Multi-dimensional ARTIST, Breathwork in Pyramids, CODEPENDENCY in Coaching with Kya Dubois

Season #1 Episode #14

In today's episode, Angel and Kya talk about their 10 years of working together, touch base on how far they've come since their journey began.

We discuss Kya's first international trip to Teotihuacan with Angel where they experienced mind-blowing breathwork and ceremonies that they are still integrating to this day.

They also discussed limited vision by coaches and leaders, unwilling to share their students, and discuss the benefits of learning form multiple mentors.

Kya Dubois is a Visionary Artist & Creatrix, relating to the world through visual & audible artworks. As 10-year tattooist, bringing the sacred back into this ancient art, a sculptor merging the worlds of crystals & clay and a prolific Visionary Painter, Kya embodies the self proclaimed title of “Multi-Dimensional Artist”. You can find the links to all her various socials & Etsy store through her website, or find below more specific links: 

Instagram (tattoos): @souloftheboreal
Instagram (Art & Wordsmithing): @art.of.kya


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[Episode Transcription]

welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer our mission is to bring bite-sized nuggets of information to be digested as you please take a quick bite or stay for the whole party pleasure being the main component of our mission we will also bring other humans into our space to share their magical Brew with us all love service and wisdom is what we are bringing to the table join us in our magical kitchen for what is being served is for your highest good


hello all and welcome to another episode of Bytes of Light: Snacks for your Soul and we got some juicy snacks for you today we have with us today Kya Dubois our amazing artist and brand new author yeah join us on our book collaboration bites of light and we're so excited that you are coming to play with us in this collaboration yes I am so excited and the Beautiful artwork on the front of our book is made by Kya,  talented in many mediums


"multi-dimensional artist" is the term I like to use oh there you go the three I know of is you're a digital artist you're a paint artist and you're also a tattoo artist and you're incredible yeah all three of them yeah I I would also like to include um I think writing is an art I'm a writer uh I play in sculpting with clay and carving of Bones and wood and and natural materials and ink and pencil and colored pencils and and and and pretty much anything my inner child wants to get her little fingers on I just go for it yeah and I'm covered in your Arts like you are my tattoo artist and I'm actually wearing a piece of your art as well so I see that so on theme right I'm wearing a big quartz you're you're hugging your cords that's just kind of yeah


Crystal babies the babies there's a little this little support for the podcast Sports Comfort of course Comfort I like that


well and and yeah we've been uh we've been playing in this sandbox for 10 years we just discovered that is so crazy we are celebrating our 10-year anniversary yay um Kya was I call her one of my OG members she's uh one of my original babies when I first started holding circles and doing this kind of work and her and I have navigated many many spaces many collaborations many heart spaces all over BC and I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you and I acting as sacred mirrors for each other it has been quite the ride oh it hasn't ever it's really been multi-dimensional in its own right really yeah


yeah so traveling back


holding these circles um give the audience a little bit of a taste of where you were and what were some of your takeaways right from that very beginning those first couple of that first year that we did so much work together


um so back then I guess like some some contextual imagery would be where I was in my world um I had just opened my first tattoo shop um outside of my house at least uh my first like brick and mortar space to invite clients and hold Sacred Space in that element I was finally just starting to come back to myself at that time um as a child I was raised exclusively with witches which has raised me a lot of magic sacred feminine energy surrounded me in so many different dimensions um I remember being gifted my first Tarot deck that I that I still use to this day I think somewhere around eight or nine years old maybe uh and I was really brought up in that magical spiritual World um but I lost immense touch with that through my teen years and my youth I was in a really lost space of trying on different identities I was in this new community that I didn't know there was no real space for me there and so I really lost myself or maybe better to say I found myself through some different masks that weren't in total alignment with me but they did help me delve into some spaces I never would have but at the time where our paths kind of converged I was starting to step back into that space I was reclaiming my witch I was just starting to learn about crystals I was back to playing with that card deck from my childhood I was getting back into meditation I was reclaiming my my whole identity in right down to my aesthetic and I was really feeling ready and invigorated inspired to find that space again and go a little deeper as like an adult and that's when our pass converged when you hosted your very first circles and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the first circles was the collaboration with Donna with doing the the chakra workshots which was incredible and that was a six-week Workshop I believe where one of them you combine to the chakras yeah we did a four-week foundational to just kind of introduce people to who we were and what we were about uh so we did the four weeks foundational classes and then we did the Shocker classes after this so I was about 10 weeks yeah I had just started learning about chakras at that time too so it was such a really good um deep immersive experience to really kick off uh that Journey well it was funny because I how we met was somebody had was it online or I can't remember but somebody had said this person's a great tattoo artist and so I came to you and that there's Archangel Michael's sigil right here on my wrist that was my first time in your space and as you were doing this very small tiny tattoo that was when our world exploded and they said come and do this and since then like I'm I'm covered I'm I'm covered I can't show that yes but I every since ever since that day you sitting in my circles or me you initiating me through your tattoo where there was just this dance that started happening yeah and it was it was such an ease and such a fluid flow to it that really um didn't require any effort I felt it was so natural it was it was like an immediate connection of knowing um when you first walked in my tattoo shop


I remember when it was starting with that really simple sigil um and you started telling me about Reiki which I've never heard of right ever but you're like Kaya you're you're doing it you're working on me right now what the [ __ ] is this woman talking about




one tree of course


I felt like that moment really opened something right in myself and having that external validation as well right when when you're mostly surrounded by people who are not open not awake not in tune but you can always feel things being very sensitive to energy and then having some especially total stranger right come into your space and validate you with the proper vocabulary is just a wild wild experience and then we went on a grad


we still are on a Grand Adventure yeah but there was there was a soul connection your first day [Music]


you were literally tattooing Archangel Michael sigil onto my body that in itself is sacred right yeah that still gives me chills that's sacred medicine right there and so I knew it back then but I didn't embody it as deeply as I do now to reflect that back like we were doing some big medicine energetic work back then without even truly even understanding what we were doing and that's what happens in the beginning when you're first learning yeah and absolutely 10 years later we're going whoa we moved some big energy and and provided some huge Transformations for each other and it was 2015 so two years later after we started doing work together um we went to the pyramids together that was my first time going and you know to share that space with you and to go and and do those ceremonies and be on the grounds and to be able to share that experience with you was incredible and still unpacking some of the stuff that happened there oh totally that was such a powerful experience and I know for me the interesting um little tidbit around that is I hadn't done any traveling yet I'd ever gone International and when I thought about like you know the the bucket list of all the places you want to go Mexico was at the dead bottom right it's like I don't care I don't care about Mexico because like when I thought Mexico all I thought was Resorts and inclusive resorts and drinking margaritas on a beach it's like if I want to drink on a beach I'll just grab a six-pack and go to koocanusa like exactly right like I'm no interest in spending my money and time on that and it ended up being the very first place I ever went and what an incredible [ __ ] experience that was yeah yeah smack dab in the middle of Mexico nowhere near the ocean nowhere near any resorts


and it just shifted my entire world and my entire paradigm


yeah that's the power of Tale it is I still have um I started a painting after we got back from Teo that was meant to embody the the sacred feminine energy of that space and it is still like half finished I have not touched it since and I think I'm not supposed to touch it again until I go back I was gonna say maybe you need to to be back and see if any energies and then yeah yeah because there there was ceremonies that happened there at jaw dropped me


and literally I remember saying what the [ __ ] yeah witnessing right now so it's it you know it's one thing like you said to go to Mexico and go hang out on the beach and have a vacation but it's another thing to step into sacred ceremony on a deeper level and witness the magic that comes out of it absolutely so witness what bubbles up for you because I know I went through my own stuff and you went through your own stuff there too like there's this Bliss and and it is matched is matched on the other side like we go there to clear Oak yeah yeah there was there was such immense euphoria with that Bliss and then on the other side of that there was such intense grief so much intense grief I remember a few times of just absolutely ugly snot crying uncontrollably I could not pull it together and same for you absolutely


it was just like that wild pendulum swing that it had to bring in that balance or to do that deep diving and just what a what an incredible experience and it was the first time that I'd experienced breath work to that level like I in trauma therapy like we were very lucky in Cranbrook to have powerful powerful therapists and healers there but to go and do that kind of work in a group session breathing um that's what took me over the edge and it had me questioning my sanity and now 10 years later Seth is now like facilitated like is a facilitator of the world yeah


sure does it ever and you stack that on top of being in a place that's already inherently you know the bail is already thinner and that power that exists there is already so great so now you you just step into that space of Teo and then you do the breath work so it's like instead of starting down here and taking yourself to here you're starting up here taking yourself even further yeah and I had never done breath work before that that is your job right into the bear's den you know I mean a trip to Teo and doing some of the programming that Teo that it's designed for is transformational all by itself and breath work is transformational all by itself so that really is kind of baptism by fire to go to Teo for the first time and do breath work for the first time and that's life well and you say baptism on fire we fire walked that weekend as well yeah right we a lot of very significant ceremonies and opportunities right there yeah I think it was such a large amount of death that happened right that it took you and I both like literal years years to come to terms with that it really blew us the [ __ ] up


yeah and a lot of the medicine that I learned from that trip was um how to how how to show up for your circle and how to show up grounded and present um knowing what I needed so now having that having that experience I believe has made me a better teacher a better facilitator and knowing what else I want to bring to the table when we go and do those kind of things so I think having these kind of Journeys and doing things that are completely out of your comfort zone it shifts your assemblage points so much you have no you have no other option but to drop in and surrender surrender to the whole experience and just allow yourself to open and be there yeah there really wasn't a choice there is an option to fight it all the time and it literally leads to what we call in a 3D world is insanity yeah yeah try to fight this thing that's coming through to their core as this truth and with their with their mind their mind begins to fight their heart opening and the dissonance becomes so great that it literally can cause snaps and Insanity the same thing happens with drugs that uh you know the drugs that cause trips and these that open people up you know people think the drugs make them crazy or if drugs don't make crazy the drugs open them so much to a world they're so that's so foreign to them that they can't cause they reject it they reject it outright they don't ease into that world like you do when you when you do those practices in a more controlled environment and and it just causes this snap because their their mind fights what their body knows and it just becomes so great that that things just kind of go off the rails until they can get some serious powerful energetic healing absolutely yeah and as soon as as soon as the modern world recognizes that we can probably see a you know probably see a huge decrease in the mental health oh yeah absolutely we're getting there we are we are getting there and I think I think this is why it's important for for people like us to do the work um so that we can share our experiences you know way showing is a thing yes right and those that walk on the edge you know you do


when you take yourself deep into your own Darkness to navigate out and to try to find the light you know I know there was times I questioned my sanity but then I just remember I just remember that trauma counselor way back in the day that says if you're questioning your sanity you're not insane absolutely absolutely because I think a lot of people don't understand that breath work and doing these kind of sacred ceremonies if they're done properly and it is a safe container um you can get to Heights that you would get on Ayahuasca or mushrooms or these like you can't yeah yourself to those spaces without having the plant medicine absolutely that was definitely my experience with it it was very psychoactive yes incredibly and I'm not even a visual person which is funny to say as an artist but when it when it comes to um the the higher spaces and the and the dimensions and the Claires uh the the site is not mine it's really not um but it was incredibly psychoactive for me it was jarring and beautiful and incredible and scary and terrifying but also nurturing and wonderful and welcoming and it was all these things this multi-dimensional Mastery that is breath work and it's like you know you want to do drugs but but don't do drugs breathe right and I tell people breath


work breaks on drugs is that there's not a there's not a control over how far you go once it once you've taken it you're going you're taking that ride as far as depending on how much you took right it's the roller coaster you're on the roller coaster whether you like it or not and with breath work you kind of have control over how far you go you know there's a there's the ability you can you can really ramp up your breathing and you can activate those parts of your brain more and go further or you can if you're real timid you can ease into it like you can take a few times to ease into it so it's it's the more controlled version where the where the person doing the breathing is to their foot on the accelerator yeah there's like a real grounded leadership yeah like you can choose yeah exactly exactly so in your practice now so going from back then to where you are now what is some of the medicine from those spaces that you took that you've kind of implemented in your life and use as daily tools you know just the transition from where you were then to now


um I think one major one has been a revolved around ego that's been a big one I think a lot of a lot of us who step down this um uh this like aligned authentic and aware spiritual path when we first start and you have that first big breakthrough or that big pathway opening that first bill Ascension step you feel so amazing you feel so good and a whole world opens up to you with excitement it's all light and fluff and clouds and rainbows and you want everybody to feel how you feel and what I've noticed um in this world is a lot of people within that first couple of years they take that excitement and they step too far and by that I mean they start they open up their own practices they open up their own coaching they open up their own circles without taking the time for real integration to get past that fluffy stage because everybody wants to do it I did I felt like I wanted to in those first couple of years I was like oh my God this is incredible I want everybody else to feel how incredible this is and I want to take them on this journey with me thank god I didn't


thank god I know one thing you actually taught me that has always stuck with me is that people can only you can only take people as far as you've come and I've seen tell me if you've seen this or not as well I've seen in especially the western New Age space and the popularity of its mainstream growth in the last 10 to 20 years is becoming a lot of egotistic Pathways and these people who do not see how little they've actually come compared to where they need to get before they can take others under their wing and behind them and they start pulling people along farther than they've even gotten themselves and it's causing harm well I experienced it right yeah most of us have at this point I believe and so learning to sit with that and checking your ego took a lot of time for me and to ease back on that space of wanting to facilitate wanting to lead wanting to bring others on because it also wasn't exactly my path I had yet to find my path and I think that's something that has stayed with me in a lot of different ways that is frayed into different branches that to watch myself and to be able to check my ego on a regular basis and go is this authentic is this me is this theirs


am I aligned and it's such a powerful tool that gets underutilized I find that has been such a major one and it really did start with you saying that to me you can only take people as far as you've come which meant something to me then but it was still so surface level because then I was really lost in that and not quite lost but just excited and playful and that child in me wanted to go everyone come and play with me I want you to come and play in my sandbox come yeah but my sandbox wasn't ready right it wasn't clean I had to build it it wasn't even there yet yeah


skeletons are still buried in there


and and that it's it's that whole that saying has now taken on a far deeper meaning for me and it's and I keep unpacking layers in that and I keep spiraling into that pathway taking coming back to that same lesson again and again but on a deeper and higher level that has been such an important implementation in my life and of course I'm human so I don't always get it right and that's part of The Human Experience baby because I am a spiritual being having a human experience not the other way around and that that is so powerful and it it helps me be able to discern between is this a reflection experience is this a mirror for me or is this just them or is this all me am I causing harm to others or can I be indifferent to this experience


I think that's been a real powerful one for mine one of the big things I find with with people is like you said you get in that excitement space and it's not so much that they I guess for me what I see is it's not so much that they need to wait till longer is that they just need to recognize their own limitations right if I'm super excited about this awareness that I have I could show that to people that haven't had that awareness but what I feel like is happening more often than not is they they want to create a business around it because they want to just do that right which is great I think all of us would love to work in a space where and that's what we're working towards is just to be providing expansion and growth for others so they create the business well then then the scarcity Creeps in and that's where fear comes in and then ego gets their foot back in the door and says okay well now you've got to make this business make money or else you're going to be you're going to suffer financially you're gonna you're gonna be without so then they start looking at okay well I've I if this is all I know and all I can show people that I'm not going to make enough money I gotta I gotta expand what I can offer and that's the slippery slope then they start trying to offer things that they don't have to know industry in and then and that's when the harm starts well here's this thing I read about I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how to do this I'm gonna take you on this journey oh [ __ ] I don't really know how to bring you back from that Journey or how to properly take you on that journey and that's when the harm not just at the physical level what can be the harm in the the spiritual and energetic it can really you can really tangle People's Energy up in a way that they have to then really seek out powerful masters of energy manipulation to correct that and they but they don't know it yeah on the outside they still look and they look in the mirror I still look like the person I was how come I'm so torn up yeah so it's that it's that balance of being willing to only teach to what you know and staying out of scarcity and feeling letting that fear of lack driving your choices that's when we start to miscreate right when we create out of fear call it it's a miscreation not a creation absolutely that was so well put I love that and it's it's surely like never done intentional harm right it is really just that that you want it's it's really it's coming intentionally from that love space um I want everyone to feel as good as I have but when there hasn't been the time taken to have that well-rounded toolbox when you can take someone through like a psychoactive experience but you're unable to provide support and facilitation for integration afterwards they're going to leave people raw and Tangled


the healers you know you don't know one Healer that that they've had to work through codependency that is kind of part of part of what we clear out in our soul baskets and I find that's the other piece that that it's okay for your students and if you are yourself a student to have more than one teacher and I think people really get hung up in that oh you can't go work with somebody else because like you know absolutely and it's I feel very lucky and grateful coming from the Sporting Community that was wiped out of me in my 20s because it you know you're talking life and death physical life and death and if you don't trust your coach you need to go find another coach and everybody in our sport understood that and we we swapped kids all the time like that that was a regular practice in my old community so stepping into this spiritual type community I was jaw-dropped at at how some of the teachers and students kind of tried to navigate that space [Music] that is one thing that I'm trying to spread into the world that it's okay to be polyamorous with your teachers Health yeah you can love more than one teacher and I encourage you to go love more than one teacher right well really like the basis of it is is we're all humans and no one human can have the answers or teachings or solve everything for one person it's impossible it's the same as our partners or our friendships


why would we expect that from our teacher I see a lot of the same thing in the tattoo industry um mostly from clients though not the other way around where a lot of people get stuck in this mindset of you are my tattoo artist and I will never go see anybody else no matter what yeah and it's like oh babe don't do that you're closing yourself off to so much Beauty and talent and wonder in this world I actually recall um a bit of a fronting moment actually 10 years ago and um what is now Huckleberry books but back then it was Lotus books yes when Aaron was starting those circles with Brenda and Aaron as well right yeah um I walked in one day and one of the older ladies was participating we'd never met before and um one of the leaders just just introduces us as friends like you know we're meeting the people who are about to sit in circle with you and and I don't even say what my career is but the facilitator introducing us goes oh yeah Kai is a tattoo artist and this older lady like doesn't even take a breath and goes oh well I already have my tattoo artist so and it was just so rude for one you guys aren't even talking about I didn't ask because I just didn't ask also you can totally go to another tattoo artist you know like it's and we all have such different styles and different gifts to offer why would you only stick with one why would you do that you're limiting yourself off to such an immense World an immense space of beauty and privilege and most of us tattoo artists understand that and we will pass off clients with each other and go oh you know I could do this for you but I I really think so and so will do that so much better I really think they'll bring that space to you a whole lot better and back and forth and we do that in reciprocity and in community and it's not competition and it allows a more full and saturated experience for this person who is bringing their you know spin ourselves onto their skin permanently don't limit yourself to just one teacher to just one artist to to just one facilitator it it is it doesn't bring benefits to your teacher it only robs you of what could be yeah and I'm so happy that at your age you get that right because that you are part of the new generation bringing this this medicine forward and you know a perfect example even last year in in the spiritual Circles of the collaborative books um uh somebody who would consider themselves famous in our community got mad at a student for going and writing in somebody else's book you know it's like it's none of your business no it's not it does not and and wouldn't a more authentic aligned space be to see joy in your baby birds flying yeah


it becomes your reality that's out there very much like that's amazing and your group of artists you are holding the art as what is sacred and not a pocketbook right or the person yeah but that goes against everything that they teach about business right and business it does yeah training and retaining attain the clients and retain them how do you keep them with you and that's that business model is what's getting mixed in with this expansion yeah offering that expansion and growth and you try to mix this business model in and it is counter productive yeah I um I've always kind of said that I am an artist first who just happens to have to do business right right it's not it's not my jam man it's not my groove baby that's what's so cool about this this newer generation coming up and that are shaking shaking these agreements out and figuring out what is working what isn't working and it's important and it needs to happen you know yeah drop everybody back down into their heart space and and Live From Love instead of you know navigating through their fear spaces all the time you know that that same trauma counselor once said that you know 90 of our lives are run by our inner children because there's no awareness so you know when you really sit and think with that they do need a little bit of a navigation there right so to be able to hold your inner child's hand and have that conversation about when it's okay to play and when it's not and all of that reconnecting in with your inner child is where the magic and the medicine is and to be able to hold space for you for the last 10 years and help you navigate that space with your own inner child has been some of the best medicine and magic for me as well because when we facilitate we also heal you know it there is there is equal energy exchange when you're in true authentic partnership with somebody absolutely absolutely it totally is I want to come back to something you said Seth where you reminded me that it is the reality I'm seeing and I'm choosing and I do forget that there is a whole other reality out there and you reminded me so I'm on I'm on an online Forum that's for tattoo artists on Facebook it's mostly [ __ ] posting and trolling but sometimes there's some fun conversations I remember just the other day someone made a post in there asking why the tattoo industry was so toxic why are we always fighting each other why are we tearing each other down why are we always being so overly critical of each other why can't we work together as a community yada yada and I just thought what are you talking about I'm like that's not what I see right it's not my experience and I I had to check myself a little bit in that moment go right there is this whole other reality that I'm just choosing not to be part of and I'm choosing not to participate in it and I would much rather hold on to my reality and hold that space in my heart and you totally just reminded me is that said that yeah actually I guess it is still pretty good I'm just I'm just so used to dancing in my own little reality over here just like happy is a little bird but that's what it is right you're creating your story so you've created a story historication to down here in these lower vibrations right obviously that's low vibration [ __ ] so you've yeah created a story where for you it's not toxic you can be a tattooist and it's not toxic and they can create that story too if they do the work if they do the work to raise their vibration let go of the [ __ ] and begin to raise their life and recognize for one where most people haven't even got to is recognize that they have the authority to write their own story and that they are writing their own story they're just doing it unconsciously now and allowing other people's [ __ ] and old [ __ ] to write it for them yes so it's beautiful that you that that's where you're at that you're like I know that [ __ ] doesn't even happen in a tattoo world everybody cooperates it's great it's not Doggy Dog yeah and I think it's important for people to understand that it wasn't always like that for us we it has taken it has taken years of working on ourselves staying with ourselves holding our in your childhoods children's hand finding the circles that resonate with us to help us evolve working together like this isn't something that happens overnight you got to put in the work you know I used to be a fighter you used to be a fighter like you you work through it there's different levels of Ascension as you're coming up and you do have to find your inner warrior first before you can come back into peace right and you know just because we can be soft and we can live in this this higher dimension doesn't mean I am not going to fight for my inner peace yes right that Warrior's still there yeah but only when I need it and when it's called upon it is not running rampant causing chaos right there's there's this there's this Stillness and this balance that has come in and that takes years absolutely it's the sometimes peace comes after the Bloodshed but sometimes peace can happen instead of the bloodshed exactly and they both exist you have to one first you have to be aware that there is that there is this possibility to have this inner sovereignty and you get to choose and then you have to be get to a point where you are trust yourself to defend that space and that's the warrior space like it doesn't always have to be about the Bloodshed and it doesn't have to be a fierce space but you have to get to where there's a that where your your inner child and that your that essence of who you are trusts again that you can defend that space and then once you trust the defenses up then you can actually let go yes live in that space that's when you can drop back into that feminine energy that we all house actually be the goddess in of your Sovereign Nation knowing that if somebody comes to you the Warriors there he can do what it needs to do but you don't have to live in that space all the time yeah absolutely aggression yeah it's that spiral path right training our Warriors to defend not to attack yes it's a we still we still need the warrior we just train it a different way absolutely usually I think a lot of times people become aware and then that warrior becomes aggressor initially because that's they need to step to that extreme to make up for how much they've been letting themselves get stepped off and walked over so they they kind of stand up and go no more and they become very aggressive and then they realize oh not everybody wants to fight or maybe I should maybe I should just wait and protect myself when somebody steps to absolutely one one extreme will always be get another extreme until you can hold awareness and bring yourself into balance and and learn what time and place requires what tool right the larger you can build your toolbox the more well-equipped you are for every scenario it all requires commitment and practice and those are the realtor keys right you got to commit to your own Evolution and then be willing to do the practice yeah absolutely so recently you got a new space I did


and you manifested the [ __ ] out of that I did I am a master manifester as it so appears


that's adding your attendant literally is all about the intent and to be able to witness you set the intent and be part of the conversation and then what was it about a month later boom here's this magical space that you are now being able to step into and create with and house other people like there's just this beautiful Next Step that has come in for you yeah so so for the listeners just to paint the imagery and the context here for the past seven years I have been um tattooing out of basically an office it was a whole office space that was turned into a co-op a collaborative workspace that each office room could be rented into a different business um this was my second brick and mortar space from the first one where you and I first met where I jumped into a larger space I quickly realized it wasn't fitting me it was unnecessary I was starting to more regularly and faster book out farther and so I no longer needed hours to sit in my shop and just waste time I was booking out I couldn't take walk-ins what was the point of me having and paying for all of this space so I downgraded from like 900 square feet or something or 1100 square feet I can't remember to 137 square feet like smaller than a bedroom smaller than your average bedroom maybe a bathroom like it was time and I've been there for seven years and it was wonderful and beautiful and I had so many opportunities to be around um other folks with their businesses in so many different Realms um Donna being one of them yeah you were in there um so I uh last year we are a year into it I took on an apprentice which um is something I never saw myself doing I never wanted to do I did not have the capacity both physically in my tiny little room and energetically um but it was something synchronistic so I the universe said say yes so I said [ __ ] yes so we started sharing that tiny little room we made it work for us but I already knew even before taking on my beautiful Apprentice that I was ready to step into something at least a little bit bigger something else something was a little more owned a little more mine and I was ready for that graduating step and so I started looking like a year ago and I knew what I wanted I knew what I wanted to pay I knew what bracket I wanted to be in um but where I live it's pretty hard to find these little these little spaces everything that's empty and available is huge and pricey uh So eventually uh late last year I came across the space that I have now it was coming up available I booked a time to look at as soon as I could I went in I saw it I knew immediately this is mine this is mine I must have you


uh the landlord told me they had already showed somebody and they were going to let them know uh like next week within a week we'll let you know next week if they take it I said okay in the meantime I had already started collecting various things from thrift stores and ordering things that I knew needed to be in the shop so I have a big Sprinter van and I'm driving around on a daily basis to and from work to the grocery store with just [ __ ] jammed into the back that are it's all designated for my new spot my new shop one week goes by two weeks goes by I don't hear from the landlords I assume the other people have taken it and they just forgot to text me I say that's okay I let it go I just released all expectations on that I completely let go of any attachment to that said that wasn't meant for me that's perfectly okay maybe I'll give it a few more months I'll stop looking for now at least where I'm at as affordable I'll look later as soon as I release that expectation that's when I got the text from the landlord Hey Kaya sorry for the delay in letting and letting you know but it's available if you want it


there you go um yes and thank you um please and thank you they let me in early so I could start painting I gave up my winter break to make sure I got Renault January was a crazy Whirlwind of working full-time and renoing this new shop because I tend to book out about five months now before I close my books and say no more and so I'm already working full time in my old shop and then at nights and weekends and days off I'm in the new shop painting and building and whatever yeah and now here we are and my wonderful Apprentice has his own station I brought on another lovely Soul locally who is wanting to become more full-time and we all mesh so well and it's such a gorgeous little space in this little Community I reside in I'm so proud of it every single person who walks in just tells me how good it feels


yes it really is it really is I am just such a Taurus


I'm all about that sensual comfort and space and color and everything must be comfortable and feeling good and centrally invigorating absolutely everything I do and and also I'm really that grounding Force too which I think we learned through our our tenure now journeying together I've always been the grounding rod born on Earth Day


no matter what company I'm in I'm the grounding Force whether I try to be or not which is a beautiful gift also because I rarely take on um energy it's constantly just just dissipating through and I have yet to even cleanse this new space and bless it and I really need to because I know there's like at least three Spirits in there


they're just hanging


I'm messaging you going yeah it's book time time to do the book time to do the book oh my God I'm doing so much right now I tell you I cannot wait for summer when I don't have to do anything but I'm so saturated and happy exactly it's all good things what a nice change


have all these things that are so amazing that just goes to show what this work does that you can literally flip your life around and create it exactly how you want it and it has been amazing witnessing you create your own magic and create this life that you have now oh that's that goes both ways absolutely seeing where your life has come from where it was um oh just amazing and I really do attribute a lot of this to that work and the interesting thing about that is that the work is it wasn't about you know the business side or expanding on that area the business um excuse me the the work was about expanding on myself and working on myself and coming into alignment with that and and healing so much trauma and grief or at least learning to live with it in in an owner an owned way and becoming a more elevated version of yourself that feels sacred that feels like the the term like your body is your temple that's thrown around a lot but I am my temple not just my body and learning to step in that sacred steps every day no matter where you are whether you are dancing naked on a fire in the forest or shopping for candy in Walmart in your [ __ ] pajamas it's sacred stepping within your own Temple wherever you go and when you can learn to hold that space and you come into that good things flow but it's not reward exactly not that I believe I believe there's a lot of indifference but it is balance and it is when you do good and when you are good and when you really come into authentic alignment that alignment comes to you in whatever way it needs to and then you attract whatever you're putting your attention on absolutely that reality that zest says that reality that you live in we are responsible because you have to be responsible for that energy when you get to that level because wherever your mind goes you're going to pull it in so you have to be very aware of what's going on in your mind because we do become magnificent manifesters magnificent manifesters


multi-dimensional magnificent manifestors exactly and I'm just so thrilled and honored that kept in my path oh and I'm playing with you all the things all the emotions all the masks that we've held for each other because there has been a lot


even though it started out with you being in my circles you know I do consider you one of my greatest teachers you know I love you I've learned so much from you as well so yay such beautiful reciprocity and I am so honored I'm so humbled to be part of your world and for you to be part of mine is such an honored experience it's so it's such a privilege and and to be able to invite you Seth into that world now too and to be part of that to be invited into yours these worlds are converging and it is something magnificent and it feels so big and so many big things are happening and it it just it's just incredible things are coming together just as they're supposed to like you said big things that are coming up story lines are converging and yeah and power is growing yeah it's becoming an epic that's for sure it certainly is and I'm excited to see uh what we're going to birth in the next 10 years because look at how much we did in the first ten oh this is just foundational baby Foundation yeah yeah so looking forward to playing with you more and so excited that you're going to be part of this book and produce some medicine into the world together it's amazing and uh every time I see that little wolf picture my heart just explodes thank you for the cover art and as of yesterday it has now gone to the person to do the thing so soon very soon we will see what the actual cover is going to look like so yay so exciting so

it's blessings to you my love thank you for joining us today and we will drop all Kya's contact information at the bottom of uh of this recording so if you guys want to get in contact with her or check her out all of her social media stuff she is just a Mystic Mama that we love very much so yay and we look forward to talking to you soon thank you so much

thank you for sharing your time with us if you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast please share it with others post about it on social media and leave a ratings and review hey did you know that both Angel and Seth have books coming out in 2023 stay tuned and follow us on all social media platforms at bytes of light b-y-t-e-s-o-f-l-i-g-h-t

thanks again and we look forward to sharing space with you again soon


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