Master Teachings, PUSHING NEW LIMITS with Laura DiFranco - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #17

Today's episode features our Publisher Laura DiFranco!

We were so excited to bring her onto our podcast to talk about her experiences taking the plunge into publishing and her life as a high performance athlete. This episode features an inside look on taking risks, finding your limits (and pushing beyond them) and becoming a master of your own emotions in healthy ways.

Brave Healer Productions

Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, is an award-winning publisher specializing in business strategy for holistic health and wellness professionals who are ready to become bestselling authors. She has 30-years of expertise in holistic physica


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[Episode Transcription]

ā€Š šŸ“  šŸ“ Welcome, welcome, welcome. Oh my goodness, today, I'm so excited. We have such an amazing guest with us today, Laura DeFranco. She is the publisher of Brave Healer Productions, and I am so excited to have a conversation with her and tell you all the things we've been up to and. What she's been up to before we met her.


Yes. Welcome Laura. Yeah. Publisher. And C E 


o. And c e o. . Yes. Hi you guys. I'm happy to be here. Thanks for having me on. 


Being here. Yes, very excited. I. Love your story of how you created what you are doing. Do you wanna give everybody a little taste of who you are and what you do and what, what fuels your passion?


Oh my gosh. So, you know where to begin with these, all these little tidbits, . I spent 30 years in holistic physical. . So I had been a physical therapist for a long, long time. Bra Productions is an eight year old company, and somewhere, somehow I decided to have two businesses running alongside each other, and I had gotten to the point in my PT career where I wanted to transition to business.


Number two, but I couldn't really let that go. It was a little too scary to let go of the bread and butter. I had business number two running, I was transitioning for about five years. Mm-hmm. , you know how those transitions go, the long, hard ones that you can't make happen. Yeah.  And. The, the short story goes something like this.


I had already been a published author. I had been in several book collaborations before this moment happened, March 20th, 2020. You know, everyone's gonna have some interesting stories about the covid date. But mine was that I woke up that morning dreaming a dream about a collaboration, and I was so inspired by the dream.


I literally got out of bed, walked to the kitchen in my pajamas and opened up the laptop. I wrote a little note to people I had in a Facebook group where I was teaching a class online and I said, you guys, it was all women at that point and all my healer friends, and I said, Ladies, the world just lost all of its hands on healers.


Let's write the ultimate guide to self-healing and empower them with the tools that they can practice at home. And so I wrote that note, gave that little invitation into the group, and 48 hours after that, I had 24 people say yes, and five weeks after. We birthed that book onto Amazon to a number one bestseller in multiple categories.


Oh. And I was like, holy crow. Yeah. Wow. And I, it still gives me goosebumps to tell that story. I love that. It still jazzes me like that. Mm-hmm. . And I realized that something way bigger than me was in control. Thing. And I honestly, you guys, I thought it was just gonna be a one-off. It was a really cool thing.


But a week later, I had a friend email me and she's like, Laura, when are you doing the next one, ? I'm like, well, today, I guess, you know? Yes, please. And here we are. Honestly, I'm so proud to say that we are now celebrating our 54th Amazon bestseller. Yay. And that's a lot of books in that short amount of time.


It is. And it's been an incredible ride. But that's the short story . 


Yeah. Well, I just love that our visions lined up at the same, and, and like you said, everybody's gonna have their story about where they were and what was happening. And I was literally on the Tao ground.  when that happened with Lee McCormick.


So the, the fact that it's coming full circle for all of us and now we are stepping into your circle and birthing magic with you and Lee's coming to play with us and we all Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's a amazing how the universe just lines. The vibrational souls that are supposed to come and play together, and here we are doing the.


Yeah. And it feels like fast and furious all of a sudden because I feel like for years I've been waiting for what's happening now, right? Yeah. And it's, yeah, it's happening now. Y'all uhhuh, like in case you are wondering and I have magical conversations with healers who aren't just any kind of healer, you guys, everybody that is coming into this world.


Wise experience to walk their walk kind of people and, and that gives me goosebumps talking about, because this is a powerful group of people and we're kind of, I feel the energy is. Nobody is willing to wait any longer, right? Like they're making this, whatever this is. Let's talk about that happen. Right?


And it is happening now because people are getting into action in all kinds of different ways. And our world is the book world, and we wanna get. Brave words out into the world in a bigger way, but especially from these brave souls who do this kind of work in the world. God, it's about time. 


Right? It is about time.


It is. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And you know, I, the, the container that you hold allows people like, like us mm-hmm.  to, to step in and know that it's a safe space to be because of who you are and what you've gone through. The skillset that you bring to the table, right? Because you can only teach as far as where you've gone yourself and you've done the work.


Right? And not only that, I, I do believe on some level there's, there's a space that once people have mastered something physically within their body, like martial arts or a sport or, or where you have to actually move. I believe that's a huge component of this work cuz so many people are scared of their own warrior.


Yeah. Right. And can you talk a little bit more about your background and also your physically healing bodies? That's the other piece. There's 


body work. You're making me think of so many different things at once. I'm like, where do I wanna go with this? Well, you know, I mean, I was one of the lucky. Kids at 16 to n I knew what I wanted to do and I had gone into a high school at, at high school we had these lunchtime speakers and I had signed up for this one that was a physical therapist and I was really excited cuz I, I'm also a lifelong athlete.


Speaking of bodies and moving, and I was a soccer player in high school, so that was the sport running and soccer, you know, mostly I ran to keep in shape for soccer, so I wasn't a runner at that point, but mm-hmm.  When I listened to this physical therapist talk about what she did, she was, So excited and so motivating.


Like that day I knew and I hopped on the track cuz because of being an athlete, I thought I wanted to be like a sports medicine doctor. I wanted to help people with their injuries or whatever, became a physical therapist and then jumped very quickly. Again, I could call it luck. I see it that it was meant to be, it was my destiny to hook up with alternative practitioners who weren't doing just traditional kinds of physical therapy.


And again, how lucky am I that some, some of those people were my mentors in school, not when I graduated or later, which is no, sometimes how they come upon you, but right away I got. To myofascial release, cranial sacral therapy, Reiki principles, energetic principles that were more than just body, they were body, mind, soul, right?


And learned how to be with people in, in a holistic capacity. So that's kind of the beginning of that piece of the story. I'm not sure where else you wanna go with that. Well, but that's 


that background. You know, at that time I'm sure you had no idea where life was gonna take you, but that background is what uniquely designs you as a publisher to hold these containers.


For healers like us who don't know how to write books, but we know we have valuable information we wanna share with the world, and you know how to step into that energy. Because in your years of PT, you have been doing this energetic work. Some of the same language and some different. 


Well thanks. That awareness.


That was the other thing. That was the, one of the five things I thought about when you asked me the question with, but the biggest thing was like, oh my gosh, somebody had a grand plan for me, didn't they? Right. And stepping into publishing right now, you know, I'm unapologetically publishing for holistic health and wellness professionals for obvious reasons, cuz that's who I am and was.


Mm-hmm. . But that's what makes. So magical to me. It's aligned so perfectly and I can look back at my life and my first career and say thank you. There's no regret that I spent 30 years there, and now I'm here. There's like, oh, that was perfect. Right, right. You know, and it's making this business and this time of my life.


I think even more purposeful and magical. Yes. And I've learned through that history to the messages in my body all around me in the Big hawk that was in the sky yesterday when we hiked. Mm-hmm. . Right? And I've known for a long time when I'm on the path and when I have gotten off the path and I got really good at listening to that.


And I think I, again, just lots of gratitude today. Another thank you for to the universe for helping me get that kind of Training or education. You know, I didn't have that intuition so great until well into 


my adult years. It takes time. Lots of reps. . Yeah. Well, and, and for those listening I'm gonna translate the animal medicine.


Hawk medicine literally is You're on the right track. I know, isn't it so perfect? . And so, you know, I 


tattooed a feather on my forearm for that reason too. Like, I'm getting the birds on me, right? Yes. . 


Yeah. That, that's huge. Medicine Hawk is, Hawk is a huge power animal. And I, I love that. But that just also goes to show your level of awareness.


That you know you are tapped into the mama and, and you, you receive and understand the signs and give gratitude for the signs. That's how we live this magical 


life. The animal medicine has been totally incredible. You guys will have to intro me to Steven Farmer. I think I know. Yes. I think you guys know him.


Yes. So that book sits on a table in my living room so that I can grab it every day. Right. Because I'll even look up spider and ant and things like that. But the hawk, yeah, hawk like there was a day I was driving down on the neighborhood road here and the hawk came from the trees on the. Swooped to my windshield and came off on the other side, and I laughed out loud because it was kind of like the universe going.


Are you paying attention to us? Oh, wow. Yeah. Right. And that was phenomenal. So now I honor every single, actually all the birds I love. Yeah. I love the birds. Yeah. 


Yeah, yeah. Well, that's, it's, it's amazing when, when the universe really wants to get your attention and it will do things like that. Okay. I can remember going down a, a, a mountain road and literally having a wolf standing in the middle of the highway looking.


at me in the vehicle. Like I had to literally come to a complete stop. We had that eye moment and then off it went off up the mountain and I just sat there for a second. Jaw dropped. Like, how does that, yeah, it's, it's just that divine intervention space. Then, boom. The eye connection, man. I'm 


telling you, I live for some of those moments right now.


I, I love them. I love those moments. And as much as I'd really love to whip out my camera at some of those times, , right? I, I 


don't Yeah, because 


it's too good to be in the moment with that magic. Yeah. 


Yeah. It's awesome. And that, that, that's a huge piece. And I think that's why so many humans on this planet today, miss.


because they're so attached to their phone. Yeah, yeah. Right. To put that down and just experience your world and experience what's going on around you. There's messages and signs everywhere. If you, if you pay attention and you look mm-hmm. . . There's some of 


us who are, who are in this generation where half our lives we didn't have that right.


And this other half of our life we have had the technology. It's kind of interesting, right? Yeah. And so I feel grateful that I am in that place where I did not have that for the first half of my life, and my foundation was something different than the kids. Have right now with this constant, you know? And so with my kids, I'm like always, Hey, it's me, a human being in front of you, , 




You put that down, you know, and I play, I just give 'em a bad time about it. Can they, they're, they know and they still do it though. So the habit 


is, Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It really, it, it just really does show the teachings about where, where are you putting your attention? Yes. You know, what story are you creating in your life?


And that's what it is. We are the authors of our story, and literally what we put our intention, our, our attention on is what we are curating and crafting in our worlds. , and that's what I love about what we're doing together is there's this common theme, this common goal, and we're bringing HA two dozen people together to create this dream together and literally birth medicinal art into the world.


Mm-hmm. . Yes. You know, bites. I 


have light. We better tell them what it is. Bites of light. 


Yes. Yes. Bites are, are the book we're birthing is bites of light. Yeah. The one we're working on right now. Yes. Evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur. Yeah. And we do have the two books that, that Seth and I just wrote in with Laura.


Mine are behind 




and once at Mastery. These were our first toe dips. Yeah. Into Laura's world. And I gotta say Laura, I've been watching you, I've been watching you for the last couple years. Stalker. I totally am And we're we're, 


I was gonna say we're stalkers and we're proud of it. Yeah. Honor about ourselves in largely an internal 


stalking skill.


Yes. To, to tech teachings is, is around stalking and, and I, part of our mission is to change.people's perception around what the word stalking means, because yes, I totally stalked you.


awesome and, and loved it. But, but, and I think that's how you choose. I think it's smart to choose your next teachers, your new mentors, the people that you're going to step into sacred space with and make sure discern is, is this a safe space for me to go? So I think it was probably a good two years. That I, that I watched your journey before I stepped in and when I first reached out to you, it was for a solo book.


And then you said, oh, well here's this other option. And my brain just went, whoa. Yeah, . These collaborative books are, 


are amazing on many levels and, and yeah, one of the ones for me that was so significant, , that ability to just kind of dip my toe. I had not, I thought about maybe writing a book, but I wouldn't have called myself an author.


And then to be able to be like, okay, well I can write a chapter, like I can write 2,500 words about this thing that I'm passionate about. Of course I can. And so getting to go through that process on a smaller scale is like, oh, well that opens the floodgates to 


Yes, new.  and it, and honestly it's, it's my specialty.


It's what I was born to do because the community building around these projects is just other level. Yeah. Yeah. And that's what gets me. So excited. I'll just back up to something you said though. You know, that's, yeah. I hope people understand that it's, it's can be easier to come in and write a chapter and you can get your feet wet and you can think about how to write parts of your story and all the stuff.


But you guys both know That when you get there, it's not as easy as you might think, but not because of the length of the chapter. Right, but more because of the challenge I give everybody to step into their vulnerability and their master teacher. Exactly and deliver something that is it's who I am.


It's my marriage of writing and healing. Absolutely it'ss the way that you bring the presence practice to what you're doing every day, including typing on a keyboard and what you're gonna be saying to the world. You know, no pressure  , but like that's, that's really fun and cool. I was just talking to somebody yesterday about editing.


And how the bad experiences with editors have been where the editor just wants to trash their voice. And I wanted, I, I think I mainly wanna want people to know two things about the community building, so maybe we can talk about that a little bit more. But the other thing is just that my mission is not to trash your voice.


It's actually the opposite. It's to maintain your unique voice gets you. , the place where you've found him or her and are excited about that expression, and then to elevate it to make it more powerful, to make it more interesting for people to read. So we really try to preserve, you know, we hold that sacred space.


Writing is a healing process. Absolutely. Mm-hmm. , if you're doing it right, I think. Yes. 


Yes. Well, and that was my experience. You know, my, the, the first chapter I put wrote for you in Love warriors was at, at a very traumatic time in my life. And I have done a lot of work around it. I have been to trauma therapists around it.


I spent 10 years working in Toltech teachings and, you know, did the work. But to put it on paper, it was another level of healing.  and now I truly feel like I've stepped through it. So yeah, it, it's very interesting the, the, the process and, and how you do it and how you hold and, and allow us to go deep into those roots and, and pull out that medicine because that's where it is.


You know, our, our, our, our hearts carry that pain, but this is where we birth it from. This is where we birth our own art from. And it is an, it is an amazing. Process. And so when you get a whole bunch of people around that can hold and support each other through that birthing process, but you also have to be at a certain stage in your healing to do that.


Right? So we're not picking stories that we're walking through right now, you know? But my very first story I wrote about was 20 years. . Right. So it's, it's, it's fascinating how this process works and the energetic signatures that are being put inside the book, it is a collective. Soup of medicine that we are birthing into the world and it's amazing.


I just love everything you're doing. Mm-hmm.  , 


thank you so much and thanks for trusting me to guide your project and also, you know, I could, I wanna say back to you that you both do that also so that when the three of us come together and then the whole group comes together and we're holding that kind of space for people, gosh, there is just.


Better. Yeah. Way to do that. And it's so powerful and magical and I'm, I'm just constantly pinching myself with what we created in like-minded, heart-centered, compassionate, soul driven souls who do that and. We grab each other's hands and do it together. The, the competition versus collaboration thing, right?


It's like, no, let's collaborate because that energy could be so much bigger. This evolution could move so much better with that kind of collaboration. And so I'm just constantly, yeah, let's, let's figure out how we can do that more. 


Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, that's one of the, one of the primary tactics in, in in battle is dividing and conquering, right?


So as we create this competition and we, that separates us and that keeps us from having that power to rise up and really make the huge difference, like you say, so, mm-hmm. . Yeah. The collaboration piece is huge. I mean, we 


were taught to do it by ourselves. We're taught that that was the measure of success.


I know, I, I was, yeah. It was like I went through half my life thinking if I wasn't doing it on my own, it wasn't right. Somehow, like it wasn't good enough somehow. Yeah. And now I feel like I just wanna laugh at her a little and just be like, whoa, that was really not, that was it. You know, like it was totally the opposite, like the more people you can bring into your circle.


But let me just say too, that it's a circle that you curate. Right? Yes. This is not any big circle of people. It's people that you choose to bring into your world who are walking the walk with you who can feel offended, and you're still friends the next day, right? Mm-hmm. , it's like I have seen that over and over again in our circles, and I just like, I do this, literally, I hold my own heart and I'm like, oh my God, thank God I've met these people.


Yeah. Yeah. Because that's the way forward. That's like 


world peace kind of stuff. It is. Yeah, it is. Yep. That's the unconditional love. There's there, the totex talk about three different levels of awareness and the, the competitive space is the second attention. And I think what you're doing, what you are birthing your, your vision is in the third attention, which is the unconditional love space where we are all one, the cosmic being and.


When you get to a certain level of your own healing, we all go through the phases. You know, the first detention is completely unconscious. You're just going through your life basically on autopilot, right? The victim consciousness. And so as humans, we all go through all three phases and we ebb and flow just like the seasons and the earth.


When you come into a space like this and what you've created, you've pulled that down from the third attention you. Your vision is big, like you said, world.  and then you're pulling in these people who can hold that. But you know, we talk about, you know, the shaman, the shamanic way is, is having one foot in each world, one foot in the second attention and one foot in the third attention.


So what are you going to bring down your channel and birth onto the planet and bring into matter? , and you're right, some people are, do get offended that, that, that the, the Green Gremlin, jealousy bug comes in or the, that, that competitive. But can you bounce back up and understand we're all serving the same boss, we're all serving the same mission to bring peace and love and healing onto this planet.


And we also have to step our foot into the second attention to produce the. So there's this delicate balance, but that's where the mastery is. That's the mastery of this avatar, the mastery of our soul basket. Can you maintain your emotional regulation? Can you stay in your heart and out of your head, out of the ego mind?


You know? And so when we get to this level of awareness, it is so important to find the people to play with that can also do that dance.  and to circle back. I think that's why athletes or people who have trained their physical body, that is a, that is a, a component that has to be acknowledged because when you're a high performance athlete or trained in martial arts, because it comes up there a lot cuz it's fear-based.


You know, you're, you're learning to defend yourself. You have to learn through the process of whatever modality you choose, you learn how. regulate your emotions. You learn how to control your body. And I think that's, that's an essential piece that, that humans are missing if they're not paying attention to their physical aspect of their lives.


This is such a great topic, and as that lifelong athlete, I'm just like, yes, , right? It's like nodding my head. Yes. But you know, . Okay. So soccer. I did little gymnastics when I was little, and then I joined soccer, and then I was a soccer athlete in high school. We traveled travel team, high school team.


Then it was college and I played two years of collegiate soccer, and then I actually had to graduate college, so I paused for a little bit. Yeah. And then next half of my life I'm was a marathoner and did three different marathons before I had kids. Kids changed to the body game significantly. Yes.  Found martial arts as almost like something that saved me because.


When running became too painful because of the prolapses I experienced through childbirth, I was losing myself, and it made me wake up to the fact that something that I did was my identity. I was like, who am I if I can't do this awesome, peak performing marathoning, you know? Mm-hmm. , and I had to start questioning who I.


Which is, as you guys know, it's like the window towards everything good when you to ask yourself, you know? So martial arts came in and then that gave me this whole, like it mar. TaeKwonDo, I'm gonna be very specific. Be and to honor my master John L. Holloway. Thank you, master Holloway. Because his quote was discipline, the mind, the body will follow.


Yes. And I started to realize the mind body, soul integration, but also the physical piece of martial arts. Any martial. Dance is very much similar in that you have to be all around fit. We're talking strength. Yeah. We're talking endurance. We're talking Flexibility. Flexibility. We're talking agility.


Mm-hmm.  Ability to be in your body and not up here. I mean, the second you leave, you're kicked in the head. Exactly. And so that was like this whole other. Training and I found that late in life. 38. Yeah. You know, and so trained for 14 years and that was an amazing journey. And now I am at another place again of.


Okay, who am I now if I'm not practicing that right? Mm-hmm. . And I've had, I'm just, I don't even have an answer for you today. I'm just sort of in this limbo land. It was all Covid O's fault. Seriously. Yeah. . But that was a gift also. , you know, so anyway. 


Yeah, yeah. Well, our stories are very similar. Mine was gymnastics from the second I could walk and went from an athlete into coaching, and I spent 30 years in the, in the gymnastics world, in tra in power, tumbling and trampoline.


And yeah, when my, when you trance, when you go through that phase of, okay, I need to retire as an athlete, like you said, you go through this, who am I? I went right into coaching, so it was. Cuz I still got to do it. It just morphed a little bit for me. And then after I retired, I I, I went to that, who am I without this label?


And it took me probably almost a decade to let go of that label. And, but I found martial arts and that's honestly what saved me too. And I went through kung fu and my master was Grand Master p.  and, and his son Master Pearcy. So I, I, I was lucky enough to get two generations of teachings through that family.


And yeah, the same thing, like I practiced some things in the softer forms, but you know, after going through surgery in June, my body does not wanna cooperate the way it used to . So now there's this whole new relationship coming in where, you know, you probably had it happen too, where you have to rediscover.


your new limits and, and what this new body wants to do at this age. 


Totally. Mostly dance . 


Yeah. That, that, that's where you're headed far, 


is dance. Well, you, I don't know if you guys know that I'm a total raver. No. So that's awesome. I found that I would say probably seven years ago or so. And Covid ruined that for a while too.


right. But yeah. You know, you can, you can have some private raves in your own house if you need to. Like just get the, yeah. Yeah. I. , you're just making me smile about it. Because there are personalities and I am one of them. If I am not playing hard Yeah. I have way too much energy. Yeah. And so lifelong athlete is, was a survival thing.


for me, I think, you know? Yeah, me too. If I wasn't moving, you probably didn't wanna be around me too often. I mean, still I run at 150 miles an hour for most people most days. Yeah. You. 


Yeah, so I, I can remember as a teenager not being able to sleep and I would just roll outta bed and go onto the floor and do pushups and sit ups until I exhausted myself, and then I'd go back to bed like that.


That was my normal routine after my full day of everything. Yeah, I was still sometimes couldn't even put myself to sleep, so Yeah. But I do believe it's that life force energy running through us and some of us, you know, I, my trauma started at a year and a half old and where my, my hip didn't form properly in a brace, and so I wore a brace for the first year and a half of my life with that held my legs in as straddle.


you know, you don't realize the trauma that happens to babies when, when you, they're pinned down in their crib for a year and a half. So my space was wide open, my channel was open, and I was astrol traveling as a baby. So I am very comfortable in my channel, , because it's been, for me, it's my normal. And so learning how to navigate that space and use the energy and, and, and work with it, and play with it, and.


Figure out what else you can birth into this world. My introduction in my book for bites of light, talks about my walking down the street with my white wolf, not even understanding it was a wolf until I was older, right? So check that part out. This book that we're birthing is on animal medicine and how we show up and walk in the world with these gifts from when we didn't understand, and then there's awareness and now we understand and we're mastering, and now we're teaching.


There's so many processes that are going in this book. We have, one of my gifts in the gym was finding the unicorns, finding the kids that would stand up on the podium. And if you go back in the history in gymnastics, a lot of the kids that trained with me for the first six years of the career were the world degree record player or record breakers that what were up on the podiums.


That was my gift. And so when I came to do this project and came to you and said, let's do this collaboration. . I put my unicorn glasses on and went, okay, this is a new playing field. I've done this in the gym. I've already done this. Now here's a new. You know, vibration to play in a new community, to look for unicorns.


And I'm telling you, we're having a blast. 


unicorn hunting. I totally, 


I'm writing the unicorns, . 


I'm writing a couple of things down that you're saying that what I loved that you said, I'm comfortable in my channel. Yeah. Mine is writing. . And so that's how I, I, I mean, I'm sure there's lots of ways I channel, but that's the way that I'm comfortable because you've mastered that piece, right?


Yeah. And I no longer second guess it or doubt that those messages are meant for others, right? Mm-hmm.I don't even care if they're, if there's a typo anymore, right? Like, I'm just like, Nope, this is me. You know? Like, just push that out because that's not me. You know and I love that feeling. I was gosh, that was late in my life that that channel opened and I recognized it.


Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And some of me has little bits of like, oh, I wish that happened sooner, but whatever, divine timing, you know? Well, it was there, 


but you just didn't have the conscious awareness around it because I.  that every high performance athlete is channeling, they just don't understand and they don't have the language totally to say what they're doing.


So you were doing it, you just didn't have a conscious awareness of it back then. Yeah, because you don't get, you don't get to a high performance state without trusting your body, without trusting your intuition and trusting your body to move you in the positions, like for soccer, for you specifically. , of course, your channel was open, you just didn't under have the language back then.


Hmm. Because you can't get to that high level of sport without that deep trust within your body. 


That's a great two things to put together for people. I don't think I've ever thought about my athleticism as being the channel. It's, it's a gift for sure. You're right. Yeah. In TaeKwonDo, I, I feel that immediately, but now you're making me realize it was soccer and it was the marathoning too.


And, and it's, , everything else I do with my body where I don't have to think about what I'm doing, where the, the, something takes over and it just happens. You know, they uh, yeah. 


There's a theory that, that that's what thrill seekers are actually after. Mm-hmm. , people that wanna jump outta planes and, and jump off a cliffs and bungee jump.


What? In that moment they have this complete presence in the. . And in that presence they connect with source and that that euphoria, they fill out rush that they feel is the connection to truth and they, but they don't know it in that language. So they go after it in the way that they can. And in, in the Shaman practices, we learn to, to step into that at will.


By mastering the mind master. That's pretty fun. Coming into the mastery of self Yeah. Allows you to step into that so you don't have to risk your physical wellbeing to have that feeling. But they don't know that. So they continue to seek thrill after thrill 


after thrill. I like that connection too. You know, I want, I, I need that adrenaline fix, right?


Yeah. And so really that's that connection point you're making me think of. Yeah. Racing my. Right, right. That's, that was part of that for me. There is absolutely nothing else in control except for something else but me. Yeah. , you know, like that moment what you, you have to be so present or you are so present or whatever it is.


That's one of the, the things I can think of. And I, I won't be doing that again. Plus I can contact it or connect with it anytime I want to now. So I'm like, eh, I don't need to race a car again. You know, I'm good. . Well, 


that direct presence, that is your, Right. You, you are sitting at source when you are completely, fully present.


And so, you know, martial arts, the car racing, the, the, even being on a team, like you can see the, the formations. In nature, you know, when the birds, when they all move at the same time, you can take, like, that is what nature does. You know, the wild beasts on the planes, you know, they, they, they move Now look at a soccer team.


They, they, or, you know, I played Ringette for 10 years, right? So it's, or hockey, like any, any. Combined sport or not the individual sport, but the group sports, they do that. They have that. And, and we can take that language and now bring it into the book world. In our collaborations now, we're still a team.


It's a team sport in a different realm. 


Yes. Collective presence. Yeah. And, and energy is bigger than one, you know. Yeah. That's great. That's such a great visual in TaeKwonDo. It's the forms. Right. And while we practice them on our own, the, the magic is in our exams where the entire class is practicing together.


Mm-hmm. , it's the same, same thing. Right? I, I can't look away. And, you know, at those I'm just like, oh, you can feel it. 


Yeah. It's awesome. Everybody taps into that thing. And, and that's one of the things I loved about kung fu and, and what we trained a lot of the, a lot of the bar form.  we're named, you know, there was animal medicine brought in and we trained animal forms.


Hmm. So I just loved it. I just ate it right up. Yes, 


yes, yes, yes. It all comes back to nature. Well, and a thank you to all the co-authors that stepped into your book. You and Seth are the lead authors of bites of Light, and we invited, you know, co-authors to step up and say, yes, I wanna write a chapter just like that story I shared with you in the beginning of this interview.


Mm-hmm. . And they said yes, and they came into this energy with, you know, to be a part of it. And so I just wanted to say thank you to them. Absolutely. And thanks for saying yes. You know, you maybe didn't know me too well and Angel and Seth were like, yeah, we trust her. You can trust her. So yeah,  I'm happy that you came in and that you're a part of it.


And I honestly have a mission to support those souls who are saying, To that because it's so much more than a.  and there's this thing with publishing where a lot of the publishers you're, you'll meet. It's like, okay, get your book out. Good bye. Done. Right? You know, like, mm-hmm. . And I'm like, what? You know, because that's kind of like the beginning of the journey and you make the thing and then what, then what?


You know now what, what do you do with the thing once it's made? So, yeah. I really. Supporting the community and I love bringing them back in to play with each other and have fun and do things and maybe do more collaborations and dream up things that we haven't dreamed up yet, you know? Yeah. So, yeah. I love 




It's fun. Well, we are loving playing in your sandbox. Thank you for stepping up and thank you for providing this for the world. Yes. And I'm just really excited to see what we, what else we create. It's gonna be a great one. Yeah, 


me too. When is this one publishing? Remind me, do you guys have the date in about, 


is it it?


Yes. June. June 21st. Summer Solstice. Yes. There we. Oh, that's 


right. That was a magical date that we picked on. That was a magical, 


yeah. All right. Thank you very much for joining us today. Thank you guys. We look forward to birthing this baby into the world with you. Yes, absolutely. Me too. All our love. 


Yes, all.


Thank you. Love to you both back and thanks for having me today and thanks for such an awesome conversation. 


It was amazing. I look forward to having more soon.


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