something simple tell me you're a man and she said oh now it feels cold like it kind of feels cold I said yeah and it feels like do you feel like you want to like pull away from me and then she said yeah so I walked her through how to do her own muscle testing right well you know as soon as I could like take my fire and put it aside like I will kill you in a different lifetime but right now let's focus so by teaching her that then I took my hand away so I had no contact with her and I said now listen to your own heart and I'm gonna say your boyfriend does not support you how do you feel she said it's a lie it's not true he loves me he totally supports me I said that's right and now you have a direct experience and you can test when someone gives you information stop test it out on the old ticker does that really pass the test that my heart's going hard truth but I'm yeah we're gonna have to take that one in or is it like are you [ __ ] kidding me like no no absolutely not I reject everything you just said stay away from me or there will be hell to pay because that lady can't wait to kill you in a future lifetime yeah so watch out and I made sure to do it where the other person could see me and absolutely looked at her like you know if looks could kill that kind of a thing like don't even try to do that around me that is absolutely not acceptable yeah even though there's 20 of us I was just but I didn't go around telling everybody else because they need to have the experience and they need to have their own experience and and everything but she needs to know and to your point I wouldn't say the problem the the difficulty comes if you are a master healer if you've done all your work if you are a Clear Channel and a hollow bone you come across these false prophets these false people these false healers who don't have anything other than their own ego and and like a blip in their head that says I'm just gonna say the first thing that comes to my little tiny P brain and that's going to be spirit


um I would say that that's probably the hardest thing that I do is when I see that what what to do and how to handle it because it's so subtle I can't just say they're lying they're lying but I know because I've got my team losing their mind over here saying you've got to do something this girl is about to like break up with a guy that loves her and supports her and you need to step in which quite frankly that's half of my job is stepping in and saying things that people need to hear for whatever reason I'm the person who's like do you know that your wife is drinking at work do you know that this isn't working out people are like no what what are you talking about so Master healers not for everyone folks you have you're gonna be walking yeah you got to be ready for ruthless and that's what it is you know when when we talk about housing the Divine masculine and feminine within you know even in your in your story about putting your hand in your heart you're calling in Mother Mary that is the divine feminine but when you stand and face the other that's Michael right yeah you're calling in the Warrior angels that Divine masculine protection space this [ __ ] does not happen on my watch period right and I'm in Archangel Michael's Army so it's really no surprise but at any moment the story comes out a couple of us hanging around here today and that's what it is you know it's it's a lot of people have open channels there are tons of people in the world most people in the world have had their channeled opened at some point some of them don't even understand it but when you can hold your channel and maintain it and protect yourself and the ones around you while your channel is open now you're getting into mastery oh I'm scared to say something so you need to find some Warriors to work with and build your energy up so that you can stand up and protect yourself and those around you that's where your work is you're already doing this like you said that girl she probably is here but she's not here no there's yeah right and so yeah yeah well I love that I love that very simple and quick way to walk somebody through what we call learning your yes and your no yeah right yeah exactly it's so important especially as you start down this path of because of that very reason knowing your yes and your no then you then you can trust yourself you don't have to worry about trusting anyone else yeah and you shouldn't you know you really shouldn't [Music] um and that actually is a segue to one thing that the spirit wanted me to come through and say which is a lot of people come to me to begin their spiritual Quest if they are I call it shamanically curious if I had a bumper sticker it would be are you shamanically curious because you know people are always often Whispering you know like I stuff what do I do with this yeah yeah yeah I'm like okay okay so one of the easiest things to do to start a spiritual journey or to I like to think of it as um maybe it's like turning the dial on your radio or just increase it's just about increasing awareness so the one of the very least easiest simplest things to do to increase your awareness that you are a spiritual being that you have a physical body you have a spiritual body you have other bodies around you is to go for a walk and going for a walk in a very particular way because like all ceremonies it's all about the intention and what you're setting up so you go for a walk outside not at the mall not at the gym no outside has to be outside has to be alone no dog no friend nothing like that you're walking outside you're walking alone no music you could put earbuds in just so that people don't bother you if you're in like a very familiar neighborhood or your own little neighborhood you can put earbuds in if you don't want people to bother you but no music nothing to take you away from your own personal experience walk outside the only thing you would have is a timer because you're going to go in One Direction or ambulate around you're going to go away from where you are for half an hour by when the timer goes off you're going to turn around and ambulate your way back but as you're walking you're noticing and you're going to do a body scan and all that means is you're going to take your love and attention and you're going to start over the top of your head and gently just become aware of your skull and your bones and your eyes and your brain and as you're doing this they are relaxing so you're relaxing your eyebrows you're relaxing your jaw you're relaxing your neck you're looking for micro tensions where is the micro tension between one side of my neck and the other or back and forth and you're just bringing your attention your love and attention to it and drawing it down down your throat your shoulders your arms your heart and you're just noticing every step just keep going keep going and your ultimate goal is to bring all that love and attention all the way down to just past your feet and what this does is it takes all the energy that we've drawn up to our head where we get all of our our accolades and our rewards for being cerebral and mental and fast and it draws it down so that now your energy is evenly distributed throughout your whole body once you go all the way down to your feet all the way past your feet and have an awareness of what you're walking on Earth cement grass snow mud whatever then you bring your attention to your breath and you watch your breath go in and out of your body and you're literally just going in love and out love in with the love out with the love and when there is a part that feels stuck or you notice that something is not quite as flowy then you focus your love and attention there bring in what I need release what I don't need bring in what I need release what I don't need and this is Tai Chi this is a walking meditation and this is awareness and when you get all the way there you're still walking you're still out because this is not going to take you very long you think oh yeah that's going to take an hour no no it won't but when you've become grounded in your energy released from the micro tension and in your heart at that moment become aware of all the nature around you and spend the rest of the time realizing how much you are part of nature that you can hear the birds that you can notice that a tree branch is swaying or bending or has leaves or doesn't have leaves that there is a tree that you never noticed or flowers that you've never noticed and spend the rest of the time just watching nature until you come back if you do that you have now reconnected your heart to pachamama you're now in the flow and the Rhythm and you've learned something important your natural pace is not fast by the by the time you come back from that walk you've got your own stride your own Rhythm things are flowing and you've got a good Groove but it's not fast it's not a quick Skippy beat it's not something that music might push you to this is your natural pace this is the most important lesson that you will learn to begin a spiritual journey it is slow and deliberate and my pace is not your pace you have to find your own pace and you have to stay there and that is where your healing begins at that pace


thank you so much for sharing yes yes it was a pleasure having you on today same here I loved it yeah I'll come back anytime yeah and I think leaving everybody embodied in the medicine and in themselves is a perfect way so go and enjoy your days and remember to stay embodied thank you so much thank you so much Atlantis thank you you're welcome thank you


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