SOUND HEALING, Challenging Power Dynamics with Bradford Tilden - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #16

Today's episode features Bradford Tilden, a powerful sound healer.

We go in depth with his experiences in Sound Healing as well as touching base on the pitfalls of putting mentors on pedestals.

Remember, a mentor is a healer who's done their work. They are not "above" you, they are there to help you realize your own potential.

Bradford can be reached at: 

Bradford W. Tilden, MM, CMT, UWT, LSINH
Crystal Music Healing
Composer in Resonance
Inspiration Education Transformation


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[Episode Transcript]


 Welcome. Welcome to another episode of Bytes of Light Snacks for Your Soul. We have a very exciting guest today, Bradford Tilden. He is going to be one of our authors in our new book, bites of Light, and we're very glad to have you here today. Thank you for joining us. 

Yes, thank 

you for being. Thank you so much for having me,

Very excited, 

very excited. Yes, we, we invited you because of your epic gifts of sound healing and empowerment, and we would love for you to share your gifts and, and share what you do. 

Absolutely. So sound healing is something that I was called to consciously and professionally around the age of 26.

where I was a classical pianist and composer, and a massage therapist and a friend handed me a flyer for a sound healing school, and it kind of blew my mind. I didn't know that that was even a thing. And so it just was the obvious choice because I had been actively looking for something that would link my two interests and, and this I tell people, it's like the, the keystone to the arch.

Professional and personal career and and expression. So I, I enrolled in the school, took a bunch of classes, totally had an amazing spiritual awakening, and I think the most important thing about that was I, I discovered that I. I have the power to heal myself and others with my voice. And we did a couple things in the cla in the, in the trainings with the different teachers.

But what I ended up developing was a completely new and original as far as I, I could tell at that point. And it, part of it relates back to clear Audioly hearing a sound that I couldn't figure out what kind of instrument it. And it turns out that it was a crystal bowl, a, a, a quartz crystal bowl.

I had been hearing this drone in my head and I had been harmonizing and singing with it for years , and, and there it was. And the first time I saw one it was like, oh my God, . 


and I, I, I said to the universe, I need one. . And then a friend invited me to tag along to a psychic fair down in San Luis San Louise a bisque, I probably pronounced that wrong.

It's been so long, . And there, there was a someone was selling a, a bowl, a 14 inch crystal bowl for $111. And this bowl that they didn't, it was discounted because it, they, according to them, it was blem. And if you look, if you looked at the side of it, there was like a little nipple, and I guess in the casting process something went wrong and so they thought it was undesirable.

I thought it was amazing. I took it, I started to work with it and I, as I played it, I noticed it's, it's pitch with very ever so slightly, and I think that's why they didn't like, and I zeroed in on it and I disciplined myself to, to micro tonally align with its changing pitch. So I didn't realize at the time that the bowl was actually my master teacher to develop the subtle awareness of the microtones that exists between the, the standard scales and things of the Western tuning system or other even tuning.

to to be very specific and to understand what really being in tune means and how it feels within the body. Because sound healing isn't, isn't about the ears at all. Sound healing is using the, the force of the waves and shaping the waves to align with each other, to create geometric patterns. And those geometric patterns are what remove de debris and also restore distort.

and, and it just became this, this thing. So , that's, that's really how I got into it. It, it was a bit of a psychic guidance and circumstantial. Yes, I will, I will follow my passion. 

So, well, and even hearing you, you describe it like I, I can see the sacred geometry and the things that you're creating as, as you're working with this and.

along with sacred Geometry comes a whole bunch of entities like you. You're, you're tapping into vibrational frequencies that are not normally accessed in on this planet. 

Oh, a absolutely right. I , yes. I, I, I do have to interject. I'm also a, a white time healing teacher. And if you're unfamiliar with white time, we're focusing on sound today, but just Google universal white time healing.

And if that interests you, you can you know, contact me. So I have these. These initiations that really connect me with universal forces. So my, my connection isn't just with the earth and the linear time and the third dimension. I, I basically have an active portal where that, where I'm constantly communicating with, with guides, light beings, extraterrestrials, angels, you name it.

And it wasn't always this way. And early on when I was working with sound, there was a distinct moment. I was actually in the middle of recording a. With my voice doing falsetto with the bowl, and then suddenly it opened up and I felt an angelic force come through me. And, and I was, I was channeling angelic tone, which is very powerful and very healing.

And yes, it's what's amazing is the, the, the pitch or the sound that you hear is essentially a delivery. And you can ride that, you can add your psychic intention, right? You, you make a sound, you make a blank sound. You know, like you press a note on the piano and okay, there's the sound. But it has no meaning or, or direction or purpose until someone says this is going to be a, a happy sound that I'm gonna, this is gonna be sad, or This is going to release, or this is going to heal.

And so we, with our minds and emotions infuse the sound. And the sound is the delivery system, but also the higher beings can also infuse the sound. And so I did open up and, and allow them to come through. And, and use my throat chakra as an interface between the, basically the heavens and the earth ever, the physical and the, and the spiritual.

Mm-hmm. . 

Yeah. And I love how you say that it's, it sets, sets intent, and you can use the vibration because that's also how they communicate depending on what vibrational frequency they're using. I don't know about you, but when it first started happening to me, it was like squealing in my ears and I was like, ah.

Less, less. Calm it down. Like, like there was physical pain in my ears when it first started happening. Mm-hmm. . 

Yeah. My I have this, it's, it is, it's a high pitched, it's a very high pitched small bandwidth of you could almost say like white noise in a sense. But it's a, it's, it's a very, it's a very specific pitch collection.

And when I get into silence or into high meditative states sometimes it just gets, gets louder and, and, and, and other times. And I know that it's like I've just I, yeah, it's just the, it's the connection. I'm hearing the, the line. Right. And then the, the information comes through in different ways. And, and structures.

It's funny you mentioned that my, my, my spiritual mentor who she trans, she contacts my guys and, and they talk to her. She describes it like that scene in Harry Potter where he has the, the egg that. Now when you open it up outside of water, it's just this horrible screeching sound. Yeah. But when you put it in the water, it, it was coherent.

She's like, my guides sound like that screeching sound. Yeah. And she had to, to sort of tone it down a bit because of how high they are in, in their vibration. So, . 

Well, and that, and that's the piece that I learned is you can communicate with them. They want the communication. So you know, it's just like working with, you know, talking to you here on earth.

If you're going to communicate, you're allowed to say, Hey, that's too loud. Tone it down. Let's find a vibration where I can actually hear what you're saying. Not just this screeching noise. You know, there is communication that needs to happen in those spaces. 

Yeah, it's like setting parameters. Yeah. For what works for you.

Like, like, could you please give me all this great information when I'm in a moment to take action on it? Not like, you know, I'm trying to fall asleep or I'm driving. Right. Let's be more, let's just be more aware of the linear time that I am dealing with here. Everything, as you know, like already and you know, always, but you know, we do deal with something called linear time here in the physical.

So, yeah, I, I've had a lot of conversations like that with them. My other favorite conversation was, could you please find most expensive ways to get my attention? Right. They, cause they the, the way I got the way I really what got me to connect with white time gemstone healing was they, they got me to buy an Amethyst bio.

That one of my teachers in the Sound Healing School was, was was selling. Yeah. And I, they were like, you gotta get it. You got it, got it. You got it, got it. And, and I, I did. And on the credit card, you know, and, and then I brought that up to a, a, an event, an 1111 sound healing portal with one of the other teachers.

And no one bought it. They all laid on it. It was like really damp and, you know, dizzy drizzled day and early November. You know, in Santa Rosa, California. And then she's like, well, maybe this woman will buy one. And that was the flyer that essentially changed my life. But I would've never been up there if it wasn't for the bio

So I said, cause I said to this, I said to my guys, okay, you know, let's find better solutions than this. And they laughed and I laughed. , we have a really good rapport. My whole life with my guides has very much. We have to all be amused, otherwise there's no point. So, 

Well, and, and you know, that's a very, very good point.

I will circle back to the bio, but joy, you know, this work everybody thinks has to be so serious, but you know, they're a bunch of jokers themselves. Like the play and joy and all of that is how you can create even faster and manifest even faster when you're in that gratitude space. Mm. 

I think we get caught up.

I, I, cause I hear people talk about it a lot. Like they get caught up in thinking that, that these guides and things are up here. Like, like we're kids with our parents and so we have to like, well we gotta just listen to what they say and do what we're told. And we're all infinitely powerful beings. We're just in different stages of this evolution and life cycles on earth.

And, and so we're it, we're dealing with. Relations more than like, oh, you're so high above me and I'm down here. There's no subject at your feet. Right, right. There's no, there's no power hierarchy where all these infinite light beings that are just having, like you say, just having these interactions. Yeah.

And so we can not get so caught up in, they're up there and I'm down here and these power structures we've created on here, on the planet. Then yeah, then it's, then it makes it okay. It's okay for me to ask them questions. It's okay for me. You know, ask them to change their methods a little bit. That might suit me better where I'm at right now.

Like, because they want to help, their vibration is so high they can't even understand, like, somebody explained it to me this way, that their vibration's so high, they can't even understand the level of, of pain and discomfort that we deal with. on the planet. They've, they're, they're been removed from it long enough that they don't have any ways.

So to say, Hey, I know you're trying to communicate with me, but it's really hurting my ears. Can you tone it down? Gives them, then they know it's not offensive. They don't, they don't know what they don't know either. 

Right. ? Yeah. Yeah. Oh. There's so much to respond to this , my. For one thing guides and even the ascended masters, they're also all, they're all learning.

We're all learning. And our, we're all, we're all, we're all instead of descending, you know, we're ascending or devolving, we're evolving. We then us in the physical bodies, we ha we're in the densest of the dimensions and Right. The dense dimensions come with limitations and not just linear time and, and not being able to fly, you know, unless you're Superman.

Also the, that, that the Bay of Amnesia, right? We're, we we're whom we truly are. A lot of that is kept from us by design, you know, cuz that propels us forward to seek our. And, and uncover ourselves. And I've got a lot of that stuff in, in my next chapter. But also what I think of, you know, it's like I swear to God they're, my guides are just on a spaceship and, and we we're communicating each other.

And what they have is they have a vantage point. and they have the access to that knowledge that I have been blocked from me because of the, the amnesia that earth is is shrouded in that veil. And so you can consider guides just like they're, they're like, they're on your, your, you're your teammates, right?

They're your, your group. , but they're up at the top of the tower with the binoculars and they kind of can kind of see what's going on and they have a, a larger viewpoint or ability to, to see the bigger picture. And, and a lot of them, as you said they, they forgot what it's, what pain is like, or some of them probably have never even incarnated Right.

On a dense planet like this. And they don't understand that we actually have to do something called, So, or sleep and, and, yeah. But it's all, it's all, so they're learning. We're learning. And also, The guides as far as I can, I can tell they, they respect us for having the courage to incarnate on the earth, like the boots on the ground.

Cause we're the ones that can move the physical. We're the ones that can take action in the physical. We're the ones that they're, depending on if we're a team and we're working for a common goal, so, you know, they, they're devoted to assisting. because we're the ones down here who can make it happen. Who can contribute, who can leave, who can inspire, and who can, you know, sweep the floor and you know, put all the MO back where it belongs.

Mm-hmm. . So 

we are the light warriors. 

Well that's light warriors. People will say this life is hard. Well, yeah, it can feel hard, but that it's not for the faint of heart. We didn't choose to come down here cause it was the easy path, you know? Yeah. We chose to do this because we knew it needed to be done and we knew we had the ability to do it.

So it's time to wake. It's time to wake up to your abilities and do it what you, what you agreed to do, why you're here. 

Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I'm not for the ED to helping others awaken to their, their truth of exactly why they're here. 

Well, and, and that, that, to circle back, that's kind of the group that we've collected to do this book, right?

Mm-hmm. , we all. , this warrior inside us that wants to stand up and help and ways show and empower and inspire, you know, because we know deep within our bones that this is our calling. This is what we are to do, to be in service to this planet. Yeah. And we've got big winged protectors and guides that we know are there.

Mm-hmm. and, and there that faith piece is there that we are being guided. 

Oh, yes. My whole life right, is a miraculous, a miraculous story of, of my yeah, sometimes I, I was, I was kind of like getting this weird mindset of. All the magic's already happened. , that's not true. I mean, I was guided to both of you.

Right. You know, it was just, it's just things are different. You know, it's no longer, I have to have this dream that guides me to be in a particular place to have a download. Right. Right now it's just the matter of getting out of my own insecurity and attending a you know, a podcast and meeting a person on there who introduces me to you.

So here we are. Right. You know, it's like that's being. You know, how many podcasts are there in the world? How many online events are there? Why this one? Right? Why? Why particularly did this one stand out as the one I needed to attend for some reason? 

Right? And that was for me as well, right? Mm-hmm. , that's, that was, you know, the first time I've sat with Laura as well.

So I do believe that the, the people who are supposed to find each other right now will and we will collaborate and. That healing just gets spread deeper and deeper and deeper. Once you know you can stand on your own and you've done your work and you are true to yourself and you are connected and trust your intuition, then it's time to collaborate and, and find those people that can vibrate on that same ray of light that you do.

There's power in numbers 

and I what you talk about what the magic already happening. I think we, a lot of us experience that because it, when we have that awakening, that awareness opens up. That has such a huge impact on our life. That feels like that was the big thing, but that was the big thing for our experience.

Mm-hmm. . Once we've had that, then just those little following intuition moments create the magic for the. Dream of the planet and the story of the, you know, so it's, it's like the magic's still happening, but now it's happening less maybe for, for us internally. And it's happening. You can't see it. Like, like you had shared with us on another conversation about how you changed this person's life and you heard about it kind of third party later and it wasn't somebody you worked a lot with and you know, you wouldn't even know that you'd changed their life if you hadn't gotten that, that feed.

You know, we never know when we're just walking through this world shining our light and following our intuition. We never know what lives we're shifting, what magic we're creating that we don't see, may never know. So yeah, that that big moment when we awake feels like that's the magic. And if we're looking for that feeling again, we may never experience it and may feel like the magic's dead, but it's not, you know, this life isn't about the feeling as you know very well.

It's about the. 

So, yeah, and, and once you attune to a higher vibration, it's just, You know, you don't notice the, the heat or the air conditioner until it shuts off. Right. , right. That's 

thing. So, you know, 

it's like I'm in the vibration. I'm the vibration. Right. 

Exactly. You, you forget that. I mean, I, you are it, I forget that other people aren't as attuned, unconditional love.

I forget that they're walking around suffering in this low vibration because I'm, I've been removed from that for so long. So I, what I feel like is normal. I'm living in the magic. Most people would probably kill to just have the peace of mind that I walk around with. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . 

Well, and we see it even as a couple.

We, we just go along our daily lives and do our thing and. , you know, people comment to us, okay, you love birds or, or this. And one of our teachers said that we were dragon flies cuz we were attached to each other all the time. And, and we're just like, okay, like that, that's, it's interesting to see the perception, but when, when we live it, this just is our life now.

This is, this is just how we, how we are and we change. That's beautiful. Plus lives even just by walking down the street together. Mm-hmm. . So it, it, it comes. , it comes to a place where, where do you wanna live? What vibration do you want to house? And then you go find the teachers. That can help you get to there so that you can maintain it by yourself.

And this is the whole reason why we are gathering these master teachers for this book, so that there are, because we all bring our own unique ray of light, we all have our mastery in the healing, in our language, in our vibration. And it's also acknowledging, hey, if I need a specific thing, I can go to you or I can go, like, we have what, 20 other people that are doing this with us that all have unique medicine.

And I see you, I see your, your unique flare, and I just, I'm so excited that you say yes to come and work with us. 

Yeah. Thank you. I listening to you talk about the vibrations and everything brings me back. The white time gemstone healing. I, I, I didn't really think I'd ever be a professional gemstone healer in my life, or a master at that.

Yeah. But it kind of happened as I, those blockages removed through the education and I accessed all that information. And the gemstone layouts that are, that are that the, the higher beings have given to us are extraordinary. Yes. Especially the ones that they, they, there's a particular one. It actually ra it, it, it raises your personal vibration so that you are constantly vibrating with the earth's vibration four years from the present.

Mm-hmm. . So where the earth is now in the, in the acceleration of a. Four years from this acceleration is what you are carrying within you and everyone. And everything you meet receives that vibration and these, these layouts, they go down into the subatomic structure of your being and that's how powerful they are.

they literally tune you and, and modify and augment and raise your frequency. And it's just an extraordinary education. And I, I couple that with the sound. The sound is my, my personal gift. But when I found white time healing, I realized that's also something that I, I brought down here or I I, that I do up there in the universe.

My higher. As like, or they say of selves. But, you know, those are my two things and focusing on this book with the sound and I, I gave everyone a little tidbit of the, the white time gemstone healing of how I got into it in the, the first book that I, that I was involved with. And I just but combining those two things is miraculous.

The. So I can't wait to get some layouts on the two of you. . I, I 

would say crystal healing was my awakening. Ooh. My entire introduction to spirituality and awakening came through crystal's and energy work through reiki and mm-hmm. . So for a good 10 years crystal medicine was, My jam that and massage.

So I mixed massage and mm-hmm. crystal work and energy work together. So I'm thinking we just may have to do a podcast down the road about all of our really cool mind blowing experiences with crystals, cuz My goodness. Oh yeah. I could feel a couple hours with that podcast. Oh, 

I would love to hear them.

I would love to hear. 

I've got some cies I love, so I yeah. 

I've got some great ones with sound too. . 

Yeah. Yeah. So we'll have to do a, we'll have to do a storytelling time with crystals and Oh yeah. And storytelling time with vibrational sound. That would be so fun. I 

will. Absolutely. Yeah. No, I get it. I look forward to.

To doing that, doing that grid work with you. That sounds amazing. Yeah. That feels like that is a full yes all over for me. Yeah.

you know, to me that's like, this is where the magic happens. Just that you came into our life, because for me, I've been, I've been kind of just awaken up naturally to gifts of sound. That I have suppressed my whole life because I was told like so many people, like, you know, Hey, shh, don't make so much noise.

Be quiet. You're Uhhuh. . Yeah. You know, so I did, and yeah. And I've just been realizing and waking up to that and, and, and meeting, you know, having the opportunity to meet somebody like you who's further along with those things and those tools is to me that is, this is the. , like your, your, what you do and what you have to offer is something I'm definitely interested in learning more about myself, because that's something that's coming in for me.

It's not necessarily I, and I don't know where it falls as far as, you know, what it means for me in the long term, but mm-hmm. , you know, I've been dealing with, like, I just kind of have realized if I start just using vocalizations in my meditations, it drops me in deeper and further mm-hmm. and I'm just, and I don't really know what I'm doing.

I don't know if there's anything to know. I just. Go intuitively with so many things, and that's kind of been my, almost my entire path has just been, well, it feels like if I do this thing, it makes a difference. and before I met Angel, I had no idea if it really was or if I was just making shit up in my mind.

But then as I started meeting people, as I started diving into the communities of, of light workers and healers and then ge starting to get that feedback, like, oh man, I saw, I, I, I could see because of their gifts. They could see the energy that I was moving. And for me, that's not how I work. I work in, it's all currently, it's all just on feeling and and sensing in my body and in with vibration stuff.

So it is magic just that we're here. 

Yeah. You have a very, very strong confidence in your intuition, but both of you. And, and I, I relate a lot to what you just said. That's how I've always been guided, and I've always trusted my intuition. And again, I've got tons of stories, but for me, I don't really see much.

I, I, it's invisible. I, I, I know it's there, but it's the feeling, it, it's the clear senti. It's that, that, that magnitude of, of, of I guess sensory awareness that I, that I really delve into and explore and it, it, it sounds like you're, like the clay and you know exactly what you wanna be and you just need to figure out how to, how to mold yourself with some simple some simple guidance as to how you can then create sort of parameters for you to go even deeper than what you already.

Like, you know, knowing that you're working with sound and, and discovering things and how, just like, like little things that you can do to, to explore and discover more of yourself and more of your, your potential. I, I'm really looking forward to doing a little quick coaching or something with you,

It's just really wonderful. I can't wait to hear the sound of your voice when you're, Toning. It's, it's amazing 

toning. Yeah. You guys are gonna have so much fun, . Yeah. 

Yeah. I have no doubt. 

That's great. Great. That's great. Well, I, I am so excited to work more with you and I look forward to doing more COD podcasts with you.

Thank you so much for saying Yes. Yes. To come and play with us. Yes. And we are just, we just had our first kickoff call, so we are. Right now into our writing and our book is going to be launched on Summer Solstice June 21st. Yes. Yes, yes. So for those of you watching, stay tuned and we're excited for you to have you along on our journey and to meet the rest of our authors.

And for now we will say, see you later, cuz it's not, it's not forever. Yeah. We shall be back. See you again 

soon. And something more. 

And, Yes. Thank you so much, Bradford. Yes, 

and thank you for joining us on this podcast. All my love, all my love. 

It's blessings. Yes.



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