OUR MISSION, Shifting the Spiritual Healing Model with Angel and Seth - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #23

This episode is very personal for us.

We wanted to talk about our "Why." Why are we here? Why do we do this podcast? What is our mission?

We dive into our "why" and discuss how we got where we are today; some of the experiences that shaped our worldview today!

We also touch on our goal to shift the model in the Spiritual Healing community, and the importance of recognizing your own limitations as an educator.

As business ventures into the spiritual world grows, it is important to remember that we are responsible for the well-being of the human lives we are supporting above all else.

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[Episode Transcript]


welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create a more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul


welcome to another episode of bites of light today we want to talk to you about our why why we do this why we do this podcast why we are creating all the things that we're creating out in the world and give you a piece of of that for you to understand and maybe it will shine some light for you as well part of the reason why we chose to pick this subject for this podcast right now during this time for me it is the eclipse portal and there is a bunch of intense energies floating around and we have really been asked to maintain our emotions stabilize that emotional regulation and you know there's moments of why am I doing this you know when we get to that frustration and those Peaks and those highs and those lows of our days you know we are in human soul baskets right now and this transition we're going through it feels like we're on a roller coaster sometimes timelines are speeding up timelines are collapsing and all of these things are going around and we're being asked to show up and be present with ourselves and ask these questions we ask these questions because we want to make sure that we're on track that we're staying true to our mission we're staying true to what is aligned within our soul and if you're not asking these questions to yourself all the time that is when you will get hooked somewhere you will get pulled off your path distractions We Know by mainstream media are there ways to subjugate and suppress us so we need to keep coming back we need to keep right here present with ourselves so that we don't get hooked by parasites or things from the external forces our goal is to stay home and stay present that is where the magic happens and that is where our intuition is going to lead us moving forward with our lives right right and and by stay home what we're talking about within right the the idea is we do the practice to stay present in the now within as we go out and and engage with the rest of the people on this planet having that ability to stay centered stay present and be in that higher vibration as you engage with people who are still unaware of a truth that that this is all the illusion that's here to distract us and and we are rising above that so that's you know so that's why we have created this podcast is to offer those those bites of light those little snacks for your soul along you know every week just a little something to kind of bring you back into a higher vibrational space if you're not doing it in other ways in your week There's this little piece and that's led us to also creating a community that is actually that we're launching right now that the doors are open for that community to also support in a in that loving way and provide that service to people who are wanting to find that higher self raise their vibration but they go but you know you go to the you go out to a retreat and you get you have these breakthroughs like I've done it like I went to I've been to a number of Retreats now these breakthroughs and I come home and I go now who do I talk to him about this who do I share this with who do I debrief with how do I even know how to debrief you know because I was doing it by myself and to provide a way in a space for not only that to come home and from those Retreats and have a place to debrief in that Community to share those things with but also to have that accountability for daily practices which is where the real power is in your transformation the real power is there it's not in the Retreats it's not in our community the real power is in your daily practices that keep you from getting hooked by those parasites and the attention and the drama that the world and the powers that would hold you back are trying to hook you with those daily practices will keep you in that space where you can hold your vibration while you go through your day-to-day so that's kind of the reason behind those two things and we also have a book coming out soon June 21st summer solstice our bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur launches it will be on Amazon and it is an incredible piece of art that we have collaborated with half an hour just over a dozen other authors have joined us in this journey and we speak of our stories you know we're healing through storytelling and then providing tools and practices for you to incorporate into your daily lives and that's what it is you know you can hear all the information you can read all the information you want but if you're not integrating it into your daily life and starting to embody the medicine


then you're not moving forward right so our goal is to provide this information so that people will have more tools because when I started doing this work and started going to the spiritual Retreats and all of that too mine went deeper I have a lot of childhood trauma that I had to release and when it was all brought up within these Retreats and then I went home and I had no support and when I reached out to some of the teachers and asked for help and was met with a closed door you know there's what do you do then right you know so it it and people around me watched and and it was when my son actually said to me oh I don't want to go and do my inner work because I watched how [ __ ] up you were when you came home and I was like whoa we're missing a piece here people we're missing a piece yeah and yeah and to follow up like I said that when I said that the Retreats are not where the work happens that doesn't mean that there isn't big expansive heart openings that happen there because there are you know that was also my experience was it this but it's the the work is like Angel said the integration piece the the bringing that into your daily life the creating the practices around it and the support for


processing what happened because some of these some of these events that happen within us are mind-blowing they shatter our rational mind because the things that we experience and are opened up to are Beyond what we would call the the normal reality like the reality is we believe it to be before and now we experience these These non-normal reality events and it can be crazy making when you don't have a community there to say yeah yeah I've also communed with angels yeah I've also communed with ancestors that have passed on yes I also connect with Dragons I also have spoken to beings that have never existed on this planet that hold records the akashic records like these things happen but how do you know that if you don't have the support and then on the other side it was oh my God I turned into a Jaguar holy [ __ ] my spirit animal tried to actually kill me never heard that before and so you have these experiences and then there's no support system around to debrief through them and there was times I walked the crazy train trying to figure out what what the hell was real because it literally shifts your reality to a point where you're questioning everything now that is also a good thing yes it feels a little crazy making in the beginning but that is allowing you to shift your perception to shift your neurons like there's things literally physically changing in your brain when you go through these it's part of the deep programming if you are held during that deprogramming it happens faster so that our why why are we building a community why are we sharing our medicine why are we collaborating with this certain vibration of Master Healers


because I want to provide what I was not given exactly so I know there was a hole because I couldn't find it and so this is what we do that this is what humans are destined to do on this planet figure out your why and be in service to that passionate piece that fills you and Seth and I lined up in this it was both of our missions and so this is why we're also showing that you can do it in a collaborative space humans can collaborate in a healthy space we've certainly seen the world collaborate in an unhealthy toxic space and it is part of our mission to shift that and model that it can be healthy


it there's there's a lot of pressure in and in balancing the Both Worlds together you know and it's so in this in the spiritual Community the the esoteric Community the metaphysical Community we have this but we want to share we want to share these heartfelt things with everyone so we go okay I want to share and it's okay well how do I best share well you start a business okay well how do I run a business well then you start going down the road of the business and the business says well here's all the ways to run a business and if your business isn't growing every year and if your business isn't expanding and and all these things that then you're doing it wrong so then it starts getting muddled up and there's nothing wrong with running a business we all deserve to be just abundant beyond our wildest dreams however that comes in for you it's just making sure that we don't get lost in the running of business and allow that that tricky egoic mind to sneak back in and have us doing things that aren't heart centered to try to grow that business out of a space of lack and when you stay in that space of abundance and know that anything's possible you can create a business that is going to provide abundance for you in ways you can never have imagined and provide expansion and growth and love and support to all the people that you're here to serve so that is kind of what I have noticed has happened with these teachers that are they're not necessarily getting out there with this with a Mal intent like they're not intending to harm anyone but they get caught up in this process and they start overstepping they start teaching things that they don't really have the means to teach instead of bringing somebody else in in a collaboration and saying oh I think this is valuable but I don't have the embodiment of it to share it with you and walk you through it so I'm going to bring in somebody that does instead of doing that they just say okay this is a good idea I've heard it one time I'm going to teach it to you and then when one of their students which is kind of what happened to Angel embodies it on this deep level and has this very deep experience with it then the teachers left not knowing how to hold that and you either have to one admit what you did or two you have to try to brush it under the rug so that you can keep this facade that you've created alive that you're capable of doing this teaching and that's the that's the crossroads when you get there and and everybody has to make that choice well sometimes the teachers choose to nope it's not me I did my part it must be you um you know I don't I don't beat you because I want to I beat you because you make me you know that's how it's really sounds like that's kind of what they're saying is so it's it's not as though that they're teachers that are speaking from malice it is overreaching in this effort to grow their business bring in more people and do these things because they part of them is afraid that what they're doing is not going to be enough to provide their abundance and if if you're operating from a place of fear at all you're going to miscreate and that's part of the message is getting people out of fear that's part of our service with love is you have to get out of fear you cannot operate from fear and create something beautiful you will create something you're always creating but if the decisions are made from Fear you are going to be what I would refer to more as miscreating and then you'll have to spend the time and energy to undo and recreate something more beautiful later and that's why it's so important that you know your why and and and what part of you are you creating from are you creating from your head are you creating from your heart you know and those soul-driven purposes that are deep within and you know you're being intuitively guided from your heart you know that's your why and I've known my why almost since the day I came out all I'm sure I've even known it then but as a kid you know people would play how or like kids who play house and do all that I played school I was always a teacher this I have been creating education and transformation for people since I was 12 years old starting in the teaching Realms it's all I've ever done in my entire life I know I was put on this planet to transform humans in whatever ways they would allow me to and that went from right from having High conversations to people on the streets right to you know high performance athletes at a world-class level I will I can walk that line and push people to their edges and hold because of the 40 years I put into the practice you know and we're seeing so many people are jumping on the bandwagon to do all these healings to do step into this kind of Realm which is fantastic do it do your thing but stay in your lane and teach what your soul was meant to be here for you know it it it's a huge responsibility to take a person's life into your hands and hold their mental health while they do their work it is a huge responsibility and I think sometimes that piece is overlooked that the amount of responsibility that it takes to hold a human soul in your container yeah and I mean I guess the way I would describe it is like knowing your North Star because that's how you're going to navigate all this you know I call it that North Star like am I am I going this way and the way to ask is is this direction


in line with that North Star or is it very am I veering off to the side now you know the in the business world we call it like your mission vision and values but either way it's that direction that point that you know out here that is where you're going and that's how you can very easily determine if you're getting off course it also is the thing that keeps you going when you have those moments of crazy when you're when you do have to go within and do that inner work and dig through some of those things to be able to release them and also know that that's the reason that you are digging through the [ __ ] not to sit in it to figure out what it is and release it but you have to sit with it to figure out what it is first but don't get so comfortable with it that you don't release it that just becomes the addiction kind of a side a side thought there as I'm going along here but yes knowing that North Star will give you that it gives you the direction but it also gives you what you need sometimes on those days that you are low energy why am I doing this I'm so worn out this is crap I don't know if I even like what did I even sign up for this for and then you go oh right because I know in my heart I'm here to serve with love and provide a safe container for teaching and growth for people to learn their true essence and raise their vibration and ultimately change the whole planet into something so beautiful we can't even comprehend it at this point why


evolved leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur was born we vetted the people that have written with us and would consider them and allow them to heal us and that's what we're looking for it wasn't just to provide new healers to a community it was to also provide healers for ourselves these people we work with all of them and it's I think it's important when you come into a community to know that everybody's vetted all that all the healers are vetted and that it is a safe space to come into because it is if you're planning on doing your work my expectations to be held when I walk into a container so that's what I'm going to provide it just popped into my head there's a thing on the internet called Angie's List which is for like which is for like vetting contractors like people come to your house and I just like Angels list right so and when we say that we're not like there's no compensation that they're giving us to say they are they are valuable teachers like they have value to add and they're safe this isn't a pay endorsement thing this is just if they are if we work with them and see the value that they have to bring in a safe way we invite them in to share their knowledge with this community to share their knowledge with people that may be looking for that the community is not to feed our own student pool it's to create a space where you can come and learn and grow get answers to those questions that are driving you crazy have a place to fall and land when your feet get swept out and a place to share your wins that's another big thing that people Overlook like celebrate your wins when you just when you're this just a little bit quicker at recovering from a chromatic you know trigger you know that's a win when you can recover in an hour versus a day you just gained back 23 hours of your life every time because of the work you've done that's a win celebrate that stuff also well we also know that when we when we step on a path of self-development or if you've had a spiritual awakening the people around you sometimes can't support you or won't support you right sometimes they're a choice and sometimes it's just unconscious they just don't get what you're going through and I've had both happen you know our families sometimes in the beginning struggle with what we're doing and you know they will support you to the level that they are capable of supporting you and then you're going to have people friends usually that will either cheerlead you even if they don't understand it or they will purposefully poke at you to try and try to bring you back down to their vibration because they're not comfortable for where you're going or there's some jealousy that's creeping in because they can't do what you're doing they're choosing not to do what you're doing even though they want it because we're all at choice and I've had it happen I've had some very very close people say to me you're not a writer you know and and these kind of things come up oh the world is not ready for your medicine that was a good one that was from a very close friend and then it makes you also evaluate who you have surrounding you and this is another piece that you know there is more education on this now in the world but you know when you start doing this your circles change your people change as you're going through Ascension your timelines shift people will just drop out of nowhere and I've had that happen sometimes they come back around in a couple years sometimes they're gone forever it just depends you know it's just like the the vibrational frequencies of the piano sometimes there's harmonic notes and and then sometimes there is not you know you can be in harmony or it can be like the the cat's claws running down the chalkboard you know sometimes their vibrational frequencies just don't match anymore yeah and that's another very good reason to know your why watch your why that brings back knowing your why when you can use that as your compass then you can see it you can feel it you can know that they're trying to pull you off whether they do it consciously or subconsciously they're not all doing it with malice some of them have no idea that they're doing it but you can use that as your guide knowing your why allows you to start evaluating whether the people in your life are supporting you in executing that y or they're not and then you're a choice and that's why I mean that's why Angel says that it changes is it changes because you choose to change it if you don't change it nothing will change you can't you can't change without changing if you expect your everything to stay the way it is right now but you're gonna change when I'm pretty sure that's the definition of insanity you're doing the same thing over and over expecting a change


so as you do this work when you are ready to commit to yourself and acknowledge that why Sam I'm ready to commit to my why because it's a deep burning inside of me that says do this and maybe it's just a little tugging like it doesn't have to be this huge passionate like everything and cell in my body wants to move forward with this but you just have this nagging like this is this is where you should be putting your time and energy like choose to follow that or don't but if you choose to follow it commit to it use it as that North Star and know that you're gonna have to change as you get further down this path to become the person who can execute that why the way that you're intended to execute it you got to unlearn all the things that you were taught by well-meaning parents and family and friends and acquaintances that have got you to the situation you're at now and if you don't have that why really crystal clear in your soul like right into your bones then the universe also can't help you because if you're squirreling all over the place and oh I want this and oh this would be cool and this would be cool and this would be cool well the universe is going where are we going where where are we going what am I supposed to direct your way you know so when you get clear you know that that is part of the magic of manifestation you have to be clear with what you want and ask for it and then let it go and keep coming back to it checking in am I still here is this what I want is this my mission is this my why is this my [ __ ] yes


because if you don't have that the Universe can't match you and play with you


and as you as you go down that road as you get that Clarity and you start reaching out to the universe you are going to be raising your vibration as you step into these things and raising your vibration will bring things to you at that vibration staying in releasing the trauma and the drama as you staying in this peaceful loving space more and more which is your vibration raising right the highest vibration is the vibration of love so the more time and space you spend in that feeling of love the higher you're going to hold your vibration and the things that you attracted in the vibration you were at before are no longer going to attract to that which is one of the reasons that people try to knock you back down they're like wait wait wait that's not who you were when I met you and and assigned a label to you get back in your lane get back in your spot it makes them uncomfortable change makes most people uncomfortable change may make you very uncomfortable


but when you can nail down that why it gives you that that Comfort if there's such a thing for comfort and change but know that getting comfortable with change is what is going to unlock your highest level of achieving that why and becoming that true essence of Who You Are connecting with the self and the one consciousness we gotta first walk through the uncomfortable


and that's where you can also pull strength power energy courage when you know in your bones what your why is you can you can pull power from that in those times where you're like um decided if you know when your bones that's it you can battle that brain because that's what it is it's that fear speaking trying to creep back in we all have it but if you can learn to master that and really trust yourself and it does come down to trust because once you make a decision okay here's my why then you have to trust then you have to trust that's your why Faith piece comes in and then whenever you get pulled if you can go back and Trust what the mission was in the beginning then you can keep moving forward as soon as you have any wobble inside you could topple and you know this is something that we talked about with the gymnasts all the time you know when you're jumping 20 feet in the air doing multiple flips and twists if you do not trust your body death is imminent like we can talk about oh I'm scared to death but in my sport where I lived for 30 years every time the kids jumped on the trampoline there was risk of injury and death we know this about trampolines we know this so they they had to have faith in themselves yes and that's exactly what each one of us needs yes faith in our self not faith in an organization not faith in something outside of us faith in our self IE intuition that heart space it didn't matter how many times I said you can do it if they didn't believe it they didn't do it right so yes Community is great yes and you also have to be able to trust yourself before you can step in yeah I mean when our balls are down twos nobody can do the work for you and you shouldn't have to do the work alone right there is a balance you know I can't walk through your stuff with you but I can but people could walk through it with you be there to support you while you walk through it remind you that you've shared your why and this was it give you some tools to help you walk through those things and go you know go through that the shadows and the the roots that are that are Clinging On to things that don't serve you so that is where surrounding yourself with people that are supporting you that's where the value is in that not that they're going to do the work for you yeah the faith has to be in you faith has to be in you you need to believe in you and get comfortable with the uncomfortable get comfortable with the unknown and it unlocks the doors no your why get ready for a amazing and fun ride and accept that you have no [ __ ] clue what's going to happen and there is Joy like like yes there are the scary parts you know we are digging into the shadow aspects of our souls but what ends up happening is when you do that digging and you do that work it also expands into the light so yes you're digging deeper but then you bring more joy into your life as you clear out those traumas as you clear out that Darkness it allows more room for the light it allows more room for you to shine to breathe to be who you are authentically are so yeah in the beginning it's not the funnest but as you work through it you will have more light you will have more joy you will have more energy period and that's why we do the work when I was five years old I went to a water park with my family and they the water park had mats that we had to sit on to go down the slides and I would constantly make somebody get on with me like come on get ride with me ride with me right away I wouldn't I wouldn't do it by myself and my oldest brother says all right this is you know get on there and I turn around just as he pushes the man away and I screamed from the top all the way to the bottom and I loved it


that's that's it can feel like that sometimes and sometimes we need a little push yeah but after that I didn't I didn't know it was coming down the other slides but now I had faith in myself to do it on my own and I went down all the rest by myself yeah so yeah well I'm in the gym world too yep get up there and do it by yourself but I've got a throw in mat right here and if I see that you're going to come down under rotated you're gonna land on your head I'm gonna throw in the mat and help you with your landing and that's kind of what I feel like this community is we're going to cheerlead you and support you and you're gonna do it on your own and there's going to be support and some mat throwing if you need it that's that's what we're building and possibly the occasional map pushing and the map pushing that's right [Laughter] I'm gonna add that one in but only only because we know it would be safe and that's the thing when you work with teachers that


Hades of experience of working with people taking them to the edge there is a muscle memory built within the facilitators they know when to push it's kind of like a doctor you know their percentages are really high with the surgeries nobody's a hundred percent nobody but if you can find a facilitator that can that has a very very high percentage of transformation versus trauma those are the ones you want to work with that have had thousands of reps of throwing in the mat and knowing what they're doing


that's what I look for so that's what I provide absolutely


yeah so just it kind of comes back to that why keeping that North Star letting go trusting that that yourself to follow that intuition knowing that once you know I can tell you once you believe in yourself and you start taking those steps forward with faith it is like going down that water slide the first time you get pushed it's scary you might scream all the way to the bottom when you get to the bottom you go that was actually really cool now I'm just going to keep doing it because it's it's exhilarating but it's not scary anymore yeah because it is Just Energy because in that moment you can choose was it scary or was it exhilarating because it's Just Energy we're as humans we choose to label everything and in that moment you can change the perception to be exhilarating yeah absolutely absolutely well we hope you pick up our book fights of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur there's lots of Juicy nuggets and some of the concepts that we talked about today are in that book and if you're interested that the community sounds into you we'll put a link for that in the in these notes in the show notes as well and as always we send our love with you stay true to you and you know it is more and more we're seeing the evidence that the world needs everyone to do their work so join us doing the work raise the vibration let's create a better planet for all of us today and tomorrow creating joy for all all my love all my love thank you for sharing your time and energy with us the best way to help us spread this message is to rate review And subscribe if this episode impacted you in any way share it with others post about it on social media or put something in the comments also check out our website for upcoming events and books at


all our gratitude and love all our love see you soon foreign


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