GARDENER MEDICINE, Redefining Leadership with Gurpreet Juneja - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #25

Today's episode brings in another author in our book, Gurpreet Juneja. She shares her experiences trying to balance working life as a parent, explains what "gardener medicine" is, and touches on the Corporate mindset; how it has evolved and where it needs to go to improve. All this and more in today's episode!

Gurpreet Kaur Juneja is an emotion and energy healer, holistic executive, career life coach, speaker, author and certified NeuroChangeSolutions consultant. 


Gurpreetā€™s website is now live! 





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[Episode Transcript]


welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create a more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul


to another episode of bites of light snacks for your soul and today we have one of our featured authors from our new book upcoming fights of light evolves leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur this is Gurpreet Juneja thank you so much for joining us today thank you for being here we are so happy to have you and to have you share your medicine with us we would love for you to tell our audience what you do tell us about your business awesome thank you so much I'm really really excited to be here today thanks Angel and said and it's what a pleasure it is to do a book with you Coke you know yeah it's been it's been an incredible journey but yeah so I'm I'm an emotion and energy healer I'm a holistic transformational life coach a speaker and an author and certified neurochine solution consultant I support young people men women and parents that are challenged by life and you know are living under stress feeling burnt out so I do both in person and virtual individual and group coaching sessions and I provide workshops webinars podcasts and and host a variety of health and happy lifestyle you know living sessions if you will in Hands-On tools you know for True transformation from the inside out that's what I do my business is called Cosmo being you know essentially just you know unleashing your potential within and leave and living from your heart that's that's my motto love it and and that's one of the reasons why we had you come and join us in this collaboration you know you're doing some amazing work in the world and your chapter really spoke to my heart as as a mother trying to you know live in both worlds you know I'm I'm far out of that now but I remember I I remember those first couple decades it's hard walk us through why why you chose to write that specific story and the medicine that you're sharing yeah absolutely I think the biggest challenge or the I I should I guess I should say the biggest transformation started with my kids you know when I when my kids were little I think that's when I really started hitting so many roadblocks and so many challenges in a good way I think that's probably the journey my kids wanted me to be on so I could you know be a more enlightened parent and help them with their journey I guess that's how I see it the reason I chose this chapter is or the story is because I don't know I mean leadership is so much about understanding people you know it's it's not about you know as the word says you know you're you're everybody is a born leader I believe they're all born leaders but they they know how to lead their life what about leading a team what about leading somebody outside of you how does that look you know and and to me I struggled with that in the early age of my career so so it just the moment I you know saw your story of what you wanted out of this book I was like oh my gosh I have a perfect story for that because because I had a biggest Clash of my career and my parenting you know in this in that time and I you know when I was at the point where I really wanted to make a difference and here I was raising a beautiful angel you know and and it's just I realized no matter what road of parenting you're on and even if you know your kids are all grown up I feel it's never simple and and but the key thing to me was I'm not alone in it there are there's everybody around me which I never knew at that time and for me to understand that you know what I was questioning myself worth at the time and it was it was important for me to let people know through this book again you know it's going to come out that it's so important to understand who you are why what what are your priorities what is your lifestyle and what do you really want from life yes you can you could have everything that you want but is it really that people should tell you or is it something that should come from your own heart and and that's what was really important to me and I feel like it's so important for every leader for every person to understand that at the end of the day we all will have priorities we'll all will have our own different lifestyles but what is it that we genuinely feel called for and that is what's gonna stick that is where our heart is always going to be no matter we could be doing a but if I feel like being Z I could be doing a and I could be okay with my life but it will never be a fulfilling life and that's why I chose the story excellent Yeah we actually we just had a conversation about this sort of thing the other day where like yeah are you you can be okay with good enough and that's a choice you can make but if you want amazing that's also possible and I love what you're saying about leadership and parenting like I love asking people if they when I when I ask people if they want to step into leadership roles or start doing that oh no I'm not really a leader that's not really my type and I oh do you have kids well I had to break it to you you've already signed up for leadership you probably signed up for the most important leadership role you've ever imagined but so many people do it without that awareness like you've signed up to be a leader in creating a life and a foundation for life on this planet not just a leadership of a group at work which you know yeah it has a consequences for that company but it doesn't really have consequences in the greater Cosmic you know story whereas that leadership of parenting you're creating life that has consequences in the on the deeper level and that leadership is so important and I'm you know I had a similar experience many of us did right I mean not if if your kids were if as young kids you were fortunate enough to have aware and awake parents from the work day you were born good for you I wish I could have done that for my kids I didn't but the interesting thing is when when that big change came for me my kids were resistant to it at first because it was different and now they look back and they're so grateful that I could change from my limited beliefs to allow them to explore and and be there to provide a safe place for them to explore and become who they want to be decide who that is for themselves without me trying to tell them what I think they should be and that's so incredible what you said there said because I feel like you know we'll always we'll never be satisfied as a parent I think we'll always question that I mean really and that's because when we look back we're not looking at the same person we are today we're looking at somebody who has grown you know over the years you know we're going back in time we are talking about past but today when I look at a situation and I say oh my gosh I could have done so much better yes I could have but only if I had the wisdom that I have today right I couldn't have had that wisdom if I didn't have that experience exactly so how can I judge myself about something you know that has happened in the past and at the same time like you said you know when when there are situations in life not everybody's awake and you know they know what their sole purpose is I didn't know that and and I made a lot of mistakes but you know today who I am is because of those mistakes so I cannot I feel like it'll be unfair to say only if I didn't have to make those mistakes well unfortunately learning wouldn't have happened you know so that's just the way it is and and and I alluded to that a lot in the in the story about the medicine like you know angel said so the medicine I refer to is the gardener medicine and I feel like Gartner parenting leadership they all go hand in hand absolutely because what does a gardener do a gardener is there to nurture whatever plants are there in the garden be it be it a fruit plant and not everybody's every plant is going to give the same flower or the same fragrance or the same color every it some are gonna have fruits am I gonna have flowers and we're not gonna have any just beautiful leaves but a Gardener's job is not to judge them or to himself or herself but instead just provide the most basic environment for them for the plants to thrive to Survive and Thrive and isn't that what we do as a parent or isn't that what we should be doing as a parent you know and also something that we should be doing as a leader because here we have a bunch of people with different talents and skills I mean today being in Corporate America for over 20 years I have developed many teams ground up and that has been my core of leadership that I'm bringing all these talent in the talents and the skill sets and don't get me wrong I've made my share of mistakes many many of them I haven't just it wasn't like I got them in the morning and one day I decided oh I'm going to be a gardener as you know as a leader no it didn't happen that way it took years of work you know but but then I started realizing that the more you you get out of your own way the more you start trusting you know a person to be doing their own thing and just giving them the right environment the right tools the right you know resources to succeed who would not want to succeed I don't think that many people who don't want to succeed they might have their own motives some might want a promotion some might want more money some might want more you know more knowledge or but ultimately at the end of the day we all want to succeed in some shape or form and understanding what is behind that success what inspires them to me that's the core of leadership understanding your people of what inspires what sparks that ignition in them what gets them excited it could be for me it was my children you know I would I would go do everything but when I come back I'd really just love being with my children and so for me it was so important for people to understand how important my family is to me and for those who did understood got the best out of me exactly well because if they understand what your inspiration is then they lean into that and Foster that right because that is what good leaders do and I that's why I love that you stepped in to be part of this project because speaking about evolving leadership the whole world has decided what leadership means and I truly believe this medicine that we're bringing forward is going to help people shift their awareness and make them question what does leadership actually mean for you now today because we do evolve we do shift as humans and it's really important to always keep that awareness in the Forefront as is is this agreement that I've made around leadership still serving me am I leading from a place of power over or power coming from within you know it's the difference between subjugation and inspiration absolutely right and and the leaders that we're aligning with and collaborating with understand that inspiration piece as you just so eloquently said right and I think in the we talked about it in in the introduction from a like a 3D like corporate type of explanation it's we've confused management with leadership management is Task mastering that's getting people to do what the business you know what the the company goals are achieve achieve those goals and Leadership has nothing to do with the company and what the company wants like you said it's that gardening leadership is all about fostering those around you and I understand why corporate has pushed leadership over into the management realm because when you Foster that you might have people grow and want to leave and that doesn't work well with the corporate mentality they want people to stay life and dedicate your life to this company and get inside the Box get in the box and stay there so pulling that back out right management has its place 100 in in the world that we live in currently there is a time and place for marriage structure yeah and there's a time and place for leadership and separating those two concepts and I I really do like the gardener analogy of you Foster it let it become what it's going to be and then let it decide what's best for it you know you might have to move some plants into different places because where they're at right now doesn't serve them and you didn't know it transplanting is a thing right yeah I mean the sun is not right or you know there's just too much Shadow away who knows right and and you just said it so well said I'm so moved by it that the difference between management and Leadership there's such a fine line you know we hire people to for their thinking you know we really pay all this money we give great bonuses and everything for their thinking and yet here we end up killing their thought process by pushing things on them by being their decision makers by taking their power away and telling them that guess what I'm the boss not you well right then you took it away you know if if somebody tells me that how creative am I gonna be I'm not gonna be creative and isn't that exactly how you why you hired me because you liked who I am you liked my ideas you liked what I am here to represent what I have brought in all these years but it'll only kick in if you let me be who I am if you let my true self shine and that cannot happen if you put me in a box eight to five or be this way wear a business suit every time no let me be who I am and I will show you I will take you to Heights that's that's absolutely yeah my one of my brothers had that exact conversation with his employer back they hired him because they said your mind you have such a brilliant mind and then they brought them in and put all these restraints and all these blocks and he's like you you hired me to do a thing and every time I try to do it you tell me I'm doing it wrong like you know that basically that exact thing you just described you had that conversation with them and ended up leaving that company because they couldn't see it yeah and it's it is a well-known company that people think of as Forward Thinking and creative and they are still not able to get past that control is what it really comes down to management becomes a facet of control leadership is not controlling at all absolutely and I I feel like the company I work for now I'm still working for a company you know and I feel like things are so much different here and I've learned so much here you know there is there is so much I the biggest lesson I think the biggest thing I learned was you know your biggest resource is your people if you don't have the right people and if they're not doing what they're supposed to do what they've been hired for then you're really at a big loss no matter what in the world you have no matter how much Capital you bring in any company any Company Success depends on their people and I am so appreciative that the accompany the company I work for actually really appreciates its people and and not not I mean not I I have seen worse I have seen so much worse that I cannot begin to tell you where people put you in a box you're supposed to meet and you're not even in a box of an organization you're actually in a box of your manager right yes those Intimate Relationships where you're supposed to be like we're co-workers happens at all levels right and as they say it you know people don't leave companies people leave their managers people resign from their managers because they're tired of how they are being treated so I mean yes of course like they always say you treat people the way the way you want to be treated but at the same time try to understand the purpose if you are put in your box if you are put in a box and if you are entitled to do something in a certain way or be someone would you ever be your true self no you'll always feel like oh my gosh I'm being watched somebody's over my shoulder somebody's telling me how what to do how to do I better do it that way or something wrong will come out of my mouth or something wrong I'll put together and you are so caught up in your head why because now you have kicked in your survival instincts what happens when a plant faces rough weather you know it it's it's stormy it's windy and and the plant is struggling to survive and Gardner instead of providing the right shelter actually let it be whatever you know I'm just gonna let it sit there and I'm gonna help have it figure it out okay then you know the plant is going to keep trying but after a while it's gonna die it's gonna give up because it wasn't given even after Gardner noticing that it's being challenged it's it's kind of at a word of breaking it wasn't given the support or the the care it needed so if we're not going to do that for our people those survival instincts are going to keep kicking in and we're going to keep pushing our people to being on a flight or a fight mode how many people are productive when they're in those senses when their adrenaline is so high not many so I think the key to leadership and it's so important now more than ever to pay attention to help people find their own Joy a lot of people don't even know what their real Joy is right right so you know helping them foreign to them yeah and helping them understand when they come to workplace helping them find their own ignition their own Spark actually helps you connect and that's I think what's called is a true connection that's what I say you know you when you when you are more sorry about that then you're more authentic than looking for a Perfection your authentic you're opening up because you're a human being we all are you know not every day is going to be 100 productive for me there are some days I am 150 productive but then there are some days I am barely 20 unfortunately that's how I operate we all have our days you know all operating Seasons yes well operating Seasons but if my mind is at the right place I will most likely have more 150 days 150 days then 20 days but if you'll give me more reasons to be at 20 percent then there's nothing I can do right I'm kind of caught up here I'm in I'm in a rain well if you always feel like you're under attack like you said if someone's always watching you're over your shoulder if you're walking on eggshells you know that's humans can't rest into their Channel they can't rest into that creativity space when they're in fight or flight or or you know in that squished environment and we're seeing Humanity fight against that now you know I think you know this great big pandemic that the world went through you know we're all as a collective suffering from some PTSD symptoms right everybody is is overlooking their lives and trying to decide what am I okay with what I'm one what am I not okay with and this is why bringing this medicine forward and allowing people giving people the space to say hey you're allowed to feel not only are you allowed to feel that you're allowed to heal and you're allowed to live an ecstatic life we we're we're not here to be mundane survivors that's not why humans are here you know we're here to experience the love and the joy and all the range of feelings that humans can experience we've had enough of the dark yes indeed so like you said finding that Joy finding that spark connecting to the sun allowing those rays of light to permeate your being is how you're going to bloom that's what the flowers do yes exactly the sun yeah and the rough Tides will come nobody guarantees that they'll be all Bed of Roses no it never will be there is always going to be variability in life but that's where you as a leader step in to provide the stability that's why you are the gardener because you know what no matter what happens you are there for your team you are there for the for your people to be on you know it's it's like hey I got your back I get it you know you had rough day you know you you know when when I feel heard in my workplace when I feel weird gosh I cannot tell you how gratifying often of a moment that is because I you know I have a sick kid at home I couldn't do this I couldn't do that or there's something I can be in office or whatever that case is when I feel like people understand where I'm coming from I want to give more I want to give more than what I've ever given and I am even surprised wow I have that much potential grade you actually help people by building these deeper relationships these connections you help people tap into their own true potential which they even don't know because you know what why are we such a social animal humans are social animals why because when we are together when we connect when we collaborate that's when we really touch our true Essence and that's when our true light shines even we want to if I'm in solitude you know meditating by myself what would I know what skills I have I would not know it unless I start interacting and then I would see oh my gosh oh okay I can offer this too I can offer this too so it's so important to have that empathetic approach rather than directive approach you know finding that connection with with every person and it'll be different with every every other person you meet it will never be the same but isn't that the beauty of the you know of humankind we're so unique we're so unique our eyes are biometric fingerprints everything nothing matches our DNA don't match everything is so different about us each one of us and yet here we are together and we make such big you know we make so many big researches come out so many big Evolutions are happening inventions are happening why because when we come together as one team and we are not thinking of you know being you know of just you know kind of leading or you know kind of being in the front line or you're not thinking of competition we are generally thinking of solution finding a way that improves some part of life for everybody then what do you call that that is a connection that is a collaboration that's not competition exactly and that's how we need to look at leadership I think well and that's that that's the whole route right there of this book is the collaboration that that Collective mindset of people who understand what we're talking about and and live it like not only do they get the concepts mentally they've embodied that space and I love the fact that we can together redefine what leadership means because you know even recruiting leaders for this book you know I I had somebody say to me oh I'm not a leader wow but they do have children and they do have a community and they do have all these things so it's even in our awake part of the collective people are still not considering themselves leaders yeah so I think it's really important to get that to to challenge people what does leadership mean to you yeah yeah I was just thinking like you know as The Listener you might be sitting here thinking like well I'm not in a leadership role at work you know I don't run my own business and you know and I'm not a parent or whatever you might be saying well this doesn't really apply to me for leadership but at the very least you need to step into leadership role of your own life can you lead yourself yeah I had to provide that fertile soil for your own soul to grow and and your true self to come through and understand that expectations if you if you choose to work in for a company that's fine there's nothing bad for working in Corporate America it's not wrong but expectations go both ways understanding what good leadership is what leadership's intended to be gives you the ability to turn to your managers and say you're not leading you're managing and if you want to more for me here's how you can get it so it applies both ways whether you feel like you're in leadership in your job or not you're always in a leadership role in your life whether it's just for you for you and your kids if you run your own business obviously you better be thinking about leadership roles if you want your business to be successful and if you work for somebody else understanding what good leadership also if if your current situation they don't have any desire to abide or learn themselves well now you know that it's possible now you can know what is going to provide you to grow and start seeking that out stop accepting okay as good enough because amazing is possible whether you work for yourself or for somebody else I'm witnessed companies out there where their employees would lay down and die almost for the company because they are so connected they're treated so well they are loved love is not a four-letter word in business it's lost and it needs to be revived you can have love connection and profession absolutely absolutely so well said Seth thank you for sharing that Insight I agree I mean leadership is if you lead a conversation as simple as that you are a leader you initiated a conversation you are leading something leader is not we I think we have been trained our minds have been trained so wrong about what a leadership is you know what a a manager is different than a leader you know a people manager if you will and you're so right like be it a situation where either you have a job or you are a business partner or you own a business or you have none of that and you are a freelancer or you're just a stay-home mom doesn't matter you are still leading you are leading your own life and every interaction to me I feel is a part of you that shows what kind of a leader you are every interaction you have be it with your kid be it with other person be it with your neighbor be it with your Gardener beat with your anybody you know newspaper guy that shows what kind of a leader you are now you may not have thought about it that way but to me that's the way to think about it go deep down figure out who are you because like I said leaders are unveiled unveiled not not born you have to open that your heart and find what does that true leadership mean to you you know and we all will have our own ways and as long as we know that we are here to make a connection and to not be in this minuscule mind of thinking about oh how come that person is doing so much better we have to think outgrow that if we want to grow the only way to me the only way to grow is by connection never by competition yes competition is good but only if you compete with your own self I am going to compete with myself from the past me that was yesterday how good am I going to be today that is my competition but my interaction with you with angel with people around me is a connection to me that's not a competition because that's where I'm gonna grow that's how I'm gonna grow how can I shut my own door no I can't and so it's so important to identify what is that mission for me who am I as a leader and what is really my motive what do I really want to accomplish as a leader in my life in my job in my business you can expand it for as long you know in human consciousness what do I really want to contribute in human consciousness what is my role and that's how I see this it's it's on a daily basis and I have been working even with my kids you know when we talk about things we we talk about this like you don't lead people you lead from heart and you lead your own self you don't need there's you lead your own self you know and and it's so important to start bringing the focus Inward and that's what my business you know I always say it's really the inside job and and leading is all about Insight it's how do you evolve from the inside well you can only you can only take somebody as far as you've gone yourself that's why it's so important to do your inner work you know Don Miguel Ruiz says you know help me help me heal the planet starting with yourself yes because you you have to embody and understand the medicine deep within your bones before you can provide it to somebody else right so leadership does start within absolutely so well said like they say charity begins from home right oh right here you know so yeah that's that's really really so important for us to understand everybody and I think I feel we are headed in the right direction the doors have opened you know the doors have opened now it's just a matter of creating more awareness spreading the word and having more people on board with this concept so the real shift can happen because right now I think we are all in the mix and it's just you know it's it's like the shift is happening but it's pretty it's not as intense as we would like it to be and it's about time and that's what I expect from bites of light that is my total you know expectation from this book that that's what it's going to do to the leaders of today and tomorrow and all those that are going to be born absolutely so tell everybody where they can find you how can they work with you what kind of services are you providing yeah so I have I have a website called as it's gonna go live in two weeks so congratulations oh yeah it's just making some changes but they can definitely reach me via email and you know and all of that is going to be listed in my bio and the book and and I'm happy to offer I do a lot of one-on-one coaching like I said I'm I'm an executive coach a career coach holistic life coach any type of issues and I do a lot of team building for companies I have firms where I'm also helping them bring change management and Stress Management how to overcome insecurities within yourself to bring the real change and bring it cautiously not unconsciously and not because it's needed not because you're at tipping toe and you know that now there's no other choice but to change but doing it by choice and how to go about it so really helping people stepping into that unknown finding the your inner joy and connecting with your heart to find their true path that's what I really do in and I just absolutely love what I do because it really fires me up it just really Sparks that Kindle in me to see people transform their lives and and the joy I see on their faces that just really melts my heart and and humbles me


um beautiful well our book bites of light evolving leadership for the spiritual entrepreneur launches June 21st summer solstice we are so excited to have birthed this medicine into the world and thank you so much for coming and playing with us we're just so happy for you to be part of this pleasure to have you yes thank you thank you it's it's a pleasure thank you so much and we will chat soon until next time well thanks thank you thank you


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