Crystal Healing, POWER JOURNEYS with Don Jorge Luis Delgado - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #22

Today's episode features the return of Don Jorge Ruiz Delgado!

Jorge shares tales of his travels across the world, crystal healing, and we get very excited about hosting Jorge at our upcoming book launch in Salt Lake City!

Jorge will be facilitating Crystal Healing sessions with us and we would love for you to join us May 12th to 14th Our book releases on June 21st, 2023!

Check out our site for more info:

Jorge Luis Delgado was born in the Andes mountains of Peru. He is a descendant of the Quechua and Aymara native cultures. A lover of ancient wisdom, Jorge Luis became a “chakaruna”- bridge person - at the age of eleven, and began to assist and show pilgrims and travelers how to find their way.

Jorge Luis’ love and passion for Ancient wisdom has motivated him to share his Solar heritage in different parts of the world. He has brought teachings to the United States, with programs at New York City's Omega Holistic Institute and the New York Open Center. He was featured in the BBC documentary, Everyman, and is frequently interviewed on Peruvian television. He has also participated in programs on the History Channel, and has been featured in more than ten episodes of Ancient Aliens.

Author of Andean Awakening: an Inka Guide to Mystical Peru, Inka Wisdom: Return to Joy, and the of Machu Picchu: The City of the Children of the Sun. Jorge Luis is recognized worldwide as an authority on Inca philosophy, spirituality and tradition. He is an organizer of great world events and an activator of portals for the expansion of consciousness. He has offered workshops in North, South and Central America, as well as Europe and in Asia. Jorge teaches at New York City’s Omega  Holistic Institute and at the New York Open Center.         

Jorge Luis has brought to public attention the Aramu Muru Doorway, an inter-dimensional portal located in the Hayu Marca mountains in south Peru. He is also a founding member of The Brotherhood of the Solar Disc, an Andean esoteric society. Jorge Luis is way-shower for this 10th Pachacuti, this time when the world is being turned upside down. He teaches that a new consciousness is emerging, one leading to a Golden Age that was fully activated by 2012. He is a keeper of the ancient knowledge and uses it to assist in healing for all who are ready.

Jorge Luis Delgado is the founder and owner of Kontiki Tour Company and owner of hotels in Cusco, Sacred Valley, Aguas Calientes (Machu Picchu), and on the shores of Lake Titicaca. Most importantly, Jorge Luis is known and respected by the Andean priests and indigenous people of the region. Jorge and his wife have three children He resides in Puno, Peru. 

To contact him: 

[email protected]


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[Episode Transcription]


Welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul on this episode we are joined by Jorge Luis Delgado a esteemed Peruvian Shaman who is one of the authors in our upcoming book bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur and he will be joining us in Salt Lake for our book launch and transformational weekend find out more about this go to our website and listen to this episode to learn more about tack types and Crystal healing


uh bites of light snacks for your soul and today we have Jorge back with us today hi Jorge hi


yes yes you're joining us from Lake Titicaca right now is that where you are yes exactly I've been in Machu Picchu a few days ago and now we are at the lake it is just extraordinary to feel that light that it is emerging stronger stronger stronger and it's so fascinating how all life it is re-wiring we can say you know the new frequencies we have some waves of heavy energies with the politics with the economy with things like that but when we talk about this other aspect the main aspect of life how light is expanding it is just extraordinary absolutely well and we're literally in this Eclipse portal right now that started yesterday and it's going to be going for the next two weeks and I can't even imagine what the energies are like there for you I can feel it here in the States but I'm sure where you are it is just magnificent right now yes it is and the beauty the beauty is to see the impact in the people in a special when people is in their own process consciously you know because sometimes we are just waiting everybody knows that this is the Golden Era beginning you know but it is about our action and what is our main action our main responsibility our main Destiny we can say in a way but it's really about the transformation which means releasing the heavy energies we're still holding we still attach to the night


here at the lake what we do is we do an important process of Letting Go the heavy Energies with the presence of the Divine mother because you know in our tradition the soul of divine mothers flailing it is Anchor at the sacred titica Okay so that makes so powerful the place but besides that as a lake you know it is the mother Lake who guide us in our emotional body so what we are doing is giving to the mother you know what we don't need to carry with us anymore so our job is to pull out so our most important mission to release what doesn't belong to us yeah this is the perfect time to be doing


that's right and it was funny we started talking about the tectite and we've been using those Tech types today you know the first tectite I had with me in my hands I didn't know that was a tectite do you know the Apache Geronimo yes I've heard the story played famous in the 1700s you know yes the keepers of his medicine back once sent two Tech types to Peru so I was weighed in a group and suddenly I noticed the group was very enthusiastic carrying something and two hands with a beautiful textiles with silk you know it was something special so they said we are in a mission what is that mission you know we brought two stones from the geronimo's medicine bag wow you are the person that who has to do the ceremonies wait a moment how do you know it's me you know I am the guy to the group and they say that the elders who gave him those tactiles it it told them that it will be a Peruvian who will come to you the first that you will meet that's a person so when they arrive from the plane that time I was waiting the group in Lima they because usually I waited in Cusco you know for the pilgrimage in Peru so this time only my receive these stones and I thought that maybe it's not a good idea you know if it's that important you know these stones from Don geronimo's medicine bag it's gonna be lost in the highlands of Peru because my personal mind was saying it should be in a museum you know yeah and it should be very well protected well anyway they told me to do ceremony I was happy to do ceremony in Machu Picchu and maybe at electricity so we say we'll see how it flows and when we arrived to Machu Picchu it was too crowded that day you know they had free ticket for all the students so all the students they've been in there in the city and at that period of time the circuits were still small now it's bigger you know the areas that where we can walk so we did we want to do the ceremony but the truth leader of the groups is maybe we wait a little bit you know I feel maybe it's not the moment and I say well I think we can have a great opportunity at the sacred titica so at secret we offer to the sacred mama


is the modern Lake the one who brought the feelings the emotions throughout the world on behalf of the Divine mother so most of the time you know people think that the most important is Mother Earth in reality pachamama is the model of the time the mother of the space the mother of the absolute so pachamama is the Divine mother the cosmic mother okay and pachamama has powerful assistance one of these mothers and the first one you know it is


so the mother who brought those gifts on behalf of the Divine


a special ceremonies and the like with that purpose to pull out the energies we don't remember and one of the functions of the tactites it is to release the histories the densities of the histories that we don't want to carry with us anymore but our job is to pull out but the storm makes easy holds it and we can really clarify discernment on the heart and blowing it you know sometimes people says you know this stone is good for you because that's this for you you know but our ancestors used to say this Stone it's really a heavy energy eater ah but your job is to pull out but sometimes when we say somebody you know this stone is a heavy energy either they will get it but they will not do the first part that is to let it go you know to forgive to change the interpretation of the history so it is interesting that more and more people today start really to start this big this new this new adventure to become in the real self you know so I'm so happy that I am in Peru you know with pilgrims every every month they're very weak you know in this process and I can see some of them they return and I can see the how they are expanding how they're blooming and how much enthusiasm for this new cycle they bring yeah it's pretty amazing and that that's the kind of work that that's why we align so much you know this this unique ray of light that we can sit on and collaborate with and share this information you know I I told you before that my Spiritual Awakening happened through crystals so it does not surprise me that we also have this love of tech types and you know the ones that we have from Peru they're on our kitchen table they're on our altar we we commune with them every time we eat they're there and and you know we pull the energy from them but I've also worked with I'm not sure what I was wanted to ask you where these came from the ones that we got from you are the darker colors I'm also wearing moldavite which is also a tech type but it's green and glass and it's from Russia but are the these are these ones that we got when we were with you are they from Peru like is that their their Homeland yes in [Music]


general is the stone that moves energies okay but kuya or huya is the heavy energy eater okay in general but means the upper world so the Stone from the upper roll that's right you know all the tactiles come from this blend with the energies from the cosmos through a meteorite right that all so long is reading the difference the constellations the cosmos you know dancing and suddenly arrived arrives and touch the mother earth and some of the elders told me once that the mother is always happy to invite because however we are interconnected okay this is the connection from the upper world and the stones from the upper World it happens when you are ready it shows up when you are ready and this kind of stone is so precious that in the in some communities where we were 12 kuyas the 13th was this black stone and the name in different places now we know that it's a tectite okay the stones that they come from this plane between the mid-right and the Mother Earth when the meter touch it burns whatever is there and drops like a glassy jumps and the change in temperature and the rain and the water and because at thousands of years you know so they become round because they've been dancing in different places by the Sea by the coast of Peru in many shrines in many temples they found some of these stones on shells


are like the dishes okay the foot of the ability okay so even they used to borrow in some of the power places and with the spandolus you know the spondylus is that cell that normally we can find an equator of course it's a long distance between equator and Peru and Cusco or you know but that was the main treasure in the old times wow so the other treasure the storm the black stone as you know the name come from from where they found for example the green that you've been talking about is the moldavite the one arrived to Moldavia okay so from Moldavia it's moldavite the other one is Libyan glass but from Olivia it's more beige you know some amber color some way and they're very famous very cherished very important for the Buddhists it is the one called sintamani or chintamani okay and when I went to to Asia my friend some of the shamans Mystics are priests when they saw they want to get the stones you're immediately in five minutes disappear some of my stuff because they really love it and one somebody showed me a picture ishwara


and in the picture of allocative was holding three stones you know I have two here one is busy the three stones and this is look this is the same stock this is a tactite and there they call the Wishing Star if you search in any book like the Bible of the crystals The Tech tight when we talk about tech type they say it is the connection with the higher self yeah the connection with it is the connection with the cosmos the connection with the Eternal Ray of life so there are many aspects that is beyond our understanding even once I saw a beautiful article where they talk about tech types and they say


for healing addictions how come my son will heal addiction but I was feeling the stone you know picchando is a chewing getting the essence because one of the ways we activate and we start the relationship by blowing our light


I block light I holding the stone because everything is reciprocal shares the light of his thought so I could feel that really guides you to connect with your higher self to connect with your soul and one of the biggest problems with addiction for example the lack of connection with the selection yeah yeah so action it works and when we use the seven stones and different points of the body and we start to weave or needing the golden threats it is so powerful you know nowadays we've been using even those days I've been using for dumb download the new frequencies you know and reprogramming because the gift of it is to cleanse and as much it is open it's clean naturally the light takes the own place I mean it recovers and that light is love that light is wise that light is in service to your life which is not only views it is only one life interconnected yeah that's beautiful well and I'm hoping that that people get a little bit more education about the tektites and that's why I'm really glad that we talked about this today because you know there's crystals all over the planet it it is a modality that you can use for healing and to just hear the words somebody talking about it but to actually hold them and feel the vibration feel the energy that's going through them it's tangible even just holding them while we're talking my hands are sweating like it there's tangible energy that runs through them and when I got this one it's surrounded in like silver the Tree of Life and I put it on and then went to bed that night and I was out of my body being squeezed and woke up screaming and had to take it off because the power in it was so intense my body couldn't handle it to have it on full time and I phoned one of my friends and I was like what's happening like this this is literally squeezing my heart and they said well you have to attune to it you can't just put it on and wear it so when you said you need to blow in blow on it and introduce yourself and share your light I was like I really wish I would have had that information before I put this on when I first wore it almost 10 years ago because I it it terrified me it was a terrifying experience and after that day I I put this on a quartz in my healing room and I had conversations with it every day I'm like okay well the next time I put you on WE softer I need you to be softer and let's go slower because yeah it was such an intense experience and and for me it was like that this is real that was a tangible experience I had and I was 100 percent full faith in what Crystal healing and crystal energy work can do for a human if you allow yourself the opportunity to work with the crystals that's right and you know it it is multi-dimensional but it has much more aspects most of the time we stay in this reality let's say with the vitality of the kawasai Pacha we call this world Vitality okay all these storms that comes through this meteorite connection to the lining you know they bring an extraordinary gift which is the cosmic vitality


okay our lives play with both most of the people even the spiritual people are more connected with this reality so only with pachamama in terms of Mother Earth that we say that pachamama is Cosmic mother Dubai mother but there is something very important that the cosmic father we call Pacha kamak foreign


is the cosmic vitality you know why the Incas and the Egyptians they keep the bodies of their ancestors you know there are many terrorists saying you know they they're gonna Live Another Life and these other they're alive they keep transmitting note that vitality organic Vitality we can say they are transmitting the Kamai the tarmac the cosmic vitality that's what that's why many shamans in Peru especially north of Peru they keep moments of the skulls of some great Masters teachers


wherever we go in the temples also there were some skulls you know and then especially the elongated skulls that it has a connection so it's so rich whatever it brings you know because we think we know much about it in reality we're not very Lily and as much we connect with the storms that today for example my friends they've been feeling the Anchorage that the message was we are already this Mass of human beings that is even enough to create the new way the global way of recovery of the dream of the Masters for our planet


one of the most wonderful planets in all the universe and the super universes the faces the facets the beauty of life we cannot compare anywhere but today is so important so important to be that rich person that chakaruna yes bring the cosmic light and when we use the Stars we are using the right


angering coming um


with the mother of Earth so you're going to be sharing some of your gifts and medicine with us in Salt Lake on May 12th the 14th you're going to you're going to be joining us at at our book launcher our pre-book launch event and you're going to be facilitating some of these Crystal healings on the Saturday or during the whole weekend and I'm just so grateful that you're going to come in and play with us yeah it would be such an honor to have it it's my great honor I'm so excited you know yeah because you know sometimes people says I already know but every day is different right everything coming something else and now an important message was the connection with the mother is not only with the surface we are talking about the nucleus of the mother that by some reason some scientists hook our attention to the nucleus of the mother of Earth and how this Anchorage today today we need to in body yeah so my friends it's gonna be exciting it's gonna be so exciting anchoring this anchoring this energy wherever we can you know we have four or five events planned already after our book launch so we were very honored that you chose to collaborate with us and write in our bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur book you have some beautiful medicine that you have written in your chapter and now to be able to gather and facilitate together in May is such an honor I am so excited and it's going to be very interesting to see where this goes and where else we can spread the medicine and I do believe Crystal healing is part of the future of the vibrational frequencies music crystals all of that and for us to be able to collaborate and anchor that light in certain places you know you're you're doing the work everywhere in the world and I'm just so glad that we're able to come and play with you oh it's a great era we are going to get it to Egypt that's fun I'm so excited about Egypt as well that's going to be amazing yeah


yeah November and in September I'm going to Italy


that is not the line of the Archangel Michael I saw that and I'm telling you that saying to my soul he he was the first angel that I connected with and worked with and have his sigil actually tattooed on my arm and when I saw that I was like oh Jorge oh my goodness I like how can I get there too it I I'm so excited for you to take that Journey yeah maybe maybe we go in another moment yes


each lay line you know it is not only human presence it is an Avenue of light for our expansion of consciousness


yeah yeah it's gonna be amazing Archangel Michael is is so important right now especially with what the world's going through right now and you know I feel him in the Rocky Mountains I've heard that's kind of where he's housed and you know grew up born and raised there and in our book by some light I haven't you guys don't know this so it's a little sneak peek in between each chapter I've actually put his sigil so he his his light is infused in our book


so fantastic yeah I'm excited for you but in Salt Lake City we are going to share many important yes because nowadays that is the key it is over the time to just intellectualize everything right you know yeah it needs to be that coherence in our hearts the discernment with our hearts and using all the tools possible that we can love ourselves replay so we can be we can embody that light that love service and wisdom that comes directly from the heart of the Divine mother and the Divine mother well and it's just like what we talk about working your physical body this is a spiritual muscle you know to maintain a higher frequency you have to maintain your practices and and make it part of your daily lives and not just go to a spiritual Retreat and do it and then don't ever think about it again you know embodying embodiment means practicing and living it becoming it right that's correct because if you do every day that light is your extra and if you are white to the ordinary life what's the result extraordinary life yes everybody we want to experience an extraordinary life right you know what everybody has access to it everybody can achieve that if they're willing to take that Divine action like you said embody it it's time to do the practices and we're going to share some of those people can apply to their life in Salt Lake so yeah we invite everybody to come and learn from from Jorge and and experience his magic and learn these practices and how to use the crystals to achieve that extraordinary life that we're talking about yeah Friday night we're going to be doing a book launch and so we'll be talking about our chapters and there will be seven of us authors physically and our publisher Laura DeFranco she will be there and the the emcee and then Saturday is going to be filled with these beautiful practices the crystal healing work we're going to be communing with all of the elements doing sacred ceremonies with all of them and Sunday we will wrap up with a beautiful recapitulation ceremony and a closing ceremony so it's going to be a great weekend all the information is on our website and we have room so come and join us it's especially if you're in the United States here's a perfect opportunity to connect with Peruvian energies right here so yeah it's not just going to be learning it's there's Transformations that are going to be happening absolutely along learning the practices that you can take home with you so it is going to be a powerful weekend we are doing breath work on Saturday night


Interactive practitioner practices and lots of ways to transform this weekend exactly it's going to be great it's all about transformation that's right that's right yeah well we are we are honored and blessed to have you us have you in our lives always a pleasure my friend so excited to play with you in Salt Lake and we will see you very soon it's in less than a month can you believe it it's less than a month now yeah it was incredible it's gonna be great it's so great to to be connected yes to see each other soul to soul but a physical body will see there that's gonna be great yeah well we love you very much and thank you for sharing your time with us we know you're busy and we will see you very soon


all my love


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