DREAMING WITH WOLVES, Women in Sacred Ceremony, Autism in Theater with Grace Kohn

Season #1 Episode #12

Grace returns as a special guest for today's episode. Join us on our journey to dive deeper into her dreaming with wolves, trusting your intuition and taking action on the hits you receive!

Grace is Singer, Author, Advocate, Speaker, Teacher, Mother and now Farmer. Be sure to check out her Bestselling book, “Children of Autumn -Autism Here on Purpose.”


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[Episode Transcription]


Welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer our mission is to bring bite-sized nuggets of information to be digested as you please take a quick bite or stay for the whole party pleasure being the main component of our mission we will also bring other humans into our space to share their magical Brew with us all love service and wisdom is what we are bringing to the table join us in our magical kitchen for what is being served is for your highest good


welcome welcome we are joined today by Grace Kohn for a second time you may recognize her from episode five that episode consequently was recorded actually almost three years ago when Angela and Angel and and Grace sat down to just document some experiences that they'd had together and talk about some different things that have come up and and just dive deep into whatever was was coming up for them around those things and we have Grace back today to dig into some of those things further and just see what else comes up because she just is such an amazing soul and has so much to offer the world we're just super excited that you're here with us


happy to see you again Grace really happy to be here guys yeah so um yeah I think just like kind of what we did with Jacob you guys will if you go back to the previous episode doing a deep dive and and solidifying a lot of our journey along the way Grace and I are going to do the same thing so when I was working at Summer Hill Pyramid Winery um Grace got the call to come so I'm going to just pass it over and so you can hear right from her first experience of what was going on and how she came to find me so I I got the call from Stephen who is uh Stephen Sipes who is the the brain behind the the gold behind the pyramid let's call it that and it was it was actually that's a little bit of a story in itself because I really was guided to leave my book which we talked about in the last time we spoke together which I wrote for parents primarily and grandparents teachers anybody who needs some assistance with autism uh just a recap there that I have a daughter beautiful daughter named Julianne who is on the autism spectrum so I wrote this book called children of autumn autism here on purpose and I want I went to the winery with a girlfriend of mine and my husband and uh the next morning and we had a great time and I noticed a few things about the winery while I was there one that this fellow who created this place obviously was tapped in because there is a photo at the front of the pyramid that comes from a very esoterical set of books that I was aware of and so that was sort of the first little hit and then the second hit was all his um information in the bathrooms I don't know if you remember Ange about bees saving the bees yeah and so that was the second hit and then the third hit was the drums all the drums that were placed all around and I was like who is this guy you know that was my question and um so we had a really lovely time at the winery and then the next morning I got this I call them little downloads I don't know what you guys call them but it was a very clear message that you need to go back to the winery and you need to leave a book for this gentleman Stephen Sipes and part of me always argues with my higher self sometimes where I'm like what what are you talking about like this guy's not going to read this book like really and sure enough it was very insistent no no no you need to go back just I was like okay okay I Surrender I will go back so I actually wrapped it up and it was the day of my son's wedding so I was going to Kelowna to pick up my daughter because I was responsible for dressing her so I drop off this book at the winery and then go pick up Jules and then don't think about it anymore because now it's like the wedding and so forth and of course I don't hear anything right as I expected and then six months Rolls by and I'm at the Toronto Airport and I get this message from him saying oh my God I just read your book you have to come to the winery when can you come and I was like is this real or did somebody actually hack my phone you know like yeah and and so I respond and there's a phone number and so on and so long story short we we make a date for me to come out to Kelowna and he hooks me up with Edge he hit he's like okay this woman is gonna pick you up and she'll bring you to the winery and to do all those things right so I get on a plane I get picked up by Ange and then the minute I get into the car she introduced herself as is it Willow


Willow Wolf Woman so the key piece for me was the wolf okay as soon as I heard the word wolf my body and my mind and my soul went to this beautiful place uh in Arizona um it's a wolf sanctuary medicine we'll launch there you go medicine wheel Lodge and I go hey you know there's this place where you can actually be with the wolves and it's a sanctuary and she looks at me and she goes yeah I know I've been there


that like so Random right because it's not like a Disneyland kind of place where come one come all like it's an adventure to get there it's one of our favorite places on the planet yeah she talks about it all the time it's amazing you'll have to go you'll have to go for sure like I want to bring my I want to take my husband there one time because he loves dogs right and he loves he you know particularly loves dogs so he'll love it but yeah it was so random and that was the moment where it was like oh okay that's and there's more to this story because there's another player who comes into it who is Elise and she was she's a friend of ours friend of mine who at the time as all this was happening she was supposed to come to Kelowna and I knew she was planning not to come and because of our connection and it was with Elise that I went down to this wolf sanctuary and that's another story in itself and also very guided and very guided like in the moment like it was like you got to do this and you got to do it now like it's not like wait three months it's like we had a conversation her and I was on a Tuesday night and on the Friday we were in the car driving down there and not knowing that we would ever go to this wolf sanctuary we were going for other reasons right but then where it led us to was this wolf sanctuary and then that connection with you and then some other things that happened on the way back through Montana when we met some interesting people and they have other ideas of what to do with wolves and we had just come from this wolf sanctuary where we were like holding that energy of like preserving these amazing beings right so it was all guided but so that that was an amazing moment for I know for me because I was like oh okay you've been there and then when I phoned at least that night and said it's what I said to Elise I said Elise I know you think you're not coming but you're already here and here's what happened and I told her the whole story about meeting you and she's like and I said if it has anything to do with money and you just short a little bit I got you don't worry get on the plane and she came right yeah so yeah so that was that was amazing too and when it made me realize and was was uh there's a bigger plan there's some I always talk about it like this like there's some Force I don't want to get too weird here but there's something as weird as you want but but you know there's some force that choreographing like I'm a director I've worked with children all my life I've directed plays I've been in plays uh you're choreographing something you're talking to your actors and saying okay here you need to do this here you need to come in here you know so on and so forth there is also a force I feel like that's doing that with us you know like we got that download to to go like I said to go and everything flowed beautifully and then you obviously got the same download yes and even the woman who owns the place I mean she would tell you her story it was all came to her in dream time right and she was guided to go down there and and open up this place right so you know it's so fascinating because had had we not gone there I think our our connection that was our Anchor Point yeah yeah and we talk a lot about following your intuition yeah and ultimately like when you start getting deeper into it that that's what intuition is like we're all here for a purpose should we choose to allow that guidance to come in right and then that's when that once we allow once we surrender to that guidance that's when that intuition starts coming what we call intuition is the guidance that we are agreeing to to to allow to to lead us and the magic that comes with it is just amazing and immeasurable I mean there's so many people with stories of once they once they let go once they start following their intuition the things that start happening are just too like they're too good you can't you can't make it up your imagination can't even go as wild as as what happens so yeah if you just allow just allow yeah right yeah and you've you've trained yourself to follow those and to look for the signs because we know the universe speaks to us in symbols right and so when you got in the car and you know I introduced myself as Willow white wolf and your reaction it there for me there was this alchemical switch that happened that there were there was emerging already before we were five minutes down the highway and I felt like I'd known you forever right because we could both tap into that vibration that we both knew existed how do you put words to it you can't you just know and we knew we knew in that moment right and then the next couple days we just did this beautiful sacred dance of blowing each other up and and it was an amazing it was it was an amazing couple days with you and so I'd like to um share some some of our experiences um so on the land I think he has 80 acres um and it's on indigenous land and he has been gifted um the the honor of holding these sacred lodges or a sacred Lodge for the indigenous Community there and he's the lodge keeper and so you have to ask permission and it's a very Sacred Space and he allowed me to take you and by that point Elise was now in Kelowna with us and we went there so you know you can share what happened as we were walking out to the kakuli


yeah that that was really something too um so I'll start with as soon as you mentioned the kakuli you would mention the word kakuli and on a logical or intellectual level I didn't know what that meant I I never in this lifetime heard that word right however my body did and was like oh I gotta go in there like and and just to see it I wasn't expecting as we've talked about before to do anything in there I just it was like in in Hospitality they call it a site inspection right right right it was like that I was like oh I need to see this this kakuli as a site inspection that that's how I understood it and um there was a couple of other girls it was so cool too I don't know if you remember this Edge but all these women started gathering around the pyramid like there was elderly women there was younger women there was like a whole group of women start showed up in Kelowna on those few days so there was some something deaf really Brewing let's call it that right and and so I was staying with at this point a couple of other girls as well so Elise was there me and then two of my our other friends and I basically said to them all hey guys you want to come to the kakuli and they were like nah no tired no no and then at least at the very last minute she goes you know what I'll come and I was like okay great so off we go and um we're walking down now I remember we're walking down it's winter yeah it's February and I I'll never forget this because honestly I felt like I was in my vision board yeah I don't know if you remember that part but I was like I'm in my vision board like there was a there was a there was this the the the the the key piece was there was this truck that was very unique it was like an old truck that I also had on my vision board there was a greenhouse there was like all these pieces and I I I was already feeling like wow this is bizarre like I'm you know I'm I'm literally in it and so we kept walking and then we got to and we're just casual very casual and then we got to the entrance of the kakuli and the three of us just went into a very reverent State and I remember I was wearing this wool gray coat and I had gotten all these little what do you call them rumbles I'm not even sure they're kind of like they're about this big uh the size of a cherry and they've got all the sticker things on them so they cling to everything they're like a dried seed pod with poker thingies and when you got them on yet you got them for good we call them cockle bars where I came from there you go they're just nasty looking yeah so she's now find cones and they like wool and now Grace is covered in them I've got them all at the bottom but just before you two I felt like I had like you two on either side of me as kind of was Maids of waiting almost it felt like it was very interesting and because you guys automatically started taking them off of me and we were very like again in this very reverent state but at least turn around do you remember this and she turned and there was a bridge there was this Red Bridge and she turned and she said oh they're here again and I was like who and she goes you remember the beings we saw when we were in Sedona and I was like oh yeah so so she's very Clairvoyant at least and but basically she was seeing indigenous people both times coming with us or or there with us for sure and so the first time was when we were on the Sedona trip and when we saw the wolves and then the second time was there right so so we get into this very reverent state with No Agenda we have zero agenda we have no we're just going to see it yeah site inspection right but now we like all of us are like no we're doing more than that so we go in and we went into a full-on ceremony just full on ceremony it was amazing and um you know one of I hesitate to almost share this but I'm gonna because it's part of what I'm doing here is you know now you you didn't you don't know my daughter you haven't met my daughter but Elise knows my daughter very well and one of the things that we both saw like both Elise and I saw while we were in there was that Julianne has this big role like a very big role on the planet uh even though she's you know you may not know that looking at her or people will often ask me like does your daughter work and I go but it's not in the way that we understand it's not three-dimensional work yeah it's very it's it's it's very it's very interesting right but that was it it was very moving for me of course as Julianne's mother and then you always have to check in with yourself if am I actually seeing this correctly or am I wanting this to be what this is but then Elise was that confirmation because she we hadn't talked about anything again neither one of us had any agenda and so when we went out and we compared notes she was like oh yeah I saw Julianne and very clear and so it was like okay you know and and so that was interesting now what I recall the three of us were really seeing was this Wolf Woman and we compared notes about that where we saw her so she was half wolf half woman and that was in the kakuli and so we did some Haka in there we did a lot of different things we did in there but it was a very profound um experience and and what I've learned about myself as well is you know you may not be um a superstar in a worldly point of view let's put it that way but your effect on the world can still be very strong so by that I mean I came out of there and for a few days after that it was like the wave went out and then all the calls started to come in and nobody knew it's not like we were doing anything like this or we were the three of us were called together specifically to do what we did in their uh it was very sacred I'm very happy actually to hear I didn't know that that was indigenous land I didn't realize that so I definitely have something going on with indigenous peoples like I would say that every kind of where I turn and do something there's an indigenous peace so I'm like I find that interesting and I'm fascinated by that as well um but yeah it was very it was it was very profound I mean we were we were very uh moved I know all of us were very moved for sure um and we all got information as well right so yeah well for me um I think it's really cool to have two different perspectives on what happened in there um because you know I'd been in there before it's you know I had committed to also being a a groundskeeper and guardian of that area that's why will a white wolf went there for protection and um walking walking up to the kakuli you know we're in a foot and a half of snow for those of you who don't spend time in Canada it's called you know hence the wool coats and the boots up to our knees like we're trudging through snow in the woods here right and so a kukuli is what they used to live what the indigenous Community used to live in and it's almost underground it's just it just looks like a great big lump it's been you know now there's grass and stuff growing in it kind of looks like an overgrown sweat lodge inside there's a hole with a fire pit in the middle so that the smoke can go up um so kind of a cross between a sweat lodge and a teepee like I don't know that's kind of the only way I could describe it without you know showing a visual they're Hobbit houses their Hobbit yeah yeah and and you can fit I don't know what maybe 30 or 40 people standing inside so it's quite large and so as we're walking up to it and I'm seeing all these brambly things on great and that's exactly what happened she stopped and Elise and I just dropped to our knees and started you know and it was all and as we started doing it in the beginning it was like oh these darn things and then all of a sudden we got into this Rhythm and it was like we were energetically cleansing our Elder before we went into the Sacred Space and if any of you have ever done sweat lodges and stuff you do that you CL you cleanse yourself Sage or with whatever before you go in and without even words like there was no vocabulary around you know once when when Grace says there was this reverence that came in there was no words we walked in dropped to our knees both of us started doing this and she just stood there and it there was this grandmother energy right she was our Elder that's exactly what it was for me too and so allowing you guys to go in you know there's a about a five foot Doorway to go in before you get into the round part and I closed you know the door and when I turned around and saw you and Elise standing there like there was this instant Warrior and like it took my breath away


it's gonna make me cry


the space that we held and and again there was no words we I was just going to show you guys right


and yeah site inspection site inspection and then we dropped into this epic epic space and and then you guys sang and I know that is part of your medicine and I just I had tears running down my face the whole time I was in there because for me excess energy release valves um the amount of divine feminine that was held in that space and that's what the kakoulis are that is the womb like it literally does represent the womb and so to have these three wolves in there I was like this is epic I have been in intense apprenticeships for the last six years back then and have held tons of ceremony and that was one of the most powerful experiences to date at that time that I had ever experienced and it wasn't we just did a thing and it wasn't even and there was no words that was the thing we were all so connected on what was happening uh it was so sacred and so special and it opens up something inside of me and and at one point uh one of my Vivid memories is you and Elise had sat down uh because we had wood like literally wood logs cut for chairs yeah and I just I couldn't help myself it was like you know when you got to listen to the guidance and I got down on my hands and knees and like sat on my feet and had my hands like this pushed on the floor and I was sitting beside you and I was out of my body and I'm like I'm literally a wolf right now I I haven't and then Elise said something to me about do you want to share I think you guys were sharing something and I just looked at her and I had no human words because I was literally shape-shifted into my wolf form wow and I and so I just I just kind of blinked and then she carried on like she understood that I was not capable of human words at that point that's never happened up until like that that had never happened oh and then we got up and started singing and then this stuff was coming out of my my my my my trachea like I and again I was so out of my body so in like there was no skin for me and this was happening and I just allowed it to happen but you facilitated that and again that has never happened for me as well so what you guys consider normal was blowing me up inside and then we talked about it after we got out and I said I've never been held like that before and had that divine feminine energy come in even though I have sat with some of the most powerful uh healers that right now the world would say that we have and that one moment with you guys was unlike anything I've ever experienced


it was amazing yeah and that just goes to show that following that intuition surrendering to that that guidance there's a reason right we all made agreements when we came here the choices the question is are we going to choose to remember that agreement or not remember that agreement and if we choose to remember then really Letting Go I mean there's some things we breezed over because of the storytelling one thing that listeners may not have put together is when you got the call to go to this wolf sanctuary in Sedona you live in Canada this wasn't a couple hour drive yeah this was I'm answering this call and I'm gonna be dry for three days to do this thing it wasn't just so when this intuition hits when we get these these callings it's not sometimes it feels big sometimes it feels like a big thing and sometimes it doesn't feel so big but it doesn't change the fact that answering it's going to bring Magic right yeah I have to say about that because Elise was like are you sure we can't fly and I'm like no we have to drive I I know we have to drive I don't know why we have to drive but we have to drive absolutely and then like I said it later the story expanded like we understood why we had to drive because we had to be in Montana we had to experience that piece yeah we had to experience that piece and also bring in you know this healing we ended up in a bar in Montana that because we needed gas we ran out of we ran out of gas we had to go off the highway and it was like and Elise is tough like Elise is tough and she was scared yeah oh yeah and she was tough like she she was scared so she so I was like okay I'll go which I've never seen with her right so I was like okay well we need gas so I have to go in anyways you know it was like this Scene It the scene out of a movie really because the bar was like all their regulars were there and they were they were Montana regular Hangout beer drinking guys right and gals and um then when I went in they they were friendly though they were like you know they were they were little um how would I say it like a little worn in but they were they were still friendly where are you girls from you know that kind of thing and oh we're from Canada Oh Canada oh come on in we'll get you a drink you know blah blah blah so I'm like Elise come on in they're gonna buy us a drink right and then when they asked us what we had been doing down there well we were like oh well we ended up going to this wolf sanctuary and we told the whole story about the woman and how she's helping all these wolves and now these are guys who hunt wolves and have wolves as like games where they like like the complete opposite energetic okay and so for us to show up there and be so enthusiastic and excited about the healing that this woman is doing they were like oh yeah but I truly believe part of our mission was just to bring another idea these are animals that are super you know intelligent beings and maybe you know your your interaction with them the way you're interacting with them isn't the wisest right right yeah yeah so that was the drive yeah yeah and you bring so much light wherever you go I'm sure that seeds were planted well well you hope right yeah you hope and that goes back to what you'd said about the uh you know the the power and influence you know in in reality in the big picture the the part that actually matters are our power and influence on the 3D level really has very little pertinence to our power and influence on an energetic level right I mean some of the most powerful beings on this planet are known by no one except for a small group of people around them and they're doing Cosmic work that the rest of us most of us can't even fathom what they're doing so being powerful and and influential on a 3D level on this planet is is really irrelevant to the bigger scheme of of the universe and what's at play like you said that the higher powers that are you know kind of them well that's like my piece about Julianne right because that's how I see Julianne very much and that's what Elise really saw too like absolutely you know where we really saw what her role is and we were like oh my God like okay and so this is the thing many most people will never know Julianne you know but Julianne because she's again the people she has affected you know you're right on the people she has affected have been greatly affected by her and continue to be you know like she's visiting right now and she's been here she'll be here for a month and just being in her presence again she stirs stuff up like she makes stuff move because if there's no stagnating when you're around her because she's gonna push those buttons that are going to sometimes make you laugh sometimes make you cry sometimes make you scream you know like it's all a release all of it all part of it right yeah and then then there's her just she's just like a love beam like yesterday we were skating and she's just out there like she doesn't skate she walks but she's got like cleats on her boots and she's walking around and people notice how happy she is like they'll come by and go wow like she's so happy and I'm like yeah yeah you know sometimes like for the average person it's like they don't know what to do with it because she's so happy right and she wants to love everyone she wants to just Embrace everybody and I gotta like grab her go no right but most people I found which you know helps to soothe my anxiety is they're great with her like they're just like it's okay like they love to see that amount of of love you know uh coming forward so it's interesting still I'm still learning you know it's like there's more onion on being an appealed that but just just I have to share this little story because I think it's it'll segue somewhere I feel like it needs to be said yeah is um so we were out there yesterday like I said and we were um there was a woman there uh that Julianne you know was like wanting to talk to so she was talking to this lady and the lady was great she was reciprocating and then somehow because Jules is always singing that's you know you talk about music I mean you want somebody like two in the morning will wake up full song you know like her her latest tune like when we're wondering about this because it's one of Cat Stevens songs which I'd never heard and it's about spaceships it's called longer boats and it's it's she's all about it like it's longer boats are coming to win us they're coming to win us and and I'd never heard the song and I love Cat Stevens and and it's I swear to God like she woke up this morning at two and that's the first thing out of her mouth is this song wow and so yeah we're we're like okay what's what's going on um I need to yeah read the lyrics and see if there's some messaging in there oh yeah there's definitely some mess but he himself even said you know there's definitely some messaging you'll see yeah so so there's that but so this woman uh at the skating rink yesterday goes so what's your favorite song Julianne oh she didn't know her name but she goes what's your favorite song and there's this big pause you know because Jules knows a million songs and she knows I swear she knows the lyrics to a million songs like if you ever hang out with her she knows every Bob Marley lyric like every lyric like she just goes on and on and on so so there's this huge pause and I'm thinking to myself what is she what is she waiting for like she knows so many songs anyways holding space for her and then she finally goes stop and change and internally I had to chuckle because that's one of my songs and this woman would never know this song yeah yeah like it's not a famous song as of yet right yeah yeah but I'm like okay so so the woman goes oh cool you know but for me was like huh of all the songs she could have picked to say she picked that one interesting yeah now what's interesting about that particular song is that song was the actual first song that I ever consciously wrote so I had received a song and I don't think we spoke about this last time no I love it tell us the story okay um but basically my son so Julianne wasn't even born yet okay but my son was one year old so his name is Griffin and we lived in Toronto at the time we lived in a place called High Park so I was taking him to go grocery shopping and I was I'm always singing too and so I got to a certain area and I started singing this song and I just acted as if I knew this song like it was just like blah blah blah whatever the song until I reached the um The Bridge of the song and the last line of the bridge is the light in you had started to fade okay and as I sang those words I started bawling my eyes out it was one of those activators where I just that's when I woke up to the realization that this song that I was singing didn't actually exist and this song was fully coming through me words music everything and I literally turned the carriage around and went home because at this was you know my son just turned 30 so 30 29 years ago and no cell phone no nothing so I miraculously remembered all the words and now what's interesting about it it talks about a group of children so the chorus is Children of autumn they were sent from above smiling and carefree they were laughing at me for I was crying and hoping someday I'd be free someday I'd be me that's the chorus okay but it also talks about a people who had come from long ago and these are these people that are returning as children but I also see us as children in the song as well it's not necessarily just children of age but children in innocence infant to wonder and love and beauty and all those things right so that song now has become a play which is really my life's work to get that my goal for that play is that every child on the planet age 6 to 12 gets to present that gets to participate in that play at least once in their lifetime and why because they truly believe that that play and it is a musical is totally loaded with seedings of wisdom yes that these children because there's so much focus on technology these days that if they can come together even for a short time even for six months to put this thing together in community with other children and adults um because that's the beautiful thing about theater right like it just brings so many people together whether you're the costume person or people or the stage crew or you're an actual actor or singer or there's just so many parts and they're all important right they're all important so um we we've produced the show twice once here in Jasper and once in Edmonton and over covet I was working with a beautiful man his name's premik Russell Tubbs he's a professional musician out of New York worked with Santana like all Hearts like you guys would love this man and he did all the arrangements so my partner Greg Diegel and I wrote the music and this other fellow Stephen Shar and myself did the script and but premix did all the arrangements so now it's like an orchestra like there's violin parts and shows and bass and flute and he's a floutist and a saxophone player and percussion and guitar and piano and singing roles and you know all these different things right so so that's now I'm just starting to put on that hat of sales where I might go okay now I want to offer this to to the world right and so just the other night so I was in Toronto recently and the Toronto this Toronto trip was another one of those I need to go to Toronto and I need to go now and I need to go for a month and I had again I don't know why I need to know but I got there and the whole month filled up and the very last day that I was there I met this woman named Naomi Vice w-e-i-s and she's a filmmaker and she's done some amazing films um one called connecting the dots which is all to do with mental health and young people these days it's excellent we do we watched it recently with some friends but just the other night Julianne and I were watching this other one about this brilliant man from Argentina and I'll have to get you the name of this movie but he had a vision because our Gina has a lot of crime and he had a vision and he's a conductor so knows music inside and out right and so he had a vision that if you put an instrument into a child's hand you would help them from becoming a a criminal ultimately okay it would bring more peace to the planet ultimate that's his that's his hypotheses so he's he's created this whole system uh which now has of course grown out and there's a there's people in Ottawa doing it there's people in New York City and it's all funded through fundraising basically but they they teach children of a very young age music musical instruments they they get the musical instruments donated and it's incredible it's incredible and again like so I was watching this movie going okay this I needed to see this because I want to do that with the children of autumn right you know I want to use the play as a way to educate children and and but that music piece that can stay with them forever we want that in there right yeah yeah so just to finish off with with Juliana and the stop and change the stop and change song was a song that I consciously wrote and and it's interesting because it really does talk about sort the situation we're in right now you know and and the covid post-coveted times of um that division that's occurred you know we see we see it everywhere because of covid um and these lyrics were written 20 years ago and uh so and it's about people it's you know so many people so many lives you know there's so much um basically tension and and what is it like what what do we have to do and so stop and change like these are the um but you guys could find it on Spotify it's on Spotify


yeah stop and change and it's uh Griggs and grace and the fellow Marco Briggs he's a brilliant brilliant one of those guys actually that we talk about like not many people in the world unfortunately know of him but he's one of those amazing musicians that just loves to play and you know his he's the violinist in this song and also the bass player and his violin like he's brilliant he's just brilliant so they basically gave me this track you know 20 years ago and said here see if you can do anything with this track and then I wrote The Melody line over top of the music they already gave me right and and that's how that song came about but so yeah so it was funny that Jules brought that up yesterday so yeah and we have a couple minutes left but so I'd like you to quickly tell everyone where you're at with like when we first met you talked about that you wanted to build a space where you could have a little bit of a Healing Center so you know in a couple minutes can you kind of tell us where you're at now with that piece of your dreaming yeah so very quickly um we just bought in September of this year or October as was a closing date October 29th um a little home right beside where my husband and I live which is the jewel house so the dream was always around a place called The Jewel house for people with special needs special homes for special people basically um and it's bigger than that so this was the funny part when I re-listened to our our first podcast and was when I was crawling around Steven's house there and I found the Cherry Hill Coffee yes as we have been working with Cherry Hill and there's a wolf Insignia like that's our symbol is a wolf yeah for Cherry Hill and at first we thought Cherry Hill was going to be one place but we're realizing now Cherry Hill is places all over the planet yes so we've secured a place in in Australia now there's one in Hawaii hopefully you guys will be on board but there's places that are emerging that are going to be part of the Cherry Hill healing Network so that's and it's that is also evolved right because yes get these downloads and then you think oh it's gonna be one spot right and it's like no it's actually going to be many many spots and so the jewel house has been manifested and it's you know in conjunction with the Cherry Hill Network and um yeah and we're just you know just starting there just getting going um we want to paint and but tomorrow for example there's going to be a couple of special needs kids coming in and we're going to do some music some drumming and some music and uh and yes see where it all goes but I also wrote to you guys I don't know if you noticed that but I said I'm a farmer now and that could be another episode actually right


and that's been amazing actually and that's a whole story in itself but it all ties in you know like it all ties in because when I look at my book even you know the children of autumn autism here on purpose there's sunflowers and that is one of our biggest crops and learning from the sunflowers and that also just to Circle back now to Stephen why did we grow sunflowers was when we first started and there's like now my friend Marla Nicole and myself and we have a YouTube channel called Marla Grace Marla Nicole and friends and on that little YouTube channel you would meet our little friend Alfie the elephant and uh he's a very sweet elephant it's a little shy right now uh but he's on our YouTube channel and we grew sunflowers and why because we wanted to attract the bees that was our that was our whole reason was we just want to fall in be Paul we want pollinators yeah sure yeah and then we learned like so much Community has come out of that and then we also learned we've been learning from the sunflowers and uh so that's a whole other story you know what I mean I think that that's another that that might be the next podcast but yeah it's been it's been a real amazing journey farming is intense as heck holy smokes but awesome yeah yeah so I'm really glad to see where you're at I remember how passionate you were talking about manifesting this house and now you've done it dreams in action it just goes to show you know what we're trying to bring on this podcast and to show people that set your intent and take action every little step counts and the universe will provide you symbols and messages you just have to be open and be aware and be present to where you're at if you're way too far ahead or way things thinking about in the back you're going to miss the magic that happens when you're staying right with yourself I'm so glad we've got a chance to reconnect and share and and reminisce about that beautiful time we spent and I know when we talked about it back then that that we do have work to do and and here we are starting starting it off starting the new year off I love it is there a place are you accepting donations do you have a non-profit for the Cherry Hill that we can direct listeners to uh we we have a non-profit like if people go to our website we have a non-profit set up right now for we've been raising money for a hyperbaric chamber but it's funny that you ask um so they were still raising money for that but I'm gonna do because we need to put a new roof on the jewel house so I just got the download the other day was like raise the roof you know raise the roof uh fundraiser for that there you go yeah yeah because that that that would actually be good to talk about um just to recapitulate what you said there Ange about you know the miracles happen that you have to surrender too though right like there's that piece of like okay I've done everything I possibly can now and now it's up to you and with this particular house with the Jewel House definitely ancestral Miracle came through in the form of my mom who is on the other side and that's a story in itself but without what happened there that house would not have been manifested but I really had to say okay Mom you want this to happen or nature you want this to happen you guys I've done everything I can I can't do anything else and then it happened and I was like whoa yeah yeah let go and allow yourself to receive It's amazing And if it doesn't come then trust that it's not meant for you yeah because you were talking about this three years ago it doesn't always happen right away but when you have faith that your mission is in alignment with your heart it will happen yeah and you know in the moment right because when this woman told me about this place it was like immediate my heart was like oh Jewel House like it was immediate right so and there's another confirmation for our listeners what we've been saying every episode listen to your body yes she got the hit listen to your body yes yeah your body knows your body your body not enough your body loves you listen to it right your body my body absolutely thank you Grace I look forward to having another chat with you soon happy New Years all the best luck it's so wonderful to have you yeah


okay love you guys thank you for sharing your time with us if you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast please share it with others post about it on social media and leave a ratings and review hey did you know that both Angel and Seth have books coming out in 2023 stay tuned and follow us on all social media platforms at bytes of light b-y-t-e-s-o-f-l-i-g-h-t


thanks again and we look forward to sharing space with you again soon


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