Self-Worth, Dissolving GENERATIONAL TRAUMAS with Suzanne Rollen - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #19

Today's episode introduces Suzanne Rollen, who joins us to discuss their life story.

From growing up under Methodist Faiths, to processing family trauma, she provides insight into acknowledging your self worth, pulling the chords and evolving from our generational traumas that we are often raised with in our youth.

Our family raises us but does not need to define who we are into our adulthood. There are some lessons we are taught that we may no longer need to follow as we mature, and working through our generational trauma is an effective method of self-growth.

Suzanne Rollen is known for her curious mind, joyful spirit, and compassionate heart. 

She ditched corporate life over a decade ago, to restore her physical and mental health. The flexibility of an online job has allowed her the time and space toremember herself and find the balance she so desperately needed.

She’s discovered that true balance comes through a deep spiritual connection, having the courage to change and release what doesn’t work, and finding things that spark the fire in her heart. 

She’s passionate about travel and celebrates the richness of the world around her. She’s fascinated by the diversity of cultures and inspired by people who carry ancient wisdom and have a deep connection to the land. 

She’s followed her heart to the pyramids of Teotihuacán, Mexico, the sacred lands of Zimbabwe, and the magnificent white lions of South Africa. Her adventurous soul has led her to flying trapeze, firewalking, and zip-lining through the rainforest in Costa Rica.

Her creativity flows through painting, drawing, photography, and writing.

She seeks solace in nature and cherishes moments by a creek, under a tree… or even up a tree. While hiking with Peanut, her magical mutt, you’re likely to hear her talking to birds, squirrels, bugs, and plants, as she makes friends everywhere and sees beauty in all things.

As she wanders through the world, she is honored to be in service to others. Her big heart has led her to volunteer with wildlife, sit with elders in hospice care, and remind kids with special needs and foster kids that they have a special purpose in life.

For nearly three years, she’s lovingly taken on the role of caregiver for multiple members of her family. 

She’s so grateful for the gifts life brings her each and every day. 


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[Episode Transcription]


welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create a more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul


all right welcome welcome to another episode of bites of light today we are joined by Suzanne Rollen she is one of the authors in our new upcoming collaborative book called bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur and we are very excited to have her here today Suzanne and I met just a few months ago on a trip to Teo for another collaborative book with a friend of ours and it was an amazing experience I know that for me the first time I saw Susanna just saw her light shining so bright and then they assigned us Buddies to for kind of just to help keep track of everybody and sure enough she got a sign to be my buddy so I was like yeah I felt so grateful to have one a buddy who wasn't a half squirrel so I didn't have to chase her around all the time figuring out where she was at and too just someone is so easy to be around so your chapter in the book is something that is very intriguing to me because it's not something I personally have a lot of connection with and it's not something that we've actually had to come up on our on a podcast here yet and it's that connection to the ancestors and and utilize kind of utilizing that in your journey I know yeah I'd love to hear a little bit more about how you how you kind of came into that awareness and and what that's kind of been meant for you yeah um I guess actually the first thing I remember so my my grandfather that the two that I'm closest to are my paternal grandparents my grandfather actually died before I was born about a year and a half before I was born so I didn't get to know him as a kid and my grandmother lived until I was about 13. and I think my first experience was very shortly after she died she started coming into my dreams and and then suddenly he did too and I was like well that's interesting I you know I never met him and here he is like all of a sudden showing up with her in my dreams and most of the time the messages were like basically that I'm always with you like in the dream I would go I'd be in one room with them and then I'd walk into another room and they were there again and I was like wait a second how did you and it was like I'm I'm always here with you and I think at that time I was pretty shut down as far as I mean I was raised in uh Methodist Church and had pretty traditional Christian values and and understanding and anything outside of that Norm just was like we didn't talk about it and we didn't you know it wasn't part of our experience and so I just thought okay that was just a dream whatever like it was like I knew but I didn't quite get it or I wasn't I didn't want to admit it I guess that there could be something else that that was really them and through the years I just kept sort of feeling that especially with my grandmother and then it was in 2016 and 17 when everything just kind of shifted in my life that that I opened even more I had I started feeling these pulls in my body like I'm supposed to go do this thing and I didn't understand it because I hadn't been listening to my intuition and one of them was that I needed to go to Sedona for Gathering of the shamans and I'm like okay why you know I don't have the money for that whatever and I kept kind of putting it off and then finally there were a bunch of synchronicities that just kind of lined up and it was like okay I'm gonna do this there were all of a sudden the money started showing up I had friends that were like you gotta go you know and actually handing me money to go because they knew that this is what I needed and when I got there actually before I went I was trying to explain this to my parents where I thought I needed to go on this trip and and my dad was like no I think I think I said something like I just know it's right it just feels right and so I'm you know I really think I need to go and my dad said we sound like your grandfather he used to say figure out what's right and do it and I was like okay and then when I got there the first night I actually part of the way I got to go was as a volunteer so that saved me some money and so the first night when I got there was helping to set up the March tables and Stephen farmer was there are you familiar with him that you know yeah he's actually coming on our podcast next week oh nice he was one of the speakers there and yes they were setting up his merch and his you know oracle deck and all of that and he he walked by and was like Hey if you if you all want to grab a card you know you can just take a card and it's yours you can keep it and I'm like oh all right well the card I pulled out was the eagle and it says do what's right I was like wow okay so I kind of was like Papa like it's like is this you and then so the next day actually the other thing that happened and this is where I met Stephanie and Jeremy I was working at the the sign in table and they walked up and immediately before they even said their names I was like I know you and I was like no you don't and Stephanie was like I felt it too and I was like okay you know all right well the next day I got to experience shamanic journeying for the first time and Stephanie wasn't leading the guided part but she did have her big drum there and so she was coming around she and I was you know all up in my head busy busy head I couldn't focus the squirrel was active and Stephanie walks up or walks over me of course had my eyes closed but she was just like directly over me with her giant drum and it was like and immediately the visual started and it was this eagle flying over and I was like Papa and it was just like clear as day I was like okay that's him and he guided me through this beautiful Journey that I started seeing um kind of a path opening up and in front of me and it was throughout the next few weeks and then several months beyond that I started seeing some of the things he had shown me like in my actual life and I was like all right this there's a there's something to this but one of the things was at the end of the weekend Stephanie was telling me all about this trip to Teo and she was like well this one's full but I know we're going to go back so uh you know if you want we'll get you on the mailing list I think it would be a really powerful experience for you and so I was kind of excited about it but of course I was like okay well whenever the time comes well on the way home I get an email from her and she said hey we had two cancellations we're offering half price I've already checked the tickets from Austin and they're only 100 bucks to Mexico City and wow and she's like you gotta go and my first thought was again like well I still don't I just spent all my money going out to Sedona I don't have anything to get to heyo and when I got my mail that had been held while I was traveling I picked it up and I opened there was a check from insurance that I had filed a claim for I think six months prior and had forgotten about and it was within ten dollars of the amount that she quoted me and I was like okay anyway so that was synchronicities right so that was what guided me to Teo and when I was there of course there's all the the eagle symbolism that just was like calling to me it was just you know and so I I got like this little obsidian eagle and just it was the whole time I felt his presence in my grandmother's too but in that case it felt she was a little less tangible like he was just right there and and um shortly after that I found a group in Austin a Women's Circle that does shamanic journeying every week and after that it was just like week after week these connections these this Guidance just kept coming through and leading me and everything you know I'd have these heavy things I was I was in the middle of a divorce I was you know all of these things were that I was going through and every week I'd tap in and it was like Clarity and guidance and feeling protected and held and seen and it was just this very powerful experience and to continue that on through the next year I was starting to see these see these places in Africa and thinking well I'll go to I'll get to Africa someday well the eagle my grandfather kept flying over these rock formations and whatever and again synchronicities started showing up and and taking me to these places that I'd never been before like dropping people in front of in my path that had these connections and so I ended up in Africa mid Earl September 2018 and again started seeing these things that I've been seeing in my journey with my grandfather with the eagle and went actually was taken to this rock formation and introduced to the grandmother Rock and it was just like my body felt that moment I was like she's been showing up with these rock formations all this time she was showing up in Teo forming with the pyramids and the obsidian and all of this she's my path and this grounding force in my life just holding me and guiding me and it was just like everything kind of clicked and then we got up to the top of this rock formation and there's these eagles flying over and I was like all right so anyway it was just like it just kept happening this way and I would I would see the place that I was is what I was seeing and like there's no other there's no explanation no logical explanation for that right so you know it's just kind of like just telling me over and over like this is real you have a deep connection with these people and they're guiding you and they're showing you what makes your life more magical and more alive so anyway I could keep going there's there's story after story but well it just goes to show that when you start doing this work you do have to document and you have to go oh okay well that happened oh and then that happened I I remember when I started on my path and and you know these synchronicities started showing up you know you have to check yourself and and yeah is this real am I crazy am I making it up is it just a coincidence and these these Loops these phrases go over and over in your head that I found as soon as I started writing it and documenting it and say you know I kept kept a journal and in those moments I would go back to my notes and go no actually this is consistent now right if you finally get you get to a point where you're like I can't deny yeah that Seer Vision anymore I just can't deny it anymore yeah when I was when I was being called to Africa and I I actually got this book about the white lions from Linda Tucker and and there's a whole other set of synchronicities with that but that could take another hour but anyway I got her book and there were all these things in her book that I had seen in my Journeys and that was part of how it was like okay there's this connection so strong and so I started underlining things in the in my journals that I kept about my my journeying right and and the other thing that I had as far as validation was after I Journey with The Women's Circle we you know if we choose to we can share what what our experience was and so I had shared all this stuff all along the way and so when it started happening even they were like isn't that wasn't didn't you talk about that and I'm like I did it's like I had this external validation from these other people too that were reminding me this you know so yeah those are very useful for breaking through the ego right the ego that says no no no that's not real you can't see it with your eyes and touch it that's not real right so having those things written seeing it happen time after time having somebody outside of yourself say no it's I saw that too or look at look at the pattern that's happening it helps break the ego down and allows the heart to just kind of take charge and and start start to override the brain that we've given ultimate authority over the last you know yeah almost all of our life because we've tried to follow our heart early on and and we got in trouble for it or told that's bad and that's right right and a lot of it I mean my father is an engineer my brother is now an engineer they're very scientific Minds right and so they want evidence they want you know which of course now I've had my own evidence but at the time it was hard to prove it and if I were to say something like that to them they'd be like or no right so but now I'm with people who understand it and can support me and it's not to say they would have been mean about it or whatever but I think they just wouldn't have understood it and I felt like as a kid I know part of that was what shut me down and it certainly wasn't intentional the love was there but it was just that was not it didn't make sense to them right so well humans can only comprehend at their level of awareness right right and so when you bring something to them that is well what they may even consider Magic right they how does their brain comprehend that if our brains we're the ones experiencing it and we can't even comprehend it how do we expect somebody at a different level of awareness yeah to understand it and my dad he was beginning to open to more of it in his later years but you know by the time I really got to a point where I was comfortable enough in my own Journey he was already well into dementia and so it was right you know he was in a different reality but it was you know although there were things that he would say and you know I'm like okay now is this just in my mind or is he actually experiencing something you know and it was because you had the different level of awareness while he was going through dementia this is your father we're talking about yeah and so with you having this you know other awareness that you've already played with and understand that there's different realities and we are multi-dimensional beings that must have been fascinating to witness and hold because you were your father's caregiver it was and I stepped into that space knowing that he's accessing other Realms while you're caretaking like that must have been a pretty wild experience for you yeah yeah for sure I mean it was it was such a jumble of course there's the the grief of watching him deteriorate and change I mean he was always such just like a brilliant mind and and even killed and gentle and generous and you know he had just such a beautiful personality and watching that fade away and get so was difficult you know it was it was really sad and you know there were times when I just felt angry like how could this happen to him but at the same time I think I came in I actually had had hoped to put a little bit more of this in that first chapter but I just didn't have the space but you know sort of I was able to see sort of this magic to it that I think most people couldn't yeah you know there was this other understanding it gave me some peace when I think other people or stuck in the the apparent dysfunction of dementia right and yeah it would be times that I'm like okay you know he's seeing like there were there were these ladies that he'd talk to and I think they were maybe his aunts or somebody some people that he grew up with because he seemed to he really enjoyed being around them I don't think it was like lady my mom used to joke about his other women and I'm like no it doesn't feel like that you know I mean she was kidding she didn't think that he was actually but but I was like it doesn't feel like that it feels like Elders like these are women that he looks up to and that he you know kind of cherishes from you know so I kept thinking maybe it's his aunts or well then wouldn't it make sense that the divine feminine would would step in to hold in that space right yeah yeah I mean and he saw his spirits he had the spiritual caregivers and then he had the physical caregivers you know what you did for him yeah yeah so and I think holding people through that kind of phase of their lives you know there's so many lessons that come from being a caregiver in in that capacity there's so much growth that comes and we know that those who dig the deepest Shine the brightest and I do believe that is that is why you've been able to cultivate so much light in your own being because of some of these experiences that you've had to go through and oh go ahead and and just you just stood up and faced them and and had the courage to walk through those spaces yeah yeah and I've been I've been going through it with my aunt as well over the last year she's she's still hanging on and like I just want to say bless her heart like she's her she has no real quality of life anymore and hasn't for months but she's still with us and I feel like she's working through something on some level and it's not something I can understand but she she was sharp until she had a heart infection that I don't know when it started but they discovered it in June of last year and then that led to a series of strokes and so The Strokes have really impacted her cognitive ability and as well as her physical abilities so she's been in the bed basically since last unable to even turn over and and now her mind is kind of somewhere else too but I I've been able to sit with her through that and kind of hold space and and just kind of show up where she is which is you know people again it's like early on people were just trying to fix her and this and that and I'm like yes and you know if there's something that we can do to help her absolutely but I think I mean physically but I think more of it was just kind of showing up with her and being you know she says she sees somebody because she sees animals and other people and whatever I ask her questions about him instead of trying to shut that down right like of course where she is an experience you know kind of understand get a little insight into what she's experiencing and and just sort of hold her through that because she's had some really terrifying experiences I think in some cases she's reliving her traumas and and so just to be able to hold her and witness her and remind her that she's safe through like these childhood traumas and these different things that have come up for her again in these last several months as her as she's locked in this strange place in her mind some in spirit as well right but yeah so it's been it's been a very powerful Journey for me and I've learned so much and in fact one of the things that that's been a blessing with it is I'm learning now to recognize my self-worth where I am and my let go of guilt and shame because I've watched both my dad and now my aunt kind of living their worst nightmares it's like they've created the reality now and as their cognitive abilities have shifted and so they're carrying all this stuff and I'm like okay all right what what can I let go of now what can I clear right wow yeah what a beautiful lesson that they've provided for you yeah yeah I mean it breaks my heart that they're walking through that because they've lived really good lives they're sure very they're very loving generous kind people and they you know they've done a lot of good things in the world so to see them stuck in this place where they think they're not enough and they haven't done enough and they haven't you know whatever it just it's kind of mind-blowing so it's it's a reality check for me oh what's fascinating to to hear like from the outside of your story when I translate it for me it's like we talk about this the generational trauma that that we have kind of stepped in and accepted that we are the ones that are going to be breaking that in your case specifically you have two of your living relatives in spaces where they're literally verbalizing and experiencing other Realms and you're being given the opportunity to ask the questions to hear what they're saying so that you can go inside and cut those cords and get rid of those the generational patterning and Trauma right now like that is huge work and it's not just huge work for your family because when one person heals you're healing your lines your ancestral lines above and below and it also helps heal the collective like you're doing some huge work and when you're in it sometimes you don't understand to the degree right right but that that's some big work that your family has stepped into and that you have accepted the call to cut those chords and release the trauma and another just another perspective that I'll offer on that is like we all you know a belief that I hold is we all sign up for something when we come here right we kind of know what we're getting into to some degree maybe we can't know it all but your dad and your aunt may have signed up to go through that piece to to mirror that for you to prepare you just like your grandma and grandpa said we're going to be there to hold her hand while she witnesses that yeah and together you're there's this Collective three generation generational effort to finally do that and you're just kind of that last vessel that had the strength you had the power to come and be the one to finally cut it and it is it's very impressive I mean if you if you accomplish nothing else you did it shifted huge energies and collapsed timelines and brought back all of this you know this Trauma from your you know like you said the third three generations I have been this this journey I mean obviously I was being given the awareness through these different trips that I was guided to take you know to Sedona and Teo and Africa you know you know where I I really started believing that okay my grandparents are there my ancestors are listening and guiding and holding me but it it's really been these last few years I mean I went it was the summer of 2020 when I went there and I stayed for 15 months with my dad and then came home for part of a year and then went back um last August and was there through January and I'm about to go back next weekend I'll be heading back for round three round three my aunt and my mom so you know we'll see but I really my relationship with my grandparents during that time I mean it was just like almost every day I'm like help like you know there were these moments where I felt like I had no clue what to do and when I took that time to just breathe and sit still and call them in and allow their wisdom to come through it was I mean I could change I could shift the entire day just by doing that that's an important an important message for the listeners is that's that's we are all doing that to some degree that may not be the only thing we're here to do but we are all here with the mission of loving more cutting these chords healing these generational traumas and connecting to your ancestors that they were there for the same reason and so connecting to them is that tapping into that extra energy so you know as as you're going through your life if you're feeling this like oh this is so challenging right there's so much [ __ ] in my family and know that that you have support and know that part of what you're here to do is heal that and the way to heal that is to heal it inside of you and you heal it in you it is like a shock wave through the Multiverse and it no longer exists the darkness that was created from that ceases to exist and it's through those healings of each individual that we are slowly Shifting the vibration of the planet the bigger dream of everybody that exists and as we get that the momentum is building and the more we do that so right if if you're listening to this and you're feeling like you're going through all this stuff access those ancestors pick up our book it's launching on June 21st Suzanne gives you a way to learn to access your ancestors and use that use that energy use that power to heal yourself and all of that timeline that exists before and after it it's shifting it's shifting huge energy is it Shifting the universe it's it's incredible stuff and people that start to do this work they don't understand that it's going to Ripple have that kind of a ripple effect and so [Music] we're literally physically watching you dance between three generations


right and then when you also bring awareness to it as soon as there's awareness to it and you set your intent to do that then it's even more powerful because in the beginning you're like I don't even know where to go I don't even know where to start but once you understand it and there's awareness around this multi-dimensional healing that's happening then you can go in even deeper set more intent ask for more help and then the healing happens even faster yeah yeah and actually back what you were saying said too about you know we on some level you know we come in knowing our Journeys are you know having some awareness I I recently was back I guess it was it was actually when Stephanie first invited me to go on this trip to AO and be an author in this and the other book and that you know kicked up all sorts of stuff for me I'd never written before and I mean at least not in any way where I'm putting it out there I've you know posted on Facebook or something but and so I actually got still then sat by the creek and and did a meditation and it was it invited me to go backwards and the timeline of my life and look for the big initiations all of those moments that were so pivotal in my life good or bad or however I mean maybe this is not even a good or bad but however I perceived them and it takes you all the way back through to conception right so that whole experience and when I got to that point of conception or before conception all of a sudden I realized it was my grandfather who called my soul in to be a part of my family and to do this work and I had done some automatic writing a few years ago within the first time I actually did it at least with an ancestor and he had he was in well it's in the chapter I mentioned he was in World War II and he basically in that automatic writing told me he's like you know I saw a lot of darkness and shadows and always felt like I had to fight my way through everything but he's you know were there Shadows there's light and basically his message was find that light be that light and share that light and then when I did this meditation back in the fall it was it was like he was kind of bringing me back to that like I called you in because we need the light in this in the world right now and I knew that your soul your you were that person that could show up that way and so it was like you know I'm sure there was some level where I had to say yes or no and accept this journey right but I felt like he almost hand-picked me I didn't pick my soul to put it like gonna give you these genetics and you know and then you carried his Warrior heart back down into this this Dimension to do the work but it's like a warrior of love right I mean he did exactly he thought he fought with integrity and for the right reasons but he basically was telling me you know he's like you don't have to keep fighting in that same way it's not about yeah it's the Warriors of light and and I think I think Humanity could use a reframe of the word Warrior that you know it's not always about fighting Warriors also protect they protect their family they protect themselves and they lead with their hearts and you know there's a dedication space and a devotion space to the Divine mother so you know part of our mission to is to redefine what the patriarchal side of us right is supposed to do right so it's very cool that you know your grandfather literally gifted you part of his heart to bring down here yeah I mean and I feel like in some way that was part of why he died when he did like his you know it was like I said about a year and a half before I was born so I was like he was there preparing yeah and and the other end of that when he was in World War II he got injured and actually they told my grandmother that he had died which thankful he did not but he ended up getting sent home and 11 months later my dad was born so had he not been injured I also wouldn't be here so to sort of see how these things like you never want somebody to get injured but you know it somehow shows you sort of the divine plan like yeah right we judge these things as good or bad but without right what we have today would not exist right is the butterfly effect if you go back millions of years and step on one butterfly it could change the face of the planet as we know it because that butterfly wouldn't land on that one flower and you know just so yeah it all happens for a reason yeah we stay out of judgment we can just sit and witness and and Marvel at how spectacular the whole the whole process is and you know I think that has been part of part of your medicine you know sitting in witness and holding space that is the divine feminine and you know coming in with that Warrior heart and your lessons about finding that balance between the Divine masculine and feminine within those were big lessons for you stepping into caregiving yeah yeah right and I mean and that's coming up again now in a new way that was part of what I was working through just yesterday because I was feeling resistance in this time like I'm I'm being asked to go back and and be there with my mom and of course my aunt is still in hospice care and so that there's two pieces of it but my mom is getting to a point where we no longer feel like it's safe for her to be at home alone right and so and she's I think in a combination of denial and ignorance like she can't understand the extent of her cognitive decline and so she doesn't want to leave her home of 40 plus years right what that's a pretty common transition right and so I was feeling this resistance about going there because I'm like it's just so draining too I mean I've learned so much and been given so many gifts but it's it's a whole joke right it's hard work that's Shadow work right there and I've been feeling like I feel like I'm finally sinking back into my own space and having time for my own projects and this and that and then I'm like wait a minute I'm getting pulled back in there and yesterday I sort of reframed it all and like this time I think we're my brother and I are talking about it we don't know exactly what's going to happen there but most likely by June we'll be trying to move her into a community like an assisted living community or something like that where some of her friends live and so if there's a lot of action that has to take place between now and then yeah and so I would describe it the analogy is like just because you've trained for Marathon your body's ready to run a marathon doesn't mean that that marathon is not still gonna take a lot of effort you still have to commit you've done the work to have the strength to do it yeah but as we step back into those spaces we still have to use the energy to do the work it's not as though it doesn't still require effort no I know well that's it and that's the other thing I'm learning you know I've got all these tools and practices but that doesn't mean that I'm not supposed to feel the the grief and the sorrow and the you know the sometimes frustration and anger or whatever it's still a difficult situation so I have to give myself the grace to still feel all that and go through it but what I was going to say so this time instead of just being there to nurture and love on my family I mean not to say I wasn't doing a lot because I was doing a lot but now it's like I have a goal and I have actions I have to take we have to clear out our house so we have to and then my aunt's house as well at some point but it's like there's there's these specific actions that have to be done now and so as this you know I've been sort of asked to rebalance this masculine and feminine and so it sort of feels perfect like yesterday all of a sudden it hit me and I'm like okay like so I've been you know first part of my life most of my life I've been in that masculine like go do all the things but it was really unbalanced it was it was not from a centered healthy place right it was a sense of obligation or whatever yeah and so I moved out of that into a feminine place and gave myself time to heal and grow and learn and and listen to guidance and everything and now it's like okay we got some stuff going back in learnable yeah so this is kind of like the fine holding both energies at the same time and doing that agile dance right still nurturing myself that's right nurturing my mom nurturing my aunt and caring about us all but this time I've got like specific things that need to get done and I can't just you know there's yeah anyway so it's it's sort of like the universe is like okay here we go here we go next level you're now in your practicum so that's kind of how I see it you know we have to go once we get the teachings then we have to go experience life and apply the teachings and and witness how they're going to shift Our Lives shift us internally and how it's going to shift into our external world as well right so it's very cool I'm excited for you it's a big step it's a big practicum you're walking into right now yeah and you know it'll be very interesting so your story with your dad is in your book or in the collaborative book Shaman heart sacred Rebel and then your story with your ancestors and listening and tuning in and how to communicate and navigate the world having that extra support is in our book bytes of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur so there's two places that people can go and find your writing and soon yes May and June right May 21st May 20th


Sacred Heart and then or sacred Rebel and June 21st for bites Alliance coming soon coming soon we have loved having you today and we are so excited to play with you after our book comes out and we're going to be doing events and workshops and all of that yes so thank you very much for spending some time with us today thank you both and it's been a wonderful Journey


yeah I'm just so grateful that I could that you two invited me to participate in this kind of take that next step for myself and share it with the world and kind of give myself it's like I've got this new Foundation based on what I what came through to write from now in this next step so yeah yeah it's amazing thank you saying yes thank you for saying yes to yourself and to us and to the divine plan and they'll be very exciting to see where we all go this next year yes and thank you to the listeners who showed up to watch and hopefully you learned something I know you've learned some things about accessing your ancestors and using that power to get through the challenges in your life you're here to you're here to heal so let's all heal the planet together in your life all right Shine Your Light thank you for sharing your time and energy with us the best way to help us spread this message is to rate review And subscribe this episode impacted you in any way share it with others post about it on social media or put something in the comments also check out our website for upcoming events and books at


all our gratitude and love all our love see you soon


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