Embracing the Flow, VALIDATING FEELINGS with Rachelle Golding - Bytes of Light

Episode #20

In today's episode we sat down with Rachelle Golding, who has a long history of learning and working with Angel in their craft.

She touches on her experiences entering the world of shamanic healing, accepting her own limitations and learning to push past preconceived notions of "what is right" and "how things are supposed to be." Remember, your feelings are valid, and acknowledging your feelings in the moment you are feeling them is healthy.

All this and more in today's podcast!


Rachelle Golding is a Canadian Rocky Mountain Goddess. 

She is a loving wife to her high school sweetheart and fur-mother to two rambunctious canines and three mischievous felines.

She is a Court Clerk with the Court Service Branch, a sector within the British Columbian Government. 

She is actively involved as a member of a multitude of health and wellness committees within the Court Service Branch organization. 

She walks in both the corporate world and spiritual world with ease. 

Rachelle is a dedicated Reiki Master through the Usui System of Natural Healing. Her work with Angel has allowed her the honor of being one of the first Priestess initiates of the Nina Songo Energy Medicine Mystery School. 

As well, Rachelle is a practicing physical medium that believes when Spirit comes a knocking, it's time to get rocking. With her zest for life and thirst for continued healing, she brings a ray of sunshine to every encounter. 


You can find Rachelle at: 



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[Episode Transcription]

 Welcome back to another episode of Bytes of Light Snacks for Your Soul. And today we're so excited. Our guest is Rachelle Golding. Welcome, welcome. Yes. Thank you for having me. Yes, we, Rachelle and I go way back. She is one of my, what I would call my OG students right from the very beginning of me teaching the spiritual awareness.


And I can't remember exactly what class it was. Well, you take us back and what, what do you remember where, what was your first introduction To me and our work together? .


Well it was like way, way back when you were doing the Ascension handbook classes, I believe. And Yeah. And we were doing circle out at a golf course here.


Yeah. In the basement of a golf course. In the meeting room. Yes.


Yeah. And it was just a handful of people and Yeah, I remember just thinking,  back then, like I, I knew I needed something. I just didn't know what that something was. And I, I had seen your posting. I can't remember if it was on Facebook. Or Facebook, I think it was.


Yeah. And yeah, and I just, I started going to circle with you and it just, at first I was very, This is fucking weird part of my language.


All, it's all allowed here. Be as authentic as you want.


We don't make any promises to the listeners other than be authentic.


That's right. Beautiful. Okay. Well I can do that.


Yeah, and I just, I remember thinking very much like, this seems like hokey, but at the same time it was like something in me was. You're being too logical about this. Just, just be open and see what happens. Like the worst that's gonna happen is you're gonna walk away from it having learned how to meditate.


Right. So, and yeah. Cause back then I was doing full guided meditation. Shamanic journeying basically is the language that I would call it now. Yeah. Every class. . Yep. Right? Yeah. And we were having, we were all having some really profound experiences that mm-hmm.  that cracked us all open as a group.


And I think because everybody in that group was, you know, in the beginning everybody was like, holy shit, what is this? Yeah, totally. , but the commitment was there and you know, we, I think it was a solid 13 to 16 weeks that we shared once a week, and it just, it just grew and, and we just evolved and blew each other up every week.




yeah. And I remember it started kind of just like your basic introduction to like chakra work and energy healing and, and that kind of thing. And then, you know, there was six weeks of that and then there, I think there was another. I think you did another like 10 weeks, which was like more kind of the inner stuff.


Yeah, and I, I put it in air quotes because it was like very much inner stuff, but it wasn't, we didn't really know exactly how deep that inner stuff we were going, so yeah. .


Yeah. Yeah. And it was fascinating, the group that gathered and their willingness to go in, including you, your willingness to go in and heal some of those traumas because you know, it's, yeah, people look for these kind of things or they're, they're presented when you need them.


Like you said, you, you were looking and boom, here comes this thing, it, it kind of goes with the, when the tea, when the student is ready, the teacher appears, type thing.


Yeah, totally. And, and like thinking, I've done a lot of thinking back to that as kind of my first stepping stone on this journey of, of healing for myself.


And I remember very much being the person at the back of the classroom really not participating or engaging and, you know, it, it took a lot before I actually kind of stepped out of that shell and. It, I think it was a combination of not wanting to be seen but also. , there was people, in my mind, I was thinking, there was people there who were hurt or hurting, or traumatized far more than me.


So they should get, get the attention first. Kind of like, I equate it to a nurse in a, in a er. Triage. Triage, right? So it was like, my traumas aren't nearly as bad as the woman three seats up from me who just lost her husband. Right. So it was one of those kind of things, but then,  as it progressed. You know, it was very much, we are all on equal playing field, so to speak, and it's, it doesn't matter what the trauma looked like, it was just as valid for me as it was for, you know, something else happening to some, you know, a situation for somebody else.


And their trauma is just as equal to mine. So, and I, yeah, it's, it that's,


That's an important piece to re. For the listeners, like we get, I hear this a lot, like, well, my, you know, we talk about this. Mine's trauma with a little t Yeah. You minimize trauma


with the capital T, minimize your experience


and the yeah, the, there's no big trauma, little trauma.


There is what you experienced and it either did traumatize you or it didn't, and if it did, , then it's something that, it's a, it's something in this life that you can work through to raise your vibration and overcome that. And if you, if you, if it didn't traumatize you, then it's not even, it's not really the conversation.


Yeah. But not minimizing our trauma, getting in comparisonitis, like having that. Comparing our trauma to other peoples is a way of keeping us small, like you talked about playing small, stepping back. No, you do yours i'll,


yours is bigger. I'll witness first. I'll hold first. You know, so that's


just an, I reiterate that for the listeners, your trauma is every bit as valid as anybody else's trauma.


There's not one that's bigger, better, worse, or you know, anything else. That just is what your experience is and it's your experience to walk through in this. .


Well, and there also, there also comes a place where you have to be ready. Like I, I remember those days. And remember you staying in witness and then when you know, you decided that, you know, it was your turn to actually start talking about it.


Like you've gone through some significant things in your world and maybe there was also a piece that you weren't ready.  to verbalize that and process it. And if I was to put myself in your shoes, I would've stayed silent and witnessed to make sure that the facilitators were strong enough to hold yours.


Yeah, because you don't wanna do that digging unless you know you're gonna be held and that you're safe. .


Well, and that's exactly what I was gonna say. For me, it was really important to know that I was gonna be safe and that I wasn't going to be just left hanging Right. You know? It's like, here's your wound.


but you have to do, right. Yeah. Toles, right. But have someone there to, to hold that space in that container for you and, and let you cry. And, you know, it's, I still struggle with allowing myself to cry. Yes. But having worked with you, like it's, it's becoming more easy to just let that part go. So I just, I lost my train of thought.


Sorry, .


Well, it, it's true. And you know, when you, when you go into those spaces are you okay with sharing? Oh yeah, yeah. I'll share. So, you know when, when the first time you told us, and let us into your world that, you know, your dad had died in a horrific work accident. Mm-hmm.  a space that, you know, you kiss and goodbye in the morning, and then he doesn't come home at.


there's a space there that I certainly want, would've wanted to be held through that space, knowing that's where I was going to go.


Yeah, exactly. And it's, it's not an angst. It's not an easy topic to still talk about today, but I like to, of course, I like to equate my grief over it as waves. You know, there's going to be, you know, the crest of the wave where it hurts exponentially and I cry a lot about it, but then it comes down and I can talk about it and I can, you know, I allow myself to feel the feelings and, and not.


Deeply as when I'm at the top of the wave. So it's, it ebbs and flows, and that's something that was, I had taken away a big time from your classes was that, you know, your emotions ebb and flow or are, you know, that cylindrical. So it's gonna come around for you to touch on it again, experience it again.


Look at the deeper lesson that's there and why you're still feeling that way, and then it kind of calms down again.


Right? Yeah. And the there is gold about doing the work. You know, people are like, oh, I don't wanna dig in my shit. I don't wanna do that. And you know, we coined the phrase back then in your classes, you know, we need to sit in our shit.


Yeah. Yes. Right? Remember  and what gold comes out of. , you know, we, you know, the, those who dig the deepest, shine the brightest. And because you chose to do the work, all of your gifts started opening. Yep. Right. And within those couple of years with us working together so intensely, you know, you birthed your own psychic mediumship business.


You, you know, you started, you know, having your own clients and that trajectory because you.  sit in it and do the work around it. Yeah,


exactly. Right. Yeah,


I think, I think there's a, a part to expand on that. You know, since then there's been some more awareness, I think for you too around that, where it's important to sit in your shit long enough to figure out what that shit is and shine the light on it.


But not so long that it stops smelling like shit and starts feeling like a familiar old blanket, right? Yeah. Right. There's a point at which it becomes a new comfortable rut to be in it as a, as a victim or as you know, just like, look, see it my, how hard my life is versus sitting it long enough to recognize it, get to the root of it.


Shine the light on it and get out and then release it  so that we can then move on to experience the joy and the love that we're here to experience. But there's, there can often be, you know, shit swamps we gotta walk through to get to that loving, unconditional, joyous space that we're here to here to enjoy as humans having.


beings having this experience as humans .


So true. So true. And over the last few years, having stepped into very much a corporate world it, it has. . One of my mantras with myself and my coworkers that I've really come to say is, your feelings are valid, whatever that is. If you're pissed off, if you're sad, if you're depressed, you're anxious, whatever it is, those feelings are valid to you absolutely.


Regardless of, you know what triggered it in you. , but you can't stay in that place cuz that's what traps you in that mindset. And so you gotta figure out what's causing it, even if it's just, you know, a little glimpse of it, but then taking yourself out of that mindset. So it's, it's very much what you said, Seth, you know, that rut, you know, getting stuck in that rut.


It's, it's a choice. It's something that I, I. , but I work, you know, when I recognize it, I kick myself and I go, okay, all right, Michelle, let's, let's get back on the wagon. We can do this. Like, it's, this isn't who you are and you know what, what self-care have you not been doing that lets you release this kind of energy?


So, very point. Yeah. Very,


very good.  and because you're, you're onto it. So, you know, we call that the, the process of mastering our awareness. You know, you're on that journey now and you're aware of it and you can catch it. And because you have done so much work, it was very cool to watch your gifts open and then you got to dabble and experiment with some of that.


So, Share with the listeners some of the gifts that you got to dabble in and what you are working towards more of a mastery level with now. What, what's your gifts? .


Well, I did get my attunement as a a master reiki through the assu reiki through you. Yeah, so that's something that I've been working towards mastering what that looks like for me and not necessarily your traditional.


Way of, you know, you go and you're laying down on a bed and there's candles and, you know, all that kind of stuff. Don't get me wrong, I do do that for some clients when they need it, but it's really for myself becoming a master in doing it for others when they don't necessarily re.  that I'm doing that.


So whether that's sitting down and just even having a conversation with somebody in, in the break room or with a girl at the coffee shop that I see every morning when I get my coffee. So it's, it's that. Level of mastery that I'm working at that is, you know, allowing myself to be a conduit for healing energy without, you know, the traditional sense of what, you know, Reiki really is, and energy healing really is.


I'm also a physical medium, so that's something else that In, in the past few years, I've kind of actually shut off for a little bit, mostly because I think I needed to work on.  navigating the place that I was in in my life and what was going on with me during that time. But most recently it started to kind of really starting to open up again and that, so I'm like, okay, well it's time again.


I'm, I'm feeling that pull, I'm feeling that call. So working at cleaning out.  the cobwebs and, and working at, you know, being more open to spirit in that sense so that I can, I can help other people heal through that avenue of, of modality.


Well, and that's a really good thing to bring up, that we do go in cycles even with our.


Mm-hmm. , you know, that earth shifts through spring, summer, winter, fall. Our physical soul baskets are a part of Mother Earth and they also go through that transition. And I like to think that, you know, we dabble in, in five different realms and we have to take care of mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and sometimes you have to leave that the spiritual aspect.


you know, you guys bought your first house, like there was some 3D physical human adulting things that you had some huge initiations over the last couple years and stepped into and, and so we have to find balance within our worlds too. And sometimes we have to shift our attention from one thing to build up The other thing, you know, one of my teachers always used to.


You'll be at a mastery at, at one part of your life and you'll be at kindergarten at another part of your life. Mm-hmm. . Right? So there's all multidimensional things that we as humans are trying to navigate. Right? Yeah. And you, you had, you chose to put all of your attention to this one spot to pull yourself up there.


And as your teacher, it was fascinating to witness and support you along that. And then when we started, you know, birthing this, . I was like, well, is she ready now? Here we go, . And second, you said yes. Boom. Now your attention switched us back over into the spiritual realm and we're on the spiral path and it's gonna be very interesting to see how your gifts choose to show up this time in this new birthing cycle.


It's so exciting. .


Yeah, I'm, I'm very excited. I think for a couple reasons. Well, before I, I move on to that. I just wanna say too, for the listeners, that cycles aren't, Us as humans tend to think as cycles as, oh, it's only gonna a last from, you know, Monday to Tuesday. Or, they put very much time constraints on things.


Yeah. And it's, it, that's not how it is. You know, a cycle for you could last a week. Sometimes it can last years, sometimes it could be just a couple months. Like it's not something that we can really. Put a timeframe around, like for me it was five years. Like that's a long time. Mm-hmm. . But in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't a long time.


So just, I think that's an important to point out, that it could be, you know, your cycles won't look the same. It'll be, you know, a year, whatever, and then all of a sudden it might be two or three years. So just it, I think that's very important to point out. Mm-hmm. ,


um, And I think, and also within that, I we, there was so much light put into ourselves when we were in that group, you know, everybody committed and like, we went hard for a long time.


So there was a lot of seeds that were planted. Yes. And then we still are housing that cellular memory that we're trying. So we spiritually clear out all this stuff and, and we, we now have awareness around, , what our traumas are and how we need to clear them. But our physical soul basket still carries it.


So now we're trying to lift this cellular memory, and that's where, that's why it took five years, we loaded you so much with light. You needed five years to, for your physical soul basket to catch up to your spirit, your, your spiritual realm, right? Oh, a hundred hundred percent. Hundred percent. It's your practicum.


It's the practicum. Yes,


exactly. And I think the difference and one of the reasons why I am very much more excited about where I'm at now and the growth I'm gonna have with my gifts and my abilities versus where it was, say, when we were together in circle and I, I opened my business and I was doing all these things, is.


that version of me, that Rochelle was very much tunnel vision. Like this is what it's, it is to be right doing reiki. This is what it is to be a medium. Yes. And it, it was very much a biased view of how it had to be. And I, I emphasize had, because that's what I would, had taken on as an agreement with myself is, is it had to be this way.


Right. Where. Now I'm very much more open and feeling very more fluid with it. So it's like, it's gonna just present itself the way it's gonna present itself, and I'm just going to move with it. If it feels right, I'm gonna move with that. If it's, you know, if I feel like, oh, I'm, I'm starting to feel blocked, or I'm getting, stepping into more of that ego mindset where it's like, it has to be this way and you have to do this, and you have, all right.


Rochelle, take a step back. What, where are you feeling this is, is it, are you feeling it up here or are you feeling it coming from here? Because that's what's important. That's right. So I think that's where I'm, I'm very much more excited is because I'm feeling more fluid with it and there isn't this construct of what it has to be.


Well, and that's why, you know, when I teach energy work and, you know, we sat in those circles doing the reiki levels. I can remember when I got my master attunement and you know, you're practicing on each other and I'm showing my teacher what I'm doing, and she's like, well, you're doing it wrong.


That's not how you do it. You don't put your hands like that. You put your hands like this. And I was like you're not going to tell. How I'm supposed to heal somebody. Like there was this instant rejection of that information, and so I took that into my own teachings and with you guys it was like, here's what I've been taught.


Here's how I do it. Show me how you do it. Right? Yeah. There's this balls level of teaching that is coming out that yes, you teach your magic, but then you also leave room for the students to grow. . That's how you come into your own mastery, and that is one of the reasons why I chose you as one of my healers.


Like I, you know, after you had all your training and everything, you know, you'd set up your business, you and I swapped all the time, and yeah, coming over and being on your, your massage table and the way you did it, that's why I chose to work with you, because even though I was your teacher, You still had the confidence to experiment and do things that I'd never taught you, and it was just really cool.


Yeah. So that's why this, this next spiral path. I'm really excited to see what comes in for you. Well, and I, I


just, I feel like there's gonna be big changes. I know this. . Well, we've, this past week we have talked a lot about, you know, We've been really pushing ourselves to get, you know, to meet certain deadlines and, and that Yeah.


All of our chapters


just got put in for our book. Yes. , like wow and


cycle. I hope it's okay if I can talk about that just for a minute. Yes, go ahead.


Absolutely. Absolutely.


Sure. So we had our phone call, our, our just kind touched our meeting and I had kind of read mine and it was very skeleton and I was feeling like, yeah, like I'm really good, like I'm doing really good and it's coming together and it's just flowing.


And you're like, well, here's a few suggestions. And I instantly. Fuck . Fuck. Like, it's not good enough. It's not good enough. And I, I had instantly, like, I was so amazed at how instantly I went from. Being like open and it was flowing and I was like, yeah, it's all coming together beautifully to being like, she doesn't like it,


It's the worst. But that's, that's not what you said at all. Like, I wanna just really


like you, you're, you're your child up and went, Hey, old habits. Yeah. Old habits and


patterns. Totally. And I really struggled, like after that call to probably about, Three days before the chapter was due for its first bout of edit.


Yeah. I didn't write at all.


Yeah, you needed to sit in it. You need to sit back in your shit . I


did. I did. And you totally inadvertently called me out on it too. Like you were just a hundred percent like. Hey, Rochelle, I see your shit and you're just, you're not taking care of it. And I'm like, well, it's manure.


Does that happen?


And you know, I, I, in retrospect, looking at what I had versus what, what came out was ver was very much just surface level kind of.  got my heart and soul. Yeah. Where what I submitted as my final project or my final chapter very much is something that like I'm very proud of and I put a lot of myself into it.


And so I think I really needed that kick in the ass to, to take the step back and be like, Whoa. Like, yeah, actually, Rochelle, you are just being very surface level and like, what, what's going on deeper down that really triggered you in that sense? And I, I'm not gonna lie, after that call, I cried . Yeah. I went and cried and, but good tears.


Not like


Yeah. Yeah.


You know, bad tears. Like it was good tears. And then I really did, I, I sat with myself a lot and you know, like, okay. Like, what is it that is stopping you or, or blocking you? Like let's think about this. And yeah. A lot of it was in her child. It was actually more in her teenager. I


was gonna say , it probably pulled up your dad's stuff.




I, I, my dad's stuff and then I probably say like late, like maybe like 16. Ish age where it was more like, who does she think she is telling me what I can and can't do. , like, it was


very much snapping. Oh.


There was like all the snapping and I, and, and I ended up getting a head cold. So I'm like, oh.


Ascension flu. Yeah.


Yeah. And I was like, holy shit. Like I remember this, like, it all all started coming back to me. Right. And it, it really validated that sense of, okay, you're opening again and you know, like remembering some of how the process goes and this time instead. Being like, oh, this is the worst and you know, I, I don't wanna do this anymore.


And you know, like all that kind of thought patterns as somebody new and coming into this, it was, oh, right, this is what's happened.  I, these are the self self-care steps that I need in order to help me work through this. And you know, just really being conscientious of my, like my me time and doing things that I needed.


And it's really funny because my chapter is about inner dialogue and how the conversations we have within ourselves can manifest. Into our, our, our physical world. Right. And so it was, I was, I was learning my medicine


before I .


Yeah, exactly. And so it was, it was really, it was really interesting and. . When I submitted my final chapter, I, I said to my husband, I said, I like, I feel sick.


Like I'm nauseous and I'm so scared. But at the same time, I'm feeling so proud and confident and like this is, you know, gonna be received well. But then the other part of me was like, what if it's not good enough? And it's, you know, what if they don't like it? I'm like, you know. You just gotta let that go.


Yeah. You got, it's gonna be what it's gonna be regardless of what you want it to be. So just let it go. And, and it's, it was, I just hit send and I'm like, okay, I'm done. I can let go of that energy now,


so. Well, and isn't it in, oh, so I'm gonna tie it, I'm gonna translate this for you. . We haven't sat in circle in what?


Eight to 10 years? It's been a long time. Oh, a long time. And how many ugly snot cries did you have in class? Lots. Right? So doesn't it make sense? That. Now this is basically an, another circle. It's a portal that Seth and I have created for you guys to birth medicine, right? Yeah. And so of course this is the great thing about our relationship and that, that the, the trust is so deep.


The trust and the respect is so deep. I knew exactly how to baseball value into that space. And as your teacher that that is my job and I take that responsibility very seriously. And so it's How much medicine do you provide to the Wolf Cub? To, to allow them to birth what they need to birth. And I know how powerful you are, and I know I, I just, I knew exactly what to deliver because we'd worked together so long, and I am so excited to read your chapter, to see what you've birthed.


And you, you've already shown that this spiral path has shifted for you because some of those seeds that were plant. , you just popped up and Spring was here, and you're like, oh, I need this tool. I need this tool. Oh, yep. Let's not forget about this tool. And you brought yourself through to the other side, not in a victim space.


Oh, exactly. And it, it, that has been, I think, one of the greatest blessings that through our time together, you have bestowed upon. Me is not to fall into that victim role and, you know, allow yourself to be re-traumatized and not really know how to take yourself out of that role. It's, you know, there are times where we, we slip into that, but you have taught me how to not stay in that victim role and to recognize and go.


Oh, wait a minute. Oh, like, just wait a minute. But I think too, it, it's something that, you know, having worked with you so long, it's, so for me, very fascinating to know, to watch you as my teacher know how to hit me with that baseball bat. But the way you. Will motivate someone else, it, and, you know, one of your other students, it can be entirely different.


Yes. And so it's, it's really to me, I've, I've taken that into, you know, the people that I'll say taken under my wing. I won't say that they're students cuz they don't know their students yet, . But it's, you know, recognizing that, you know, the way that I approach helping one person is entirely different than how I help.


Somebody else that, you know, I've kind of taken under my wing, and it, that's something that I've learned from you is, you know, you know, you can hit me with that baseball bat. You know, you can just, you know, right out of the ballpark, hit it. Whereas somebody else, you might have to just be like, tap, tap, like, right.


And so to me it's, that's another really beautiful lesson that you've bestowed upon


me. Mm. Everybody. Everybody's at different levels of awareness. Everybody has different traumas. Every single human has their own unique ray of light, and every single human needs to be approached individually Exactly.


Given the medicine that they need. Because we're all different. And if you're teaching or if you're facilitating in a space where you're just blanketing,


I guess in, in the beginning, that's okay. But you know, when we get to the advanced levels where, where you guys are and where we're playing, there has to be that indiv individualization. . I


was gonna say, so like you mentioned it earlier with the teacher that told you this is the right way, you're doing it wrong.


Right. And we've talked about teachers before on the show, so, but I just wanted to reiterate that for, for the listeners, like that's, that's one of those big red flags because there is no right way and wrong way, just like Rochelle was saying, there's not a right way or wrong way to approach every person that you're working with, whether it's through an actual teacher-student relationship like agreement.


people in your life that you want to help raise their vibration because you love them and would like to see them succeed. It's gonna, it it's different. And the way you're gonna approach them is different because they're unique and how, and the gifts are gonna show up for you different because you're unique.


But Beck and I wanted to touch on one thing, the spiral path. We talk about that occasionally, but I've had people ask me like, not understanding that. And the way that I describe it is like, you know, this, this event happens. , you know, and, and it happens when you're here. And as you, you, you go through your life and you, and you come around and it, it feels far away.


It's kinda like the waves you were talking about, Rochelle. It feels kind of far away and it's not super impactful. But then you come back around and you come back really close to it, but you're not really on it anymore. You're close to it, but it feels to the, to most people, like, how come I'm going through this


same shit?


I'm right back there again times I've dealt with that there again. And,


and the important part of understanding that spiral path is that you're not right there. Your awareness has changed and you're actually a little higher than there, and a and a little closer to your center. That true essence of who you are, but you can still see it and it's close and it feels closer.


but your awareness is different. Yeah. The amount of time it takes you to move through it is less, the amount of discomfort it causes is less. And if you stop and recognize those things, you can realize, oh, it's not the same place. It's a very similar place, but from a slightly different perspective. Yeah.


And, and every time we go around, we come up, we're a little bit higher and a little bit further.  that, that perspective on it to where at, at some point, as you get to that true essence of who you are, you're, you're so high that you see it as a thing that has happened, but the effect has kind of fallen away.


It doesn't have that negative impact on you. You can kind of see all of the things that have happened in your life. And it's more of from an observer, a neutral observer standpoint. And you can maintain that place of, of unconditional love and peace, but that's the process that we're all going through. So hundred percent you feel like, oh, I'm right back in my shit.


Stop and think, am I really, is it having just as big an impact? Is it taking me as long to move through it and then, and then take that time to recognize and accelerate the fact that you are moving through it faster, that your tools are growing and that you are elevating. Because that is


a win. Yeah, totally.


A hundred percent. That describes it to a t of, you know, the way I would envision it myself as well.


Mm-hmm. . Well, and if we're gonna take that a step farther that spiral path visual when you're up here and you can see down or at it, . It's not just the traumas that sit there. Your gifts are like that.


That line that goes through Mother Earth to Father Sky, that channel. When you're there, you can also see your gifts. So like you said, you shut your channel down for about five years to focus on something else. So now that this is coming around again, . You can also go back and access and have your channel open and go, okay, well what else is here now?


So it's truly about shifting your assemblage point to be able to access different portals, different dimensions, different realities. We are multidimensional beings after all, and you know, right when we stopped doing some work, we were accessing. And I think that's why we stopped because we've got so full that there's a point where your brain can't comprehend what you're doing.


And like I can remember glitching out almost in my brain going, I just too much. 10  chopping out white flag.


A little white flag. I can't anymore. Right? Yeah.


We're we're talking about very advanced practices.


Yes. Because we were dabbling, like you said, you're a physical medium and so we were, we were accessing.


Dimensions and having some pretty wild stories come out of that space. So it doesn't surprise me because, you know, I, I haven't done a lot of that really, really high work until just recently. Again, either because your physical body needs time to catch up. Oh, a


hundred percent. And just to kind of expand a little bit further on that, for myself I think just before maybe it was.


A year into transitioning from jobs, I was still doing my reiki. I still had regular clients and I remember having really highly ascended beings coming through during my sessions, and it was like my body couldn't handle, couldn't handle. That level of ascension, like light, like just, I can't even.


There's not even words to really articulate the energies coming through when I had somebody on my table. So not only was I doing healing for the person that I had in my, on my table, but I was also doing healing inadvertently for myself. And I very distinctly like I know the moment that I.  Too much.


Yeah, too much. I need to take a step back. Yeah. It's, there's just, it's too much for my poor little physical human brain. Yeah. To comprehend. And I remember calling my sister, who is very much kind of, we're on parallel path and just sobbing and being like,


I don't even know what it was, .


And she was like, I.


you're using words. I don't even know what they mean. . Mm-hmm. . So, and I didn't even know what they meant. Right. , which was like, it just, it was too, too much. And I went, Nope. I, I need to just take my energy somewhere else for the time being, and yeah, take a step back so I can breathe. And there was points along the way where I was like, I feel like I'm on a plateau.


Like, why can't I be where I was? You know, why am I not doing the things that I. A year ago, or two years ago, or, you know, wherever it was in, in that five years. And then I think to myself, well, I wasn't ready, right? Like, sitting here today, I was like, I was not ready, I was not ready to, to step up again. So,


Yeah. And then, you know the whole world went through an ascension with, you know, covid hitting and, and all of that. And we all got a chance to sit in the shadow and do some more work. And, you know, you're on the ground level in a corporate world, you know holding some of those denser energies and your attention got pulled there, which it needed to for that.


Oh, a


hundred percent. And it was, you know, talking about what had happened and how the world went through an ascension. I am, I'm classified as an essential worker, so I didn't stop. We just kept going and we kept plowing through and I, it was a, it was really hard for me because it was change, change, change, change, change, change, change.


We would get six policy change.  within the span of an hour, right? And so we were like, the hell's going on? Like, yeah, what are we supposed to be doing? And for someone who, in my work life does need that bit more of a structure, like, okay, this is what's expected of you. This is how you're supposed to do your job.


When you're like, I don't even know how to do my job now. Like, I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing with my


life. Well talk about a, talk about a perfect.  practicum for you because at the beginning of this podcast, when you said you were at your max level of, of healing and, and facilitating, you said this is how it had to be done.


This is, you know, I had decided these were the rules and how I was supposed to do it, and then you go into a corporate job and all that got shook. It was literally teaching you. How to flow and let go of all the foundations and all the structures and all of that. You had the perfect practicum to literally weed that out of your system.


Thank you. Thank you for pointing that out because that whole time I was like, I know there's a lesson in


here's. That's what the lesson was because you were doing it in your spiritual practice. Yeah, and so you brought it into the physical realm and then you had that practical application that you had to walk through and literally learn how to let go and flow.


So now when you step back into the spiritual realm, you keep that, you don't go back to the rigid, the Warrior is not the one who stands and does the healing. That's that, that's the Divine Omega aspect of our souls. And that.  where the next piece is gonna come. And you know, I can remember questioning what is that why, like all these questions running through our head, it doesn't matter.


Yeah. And the other thing is we're gonna create stories around it and as soon as you put a story around it, it's not the truth anyways because we're translating it into English. Yeah. So we can let go of the stories. We can let go of the rigid structure and just be, remember we used to talk about be the hollow.


right? Yeah, yeah. Call of Bone has no words. Right. And so, yeah, I love, I love that that corporate world literally shook it right at ya during this last couple of years. Oh, a hundred


percent. And you know, having said like, I know that there's a lesson in here for me somewhere, I, you know, it's, there's, there's a reason why I am here during this time, and we're going through everything.


Yeah. But I was like, yeah, I'll figure it out when I figure it out. Like, oh, there,




exactly . But that's part of, you know, having come out of that practicum, as you say, where I just, I'm like, well, , I'll figure it out sooner or later. I don't need to know. Right this moment.


Look at you. Go, I'm not asking questions, ,


it's, it's just letting it go.


I'm like, water off the duck's back at this point. Yeah. So although the one thing that has happened a lot is we have moved quite a bit more to virtual platforms and me and technology.


Oh, yeah. .


It's been interesting having to Yeah. You


blow things up. I blow things


up. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Every I, I kid you not, we would get going and I'd have to be like, oh, you know, this.


this isn't working. We need to, we need to take a break so I can figure it out. And it was like, why does this, this doesn't happen to anyone else. Mm-hmm. , why does it always happen to you? And I'm like, well, I don't think you're ready to know the answer for that  


short story.


I'm just really high energy. So


Yeah, it's been amazing and I, I applaud you for saying yes to this project. Yeah. I knew this was, this was gonna be an exciting adventure for you and that my, my hope was that this was going to reignite your gifts and step you back onto this path. And I'm so excited to see where this is gonna take you.


And, you know, our. Coming out bites of light evolved leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur is birthing on the summer solstice in June. Yes. Oh, I'm so excited. I know, right. And then in July we're gonna be in Cranbrook to do our book launch. Yeah. And it's, so that's gonna be very exciting. That's I think, July 21st to 20.


Yes. Yeah. And so you got a couple more months and you're gonna facilitate some stuff and Kaya's gonna be there and we're gonna be there. Mm-hmm.  and Chris gonna Dubbo, so there's gonna be five or six of us authors that are doing that weekend retreat. There will be more information coming out on that soon.


Mm-hmm. . But yes, it's time girl.


It's happening and I'm just, I'm so grateful and thankful that you, you know, reached you thought of me and reached out and, and that, you know, you, you had that faith in me to take this leap with you. Yeah. Both of you, I should say. And I am, I am. I am so truly grateful and honored that you hold me.


In, in that kind of esteem, it, it's truly humbling. So thank you. Yeah. Well I'm


really proud of you. I'm proud of that whole group and you know, everybody grows at their own time and I'm gonna be really excited to see.  because there, there was what, about a dozen of us, but there was about no, maybe two dozen of us.


And it's just really cool to see how everybody's kind of evolving in their own little way. You know, Kaya is also from that first group and she's writing with us as well. And yeah, it's, I, I just love it. And that is one thing about. Teaching, and I know that is my mission here on this planet. I've been teaching since I was 12 years old in different forms and capacities.


But this space has been so heart filling for me. And you know, just like anything that that first group is like, there was a special piece of my heart that. Stays there and anchors in Cranbrook. I'm always sending energy to that space. Those mountains, those people, my family's there. You got my spiritual.


Not only my physical family's there, my spiritual family is there as well, and I'm so looking forward to coming back and sharing the medicine with our community.


I am, I'm so looking forward to it, and I know that it's gonna be a good, like a great success and we're gonna have, we're gonna touch a lot of people's lives and it's going to create a, a big shift here.


I can feel it. ,


yeah. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Me too. Me too. Good stuff. Big stuff coming, huh? Big stuff coming. And I, I appreciate you so much and hearing the call as well, you know, we're, it's time to gather, it's time to collaborate, it's time to do the thing. It's time to bring the medicine. Like


you, like you talked about with the seasons, right?


Yeah. The, the world helped us with the season of rest and that season is coming to a


close. Yeah. It's springtime, baby.


Officially with political changes even. Yeah.


Everything. Yeah. We gather time to make the.




Yeah. It's, it's time for that, that shift, that upgrade. You know, I, I've commented a couple times now that where we're at is very much teenager mentality.


trying to figure out, you know, who they are, you know, what you want.  and, and your place in this world. So it, it is, it's, it's a, it's that time to really step into, you know, all the healing and, and calling in your people and your tribes, and really just helping navigate. The world right


now. Mm-hmm.  and honoring your sacred rebel.


Go in and ask the questions and listen here. Don't listen to the external. Go within and listen here, because yeah, with where we are in the world, you have the answers. The veil is the thinnest it's ever been. If you ask, you will get answers. A


hundred percent.


Yeah. Yeah. So we are gathering, we're coming, and I'm so excited to birth this book.


I'm so happy that you said yes. And I look forward to playing in the sandbox with you more. Yay. Yes, me


too. Thank you. Thank


you for being on the podcast today, and thanks to all the listeners for tuning in and, and I know there are some good nuggets in there, so take that and.


Put that in. Yes. Come see us in, in Cranbrook in July.


July 21st to 23rd.


Can't wait.  all my love, girl. All my love. Thank you.


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