KUNDALINI AWAKENING, Cracking Open with Emoke Molnar - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #24

This week we speak with contributing author Emoke Molnar.

Emoke met Angel during a two week Massage Course in Kelowna. Angel was able to help facilitate Emoke's Awakening and she shares her experiences with us, what was going through her mind and how it has impacted her life. We also touch on finding our calling, how we can find motivation in unexpected places and how to live our most authentic self.

All this and more in our podcast!

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[Episode Transcript]


welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create a more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul


welcome welcome to another bites of light podcast I'm Angel and I'm Seth and today we have imoki monar with us who is one of our featured authors in our new book bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur yay hey welcome welcome and thank you for joining us emoki hi guys I'm happy to be on it yes he and I met while I was assisting in a in a massage class in a course that she took a couple of years ago and we had some pretty amazing experiences in that class and we stayed in touch and imoki chose to come and work with me on some other modalities so I was so happy when you said that you would come and write a chapter in our book


thank you for the invitation make sure yeah you pushed my button to do it I wasn't ready


like always massage


umbrella just a little bit about your chapter and what you share you had a pretty big Spiritual Awakening during that week the first week yes I didn't know I'm ready but I was ready for a big Spiritual Awakening what's called Kundalini Awakening yes but I just figured out after when it happened yeah you don't even know what a Kundalini Awakening was until you were experiencing it on the massage table in the class I never heard about like I heard about everything else but not this like I never even know it exists somebody can be a spiritual awakening in your life right yeah that's so for my background I don't know I didn't know anything about the world of of like esoterics and and these you know in witches and things like that I was raised in this religious kind of oppressive religious background and so in my reality nobody knows about these things and they just happen and you go what the [ __ ] just happened and that like you experience like whoa what was that and then somebody goes oh here's let me explain to you what just happened to you so that was also my experience so in in my reality that's how it goes for everybody but I'm sure somebody out there is aware of these things and when it happens it's not it's not so startling I guess there's you know they're they can understand it more but wow so I understand that whole what is going on in my life right now but imoki in that moment you thought you were gonna die for you wasn't it yeah I thinking back now like I don't even know if the people know this before actually happening with you like I was I was watching myself from a corner to oh my God I'm who is that person on the bed like I was like having a deaf experience section yeah the death experience was real for you for sure yeah yeah no I always heard about that but I never thought like that real things yeah and it was exciting for me to witness you went through that and to be able to hold space for you as as it happened and I think for me the most powerful part of those two weeks was seeing how you were when you first walked in to the person that you were when you left and and how big your transition was transformation was in two weeks yeah I don't I'm not even the same person anymore like it's it's amazing how how much changed like I was afraid first to like reading about Kundalini Awakening what people saying what they're going through and that could be years and years like thanks God for me it was like one session actually one day and a night right and of course it's changed my life for sure well and and that's a really good thing that you bring up that some people it takes forever it takes sometimes sometimes it's years for people to actually crack through even when they know what they're going through and it kind of brings me back to that high performance athletes have this special gift that you know they they've already learned how to kind of Master their bodies you know when you go into sport in general you know the training and the the muscle memory that you develop from thousands and thousands of reps right and you had that experience you were an athlete yes yeah right and I'm thinking back like it's like the last things when I had the Kundalini Awakening it was just the end because if I think back to my childhood basically I start to experiencing things since I was 13. right just always push things down and I didn't even know so how you save and I started to play a handball in sport like that's how I hided myself under the to like the energy what I bring it out from me what was just always amazing and all my teacher was just like who are you like I was you channeled that energy through sport instead of healing modality you channeled it through Sports yeah because growing up in communism country like wasn't allowed to do this like wasn't allowed to name who are you and yeah you had to hide behind something but I never know I know now what I'm hiding but I didn't know back then why I am doing what I'm doing right and that's a good point a little background on emoki if you want to share you know where you grew up and when you when you came when you came to Academy yeah to Canada North America so I was grew up in Transylvania what is part of Romania it's the old Hungary part so my tongue language is Hungarian and growing up in a communism country it wasn't allowed to be who you are like they always told you who you have to be and being a spiritual person like growing up in a family where basically my mom was a spiritual person but she never give it voice for it because like on her age it was like no allowed to yeah you're hiding everything yeah they had to she had to hide everything but I figured out later on when I was like after my teenage age she can read coffee grounds and she kind of fear things but she never ever told me that before I actually start to come out to tell her like yeah she's so me I'm different but since I'm 13 so I start to read from nowhere chords and coffee mugs and I was just feeling the energy so I started to play with it like a kids I always went to the Future tellers and you know what all the beaches called witches what was like very not loud to know who's doing this like it was very secretly going to town to town everybody know who's doing it but it was very secret underground pretty much right exactly everybody knows but nobody talks about it that's right yeah so I was 13 when you know we living in a little smaller Village like eight thousand people so this once in a while some gypsies going around to the town and coming to the gate to tell you something so one day I'm cleaning the yard and one Gypsy Woman come in and she was like always they want to sell you something but they in the same time they wanted to Future tell you like take your money so she's coming in I'm just like oh do you want to me to read you a card they always had a card and or a big skirt and I was alone home and I was just like yeah sure so I had some change like some money so she looked at me and she looked in my eyes and inside of me I knew that like I know what she won because I'm doing this but she doesn't know


and she told me like oh my God I cannot read this so she put away her chords and she ran out from the gate and I was just like what happened and she was like you have a sign on you then I was 13 like I was just like what she's saying like I didn't know what's going on so she ran out and I went in the mirror and start to see my my forehead or everywhere what she saw like what is the sign on me I didn't see anything so later on my mom came home from work and I was just like Mom do I have anything on my forehead and she was like no like no my dad come home and I was just like God you have to tell me is something on my like if something changed and no they was just like no so I'm like driving crazy them for a week till finally my mom was just like what happened right and I was just like it was a Gypsy Woman come in and I wanted her to read me chords and she ran out and she said you have a sign on you and my mom would just get so mad and she was like if I ever see once doing this like I don't know what happened and she doesn't want to mention to me like I'm Different she knew that back then but I was just like no it's just they just want your money and stuff like she just make it smooth and tell me like you don't have anything sudden settle down and just keep going so then I was just like okay about this I can't set her down I was just like I have something on me she just doesn't want to tell me like I need to leave your mom yeah so then like probably a month later another Gypsy Woman coming the same way and she looked in my eyes like they have very specific like they have black skin and the brown hair dark brown and some of them has very blue eyes so she looked at my eyes and she was like you have a sign on you and she left and I was just like no everybody lying to me like I have to have a father on me like this is the second Gypsy Woman like what's going on yeah so then again I start to like put my mom in the corner and I was just like you have to tell me what's going on then she was like you don't have anything and so she's keep skip that skip script for me like for a few days and then I was just crying to her like tell me what is it like you see it you just don't want to tell me then she's still down with me and she was like you know you different and you feel energy you do this like you doing this all your life but are you ready to Bear your name because if somebody will know what you're doing they start to call you which are you ready for it right and I was just like hmm like you know like I went to do all the readings and stuff but I was already no I wasn't I was 13. and I was just like oh I don't know if I can wear that you know like people pointing on you like you're a [ __ ] or this I'm just like okay so I pushed myself down and I stopped like stop forcing who I am like I was just like yeah I have energy I'm Different just keep going doing and then I start to go to sport more like to somehow release that energy so I start to go playing like hand bar and like skipping days from school and going here and there's like to play a sport because I had so much energy like I didn't know what to do with it yeah like like crazy and in the same time in the school like I always have a chord like I can't settle down I'm reading chords in the class and then it was a place and they want to kick me out and anywhere in the yard where it was a big group of girl like I was in the middle sitting like a gypsy and reading chords on the school yard I love it so yeah so then but but it was just fun you know but I'm always pointed out things when my classmate was just like you pointed out things like and what's going on and I didn't know like I was just like playing like a teenager you know like it wasn't my things but they always just like come and read a course or any chance it was a party like bring your card and I went and I did all these things then finally I was just like is something really going on and I start to read coffee mugs and people keep coming back to like this happened and this happened and you mentioned it I was just like oh my God but I I still it's communism you're not allowed to say anything and I didn't do for money I was just like for fun right and then here I am in Hungary I moved to Hungary and lived there like 10 years and then one day it's just come the time like I I'm done here I have to go somewhere so it's ended up like come to Canada in 2012. and then I was just like staying here for five years and I was just like I don't know I'm done here I have to go somewhere and then before I did that I was just like I have to try to figure it out what's going on so then I went to that massage course and then like finally I own it my energy and this happened to be a witch now yeah let it be to be a YouTube that's how they want to go it's so funny the all the stigma that Society all the things Society thinks about the word witch yeah when in reality it's it's always just been women with extra senses that you know the ability to interact with those energies that many people are blind to and and use them to you know help people heal and see things that they wouldn't see but that that fear of the unknown had you know the the really the man and and specifically the men of the Christian churches so scared that they you know they all over the world you know here and and everywhere else they you know they spread all this misinformation about how witches were evil and they'd cast spells on you to you know make bad things happen to you and it's like that's that was never what it is they were just powerful healers that these men didn't understand and threatened their position of power and it's time to get away from that and and own that you know the word Witch is was just this label that they put on to try to scare people but it just means you you have power and you know how to use it and that's yeah that's a beautiful thing and it's just another label you know Shaman healer witch light worker like the holistic healer it's all the same it's all coming from the same Source it's all coming you know we're all connecting to the Earth and bringing the Earth elements and Magic forward it's just another word and so it's fascinating and I'm hoping that through more education and speaking more about this that we can you know take that word and put put put new language to it new descriptions to it because it's not bad yeah I think so too but I think like the people doesn't want to share their powers like people who are on on power they of course name everybody else who have almost the same power than them instead sharing it like no other sit like yeah somebody else knows something to like I'm not alone you know who know everything or whatever yeah right yeah yeah definitely easier to try to take those people down than than share and understand yeah but we're seeing that we're seeing that come crashing down in these days right I mean this is this is something that that fortunately you're seeing what we refer to as like the extinction burst a lot of this toxic patriarchy is having the rug pulled out from underneath it because they've kept people down for so long with these lies and people are starting to recognize that they're lies and they're no longer answering to it and they're and they're making these these men that have been in power answer for the lies and it's happening on an exponential basis compared to what it has over the last hundreds of years so it is exciting for everybody to see that I mean for everybody that's not in power I guess yeah


and I also think that it's it's really good to talk about and and share that there are those of us Gathering there are those of us that are coming together to share the information to help heal the collective and I think me stepping into that course that weekend because I was not scheduled to work that weekend no I remember God and at the very last second I it was hey we have more people than we thought can you come and assist well absolutely yes because my son was also in your class yeah so you know it I just think it was divine timing that I was pulled into that class and I needed to be there for you that was you know you uh you you walked through some major major things in those two weeks and when we're talking about meeting our obstacles face on and walking through those traumatic spaces you know your Warrior is so strong and that comes from the the high performance sport right and so you have trained that aspect of you so deeply and so strongly that when it came for you to face those fears you were like we're going in man like we Dove and we went hard and fast and and I think that's a really good thing for people to understand that if you tiptoe it takes longer yeah I have really strong healers supporting you and you dive and you go in you go in you do the work and you get out and it's like within two weeks your whole life had shifted oh my God yeah like I don't know it's like as soon as you give up to control you have no expectation if things just happen without you yeah without you right I just nailed it right there giving up that sense of control because it is just another false sense of security like you there is no control but we fight against the flow of the river it's like it's like we're going down this River instead of going with it and working with it to move around the Rocks we fight and we try to swim upstream and we just fight it and fight it and fight it and we're gonna go the same direction anyway we're just gonna wear ourselves out and it's going to be a [ __ ] show as opposed to longer and longer versus going with it Smooths out the ride now it's fun you get to enjoy what's happening experience all the things and it just makes it a whole different whole different experience so yeah quit fighting your life with this idea of control yeah I wish people understand that like if you give in like anything what happened with you you can we can control it anyway and as soon as sooner as you give in sooner you come out because like the first is the worst and then it's like you understand it and you just like okay just notice it because sometimes we cannot do anything with it anyway I cannot go back and fix things but I just can't like have a right what you say like just go with the flow and then you are out because like every water is like making place for it but also don't let's not I mean we did kind of brush over it but what you experienced in those few weeks was a shamanic death you know we have this idea of death and life being when this body dies I've died and that's the only death that exists but that's not real there's this you know what you can die many times within this life when you when you that part of you dies the person who you were died in that process you watched it like that's you know just something clear foreign


and came back yeah like that's a very significant event so I mean I don't want to just brush right over that that's a lot for anybody to take on but also just the concept of shamanic deaths when when you have this big opening and you let go of that control the parts of you that were getting in the way have Can Shed away yeah you know so you can call whatever you want right you're just you're letting go of the parts of you that are stopping you from being who you're supposed to be or you can call it a death of a piece of you however you want to word it but we call it a sharonic death and it's a significant event and it shifts your whole world oh yeah and and for you the courage that it took to go in you know and you talk about in your chapter that like you didn't even really understand fully what you'd signed up for you kind of signed up for it and let it go and then just showed up not even like you just showed up and so to me that is divine timing and and being guided right when you know in your soul that you're supposed to be somewhere and you don't care about all the the lists and everything you just you just know in your heart you need to be somewhere you did that right and you showed up


and then after the class I can't remember years wise but we we reconnected and did some Reiki work together yeah and you know I we did some massage swaps and there's not very many people in this world that I allow to put their hands on my body thank you because I am so sensitive right it takes a special kind of human for me to allow that that that space to be held for me and I think that in itself goes to show the trust and respect I have for you as a Healer thank you and we did some big work on that table yeah that was amazing like any times when we met like always something happened right but that that special massage was like like how I've wrote In the book is like I don't know it's amazing and sometimes you don't understand but now thanks for you I just let it let it be I just trust my intuition since that what happened on the table when I actually somebody showed up for you on the under the massage yeah and that was amazing when you showed me the picture and that was the person I'll never forget that you lost your [ __ ] it was yeah I think I almost was crying I was laughing so hard I yeah that was that was a pretty unbelievable moment yeah like you know I don't know like it's things happen with me before too but knowing you like always look up to you because like you doing this work like long time ago and then being my teacher like that was enough to like still you feel like oh my God you have to do your best huh you were so nervous that first time yeah it was like you know everything and I it took for a while for me to relax in because probably you remember I was just like Angela tell me if I'm yeah I'm not on it or don't doing right or something it was just like relax relax and then I was just like doing the best for your teacher because like you know and then it's happened like somebody showed up to you then I was just like oh and that was like telling to you too I was just like am I losing it now what's going on because like she's she's doing this work and this like any times when I close my eyes and I was just like that Spirit like keep pushing me to tell her tell her I was just like what's going on here okay Angela I don't know what's happening this is what I'm seeing yeah the one piece that didn't make it into the book or your chapter was when you said we're standing they're standing on a bridge or you're standing on a bridge and they're telling you to jump you need to jump it's time to jump yeah do you remember that yeah I do yeah yeah so here we are jumping emoki we jumped yeah I did for sure for sure you jumped and grew Wings on the way down right yeah but it's interesting interesting too to learn Who You Are like you know you're different but somehow this is folding out all the time like different direction like you know oh I know I know more now and then next day like you know nothing did something like you're going in different direction yep yeah yeah you just we just flow and flow and flow and I'm just so happy and grateful that you after the massage course stepped into your power started a business you know you're you know you're doing your thing now and I know how many people you're helping and helping not only shift the individual people but that's also Shifting the collective you know it's it's really powerful work and I'm just so grateful to be to have been part of your path and I'm excited to see what we're going to do moving forward because there's always exciting things when we get together oh yeah like oh that's very powerful yeah I cannot even now I learned it to just follow it whatever it's come it's if it's not mine it's not show up if it's if it's not mine you show up to tear but if it's mine I usually I deal alone with it so I just start to go with the flow and just tell people if it's really strongly show up like showed up for you I was just trusting myself and I'm just like this is what I see it doesn't mean anything for me right but if it's do something for you like this is the message for you because like sometimes I'm struggling to put in a sentence like because of my English and because of how to tell people because it's all the all the message coming down so simple like you see pictures yeah like different pictures and then you have to make a story for it for a person who is on the table to understand where she is because some people is so close down or they're struggling with their life they don't even have or don't even want to imagine anything right so when you start to introduce like where you are and this is familiar and things like you know the pictures what I'm seeing and try to make a story and I start to feel where this person is because it doesn't mean anything for me like seeing a picture underground or right you know a stairs case or something like I it doesn't mean anything for me but it's just showing up so strong and I know I have to tell but have to guide that person in it and taking me back like I can tell how old she is or he is on the table when this is happening with them and this is when the people actually getting the connection with the picture right and still doesn't mean anything for me well there's a piece that that that that that Clairvoyance that you're when when you talk about seeing yeah you know there are five second gifts and and you're you are touch and you are psyched right so that Clairvoyance comes in where spirit is actually giving you pictures in your channel and then it's your job to translate the information to the person yeah that is a psychic ability


yeah so I am they come to you because what their mind is capable of accepting is massage and some energy work type stuff and the message that the Universe has been trying to get to them that they are not willing like you said they're so closed off you know and that message but they're they can be the universe can guide them to you for healing and then you're the channel to give them the information that that they've been ignoring essentially you're the you're what we call the two by four yeah


the universe has been poking him and poking him and poking them when they say here we're going to put you on somebody's table and they're gonna tell you this and it's gonna hit you like a ton of bricks because you can't ignore it when it comes out of a human's mouth your logical brain accepts it at that point like yeah so it's a kind of a it's a it's absolutely a magical and special gift that you have and the things you do for people are changing their lives yeah in ways you'll never know most the time yeah I don't like don't and I don't even advertise myself like all the people who's coming somebody's sending to me right it's all referral order for like a people on the table and was just like oh my God I know two people who have to see you yeah and I don't even know about that person feel you know what they're thinking or how they how they see that like somebody else have to see me like it's just so interesting yeah is that's them being open and accessing their intuition to the level that they're willing to in that moment yeah while they're on your table you are you are opening them up physically yeah and spiritually and their intuition comes in and that's how it works for people that are closed off it it sneaks in in little ways and they draft our energy when they're on the table that's why we do such we're together because we both have learned how to hold that space and when you get two people together or a group this is why we have gathered so many humans to do this book together with because the magic that can be created when you have 20 people that can hold their channels open that's some big Magic I know right and just thinking back like come to Canada in 2012 like I just heard like since I did my course yeah it's 2012. basically all the healers gathered in Canada Colombia the initiations came and yeah absolutely because like thinking back I left all my life there and I was just like I don't know why I have to come to Canada like that was amazing yeah and I arrived here and when I did the course I was just like all the little pictures like start to get together and was just like okay all the seeds started coming up going yeah yeah they're on the right path follow this here's your next Cosmic bread crumb right yeah I just would love to know if I have to stay here or I will take this knowledge home and finish home there well you know it's interesting that you say that because Seth and I are also waiting for the call like we know we're not staying here we don't know where we're gonna end up but we're kind of in the same you know we've got our antennas up going okay spirit show us our next place we're supposed to land yeah yeah I hear I hear you on that that we know there's a move coming into our future too but we don't know where it is to yet because going home you know every year for a month like I have a lot of people there who I'm amazed how the people opened up for healing I probably I did I say 60 massage at home probably under the two months when I went home like I had six people coming a day and I was home for a month so I did a lot of massage and I can tell fast people was like the closed closed down like they never opened but they get curious and they come back for the second and the third massage so definitely I planted the seed there and people were just like when you come home like you will have job here yeah and it's like making me think like I definitely know I have to be here now maybe to learn more or have more experience with the people who are more open-minded here yeah but I don't know if my mission will be ended up here or no I don't know but I'm ready for anything else coming yeah yeah yeah well it'll be very interesting to see what happens over the next year for all of us because stepping into this container and birthing this book together and then we're going to be doing book launches you know we're coming to BC we're going to Alberta we're Salt Lake City Illinois like we have all these dates already settled and you know perhaps we come to Kelowna as well like that's who knows what's going to happen all I know is this is going to help and you get to take this medicine back to your Homeland as well yeah I I'm so happy for that like honestly very open because like my country needs need healing sure you know I think and knowing what I know now it's yeah we need we need healing and need explanation because I think the people they're in a little towns like I'm talking to my town is Miss or informed about religion right oh yeah yeah so people are like it's nothing I have I'm Catholic so I have nothing wrong with religion but people don't understand the word like it's on miscommunication right because like people and we are they are putting in a box and even here people who are in a box who don't understand like we all believe in a higher power you can call God you can call Muhammad you can call whatever you want but you know is somebody higher than you and because I call universe and you call God we're still talking in the same same energy things yeah yeah but because you don't believe like through the world is something still happening that's because you are so narrow-minded like not open and nobody have critical mind anymore like we know is a house have four walls but Behind the Walls is another life and we all believed that but just somehow it's Miss Miss I don't know miscommunication or misunderstanding what's going on yeah I've always found that interesting that in these organized religions they can believe that there's this higher power that created everything through his ability to manipulate matter but then when you start saying oh well I have some of these abilities it's like no that's impossible it's like yeah how is it possible for one being but impossible for another being so yeah that that's a great analogy with the house and obviously everything that's in the house isn't is is true in the house but there's more outside of that if you'll just open the curtains and look yeah too afraid to see what's out there and even going through you know healings no like sometimes we just always see in one anger or problem but if you start to step back two steps and turn a little bit right then you see the big pictures and then you are okay with deep but before you are just so focused on your and or things like you don't even see it out from here but as soon as you let it things happen and go like just go alone you don't even have to do anything don't have to struggle like yeah and the same video anything else no well that's one of the one of the ways I like to describe struggle is struggle is just our resistance to what is and without the resistance there's no struggle there's no frustration because what is is going to be there whether you're angry about it or not when it comes back to surrender like you said when you were on the table what was happening that's what was happening and you had two choices to fight it or Surrender and you chose to surrender and go with the flow and allow it to happen and because you did that your gifts got to flourish yeah gifts showed up and you could step into that space your true authentic self and soon after that course you started healing right so yeah it literally changed your whole trajectory of your life yes it actually changed like I lost everything what I had I lost all my friends yeah who was friend here and I I basically changed my life like I eat different I have different clothing like it's like it's a taller word like turn around yeah it's like you literally hop into a different timeline a different dimension everything shifts and I think that's one thing that a lot of people are scared about when it comes to transformation because they get so stuck in their in the life that they've created even if it hurts them even if it doesn't serve them even if there's toxic people and abusive situations they choose to stay there because they know it yeah the unknown is stronger than their discomfort in their current situation and then you go through an experience


experience the same thing could not not hurt it physically ached me to stay there so yeah you literally it's like the tower moment in the tarot right everything dissolves and you rebuild the story that you want to have in your life yep it's so true and as soon as you went through and got big pain and you come out and you just take off and I was just like why I did this all my life like 40 43 years to actually learn this like how easy their life is if you don't make trauma for yourself right or just let it go because the people I think is a lot of under the lot of trauma seeing you know my under my massage people like want attention so that's what they're holding on because if everybody's sorry for you then you feel good right right yeah you're the victim yeah yeah but as soon as you let this go like nobody pay attention to you anymore yeah and yeah well that's an important piece also just to back up a little bit there where what you talked about where yes there's this there's a fear and there's there can be pain associated with moving through and letting go of of this life and these things that aren't serving you and it's totally worth it on the other side and that's the story over and over again I've never heard somebody say yeah I let go of control and I faced my fear and I had the courage to step through and there was pain and I had to shed things shed away friends things in my life shed away but once that was all done what I had created was worth every second and I'd do it a thousand times again like that and that's the point I wanted to be consistent story yeah to the listeners is if you're struggling with that fear and the pain of change know that you're not the only person that's done that and had that experience and also know that the other side is so [ __ ] worth it yeah it's much better so worth it when you get there just like a monkey said you'll wonder why didn't I do this sooner because it just the world changes your world changes you shift from that dream of hell where things are happening to you to the dream of Heaven that you've created that is just every day is a blessing and amazing and it doesn't never have any challenges but you face those challenges with a different attitude which in a lighter heart and just everything's but it I mean just different in an easy way yeah I agree with that like yeah if I will do it again I will do when I'm 13 right to have a better life right easier life right because honestly the life is so nice and so easy if you let it be yeah and be your true authentic self this is who you are at your core right so allowing your gifts to come out allowing yourself to shine allowing yourself to be in service when you know it's coming right from your heart you know that's what we're here for yeah and own it like really have to learn how to own own it like is it what is it like you can call me whatever you want but it's me yeah yeah exactly and I'm happy with it yeah exactly I love it well we were we are so happy that you decided to join us on this adventure so thank you I know it was a big step for you and I appreciate once again I appreciate your courage you know thank you so much I love it I love it you guys are excited to see what we're gonna create moving forward with it yeah I'm so happy you guys did it and I hope you guys come one times to Romania and help me to yeah my little town to have a weird feeling session yes and I would love to come to Romania me too let's let's dream into that shall we


come to Transylvania and do some good work there exactly I mean I have to health am I gonna meet Dracula exactly exactly


[Laughter] oh yeah you can see his home and the town is just beautiful yeah fantastic well much love girl yes yes thank you so much for having me and cursing me to have this yes I'm so happy and I know it's turn around somehow yes it will yeah all right thank you thank you so much experiencing all of this wonderful magic and we'll catch you on the next episode thank you see you guys thank you for sharing your time and energy with us the best way to help us spread this message is to rate review And subscribe this episode impacted you in any way share it with others post about it on social media or put something in the comments also check out our website for upcoming events and books at


all our gratitude and love all our love see you soon


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