MULTI-DIMENSIONAL HEALING, Reclaiming your Power with Grace Solaris - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #27

Join us as we share space with this powerhouse goddess. Grace Solaris is the real deal.

Come listen to her hero's journey through the darkness, learn how important it is to "do your inner work" so you can be of better service to this planet. Grace is a featured author in our new book Bytes of Light, Evolving Leadership for the Spiritual Entrepreneur.

We are so grateful to have her as part of our Wolfpack of light. Please enjoy today's episode!

Grace Solaris is a spiritual leader, teacher, mentor, psychic, and multi-dimensional healer. It’s her greatest passion to assist you in discovering your unique gifts and talents and guide you home to your natural state of divine joy. To assist you in removing everything, that prevents you from living your fullest potential, so you can step into divine leadership in service to God. Grace has 14 years of experience empowering her soul tribe to greater joy, passion, and soul fulfillment on all levels of their life, to greater health and wealth. Her gift is to tap into and pinpoint where you are sabotaging and withholding love to yourself. She has assisted thousands in healing from deep trauma, including sexual abuse, addictions, and self-destructive behaviors to catalyze radical and rapid quantum shifts in their lives. I help identify where you’re giving your power away and refrain from making healthy choices and why. Grace works on multiple levels to clear wounds from this and previous lifetimes and to facilitate groundbreaking results by clearing old vows, agreements, and mindsets holding you back from stepping into your full potential. I’m here to guide you through the dark night of the soul to reclaim your true might and light. Grace is available for one-on-one sessions, and mentorship programs and facilitate group activations and retreats.


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[Episode Transcription]


welcome to Bytes of Light with Angel and Seth Rohrer. we provide bite-sized nuggets of wisdom to feed your soul expand your awareness and free your mind to help you create a more beautiful today and a brighter tomorrow join us in our magical kitchen as we serve up another high Vibe snack for your soul


the soda bites of light snacks for your soul today we have an amazing guest Grace Solaris she is one of our featured authors in our upcoming book bytes of light evolving leadership for your spiritual entrepreneur and I am so happy that you said yes to this project thank you for being here Grace thank you for inviting me which was amazing in itself because I had known for a long time you know that my next step was sort of yes I've had let's say I've had some books up my sleeve you know jumping into that next level was kind of yes and there is a Divine timing to it of course as with everything but it also really forced you know me to really take that leap of trust to yeah to just jump into it you know without knowing anything but I just felt like this is my opportunity this is a a yeah an opportunity to yeah go next level go next level and you know we we know we are pushed to grow and evolve all the time and normally I think I'm pretty good at just jumping without actually my whole life I've been a bit like that but yeah so it brought up also some wounds also because we had to talk about or write about our story so of course we had to dive deep in I mean I had worked a lot on my healing for many years done the Forgiveness work and you know since my Awakening I I you know I've been in Bliss most of the time and yeah that is part of my story how I got there but but yet there was still I still had to go in and feel again you to relive sort of that trauma you know that was a part of my upbringing part of my childhood so yeah that was perfect that was good and I've learned so much and I'm really so grateful for the whole support team you know for you having hosted the support calls and Laura and all that which has been amazing so I feel also it was such a gift I've learned so much yeah also about my own writing you know I love to ride and what this has I think really I've learned a lot to it you know which I can then imply in my future writings and hopefully books that are to come I mean they are to come it's just a matter of time you know so I'm very grateful and thank you so much for reaching out to me angel and said you're so grateful that you said yes and it's interesting because people think oh you just write some words and you put it in a book but it's so much more than that when you yeah going into these collaborative books Angel and I have done a few other collaborative books before we decided to leave this one and it really is like you said there's so much growth that comes from diving in yes getting out of that comfort zone and to tell your story like you said you you can do the work around it but that next level is then being able to write it down and share it with the world to release yes people that you didn't even know existed until you start playing in that in that Arena and yeah at that next level when you can then write it on paper go through that process put it out to the world and work through that mind you it's still a process of working through but when you can get to the other side of that and not have the reoccurring traumatic feelings now you can really step away from it you've written it and released it yeah yeah that's right it's kind of you're ticking it off once and for all and it can come to a rest you know in my case it wasn't really that I think it happened but now that I have done this then I feel oh yes it has still it brought up these last yeah like it was brought up once again to be put to rest so to say yeah so yeah that was really amazing to to to yeah and and to I had in one of the feelings that came up with me was that feeling of yeah like Terror or something like that you know which when I was doing the healing and all that that was more around the pain and all that but I had that feeling of being terrified you know really and I really felt that again and so yeah that that was very interesting yeah to go through actually yeah and the one step further of the healing for ourselves is when we share our story we think oh this is I'm the only person this has ever happened to and I nobody's really gonna relate to this but there are so many people that can relate to your story that was your transformation that traumatic story that you recovered from you you grew up above it and Beyond it yeah you can learn from that story so if you're you know to the listeners that are out there your story is important and it matters and people need to hear it because you're not alone yeah the thing is it's actually our story because I mean now I can only speak for myself but it is it is also it's my personal story but it's also a collective story you know so you can say it's our story so I guess everyone on one level or the other will recognize it as being part of their story or they have some kind of wound that will relate to that they they will recognize it so many will probably feel oh my God it's like you're writing to me or something like that you know so yeah very grateful for being able to to share that but yeah so interesting and interesting about the words also because after we had the first what we actually send it in you know we had this first you know when I finished the chapter and all that and then we had to look at it again and I also I also slept over it and then Madison are there was still something and then of course I got some suggestions from this you know Laura sent some suggestions also and and and then that was kind of tying it up in a different way and there was just one sentence actually that then came into me just a sentence and then the sentence came and then there was just one word that I changed and when I changed that one word then there was the next layer then it just like sparked off another layer of healing yeah so yeah it was very interesting so I guess everyone had was in their way going through a lot of stuff so yeah so me it wasn't the big drama thing going through it but it it it it really lifted the last layers and and put it to rest so yeah it was really amazing when you talk about the the group story something that just came in for me is when we do our internal healing we we bring those things into the light within us when we put it on paper or start sharing it orally with people around us we're bringing that that shame that Darkness into the collective light yeah as we all get comfortable as we let go of the shame within us and can bring that and put out of us then we let go of the shame externally and we're letting go of the the shame in that dark energy on yes bigger dream the one out of the one dream yeah that is why I think it takes that extra level of energy that extra level of personal power to be able to do what we're doing here yeah all the collaborative books out there that that brave healers Publications are are putting out those stepping to that next level to help heal the collective shadows out into the light to be healed globally not just exactly yeah yeah that's the thing it's big work that worked when we step into these containers and we are so grateful that you said yes and that all of our authors said yes because yes and it's we've created something that's we're so proud of and we know it's going to help people so much and such yeah yeah part of well Expedition for a long time you know I've been dreaming about doing this for 10 years and through this whole process of trying to vet who we wanted to bring in and you know finding those unique rays of light that can vibrate where we vibrate you know I've been stalking you for years girl yes you told me yeah I'm totally surprised to hear it because I I you know you never sort of I don't know if you ever commented until that one Post Yeah here and there but you know I've been sharing messages of love and light and your gift is so unique and so authentic and raw and Unapologetic it's like this is this is my channel this is what I bring to the world and I just love I just love your mission and I love the energy that you bring to your work yes and you know through these books you know we do talk about the traumatic stories but what people need to understand is those who dig the deepest Shine the brightest and because you have done your work and because you did the diving you have crafted this beautiful way to translate light yeah so do you want to talk a little bit about you know your process and what you do like what you actually do yeah well yeah I don't know where to start but yeah uh let's just you know like sort of go back you know in my case wasn't like I grew up and I had an accident or something that brought my Awakening or something you know many go through something abrupt boom you know like Awakening I was sort of I would say already in a way awakened when I came not not that I mean I I got wounded obviously because I went through a lot of trauma but I sort of knew I knew that I came here to bring light to bring love and it was just I was pushed so much right from the beginning you know that that in a way I didn't have an option you know I didn't have an option but I also met a lot of resistance yes just being that light beaming that light which then uh yes through going through a lot of trauma so so I knew very early you know that sort of yeah I'm here to bring love and healing and but I also knew first I had to go through a Time where I sort of prepare I didn't know how that looked but I knew I had to be patient and patience is not my strength because I'm a fire horse in in the Chinese sign so it's just like I settled today and I write today


yeah so so that was a bit difficult but I I thought of having my head on maybe when I'm like 35 38 it was just behind my yeah it took a bit longer till I really got out there and got visible but in a way you know I've always worked you know within and also when I go back you know I started in my 20s really diving deep into all the teachings spirituality everything I could put my hands on from the world religions Shamanism Suffolk teachings paranormal everything you know of the light yeah so obviously I also had encounters with someone that represented the darkness so I also had very challenging moments really to to face my own darkness which was important of course and but that most of all to reclaim my power also because through the trauma that I had I got somewhat broken you know not not so broken that you know that you know I still knew my mission you know and I still knew I'm gonna do this and all that but it it sort of yeah it it so I had to work through my trauma obviously and yeah so I did this I I didn't actually go I wasn't going to healers and all that so it was a lot of self-healing working with my team I always knew you know you know my guys and higher self and angels and all that was all normal to me it was not like do I believe in angels do I believe in Incarnation it was all normal it was just like because and of course we can walk through walls you can heal everything you can hear all that was just normal to me you know so so it was just like such a force in me you know that I could not sort of ignore yeah it was so so so alive and strong in me so so yeah so I started pretty early and yeah I had some workshops and books and sorry and read a lot of books so I got a lot of healing from books actually I didn't have many teachers in that way other than joining a mystery school which I then didn't end because I stopped before I got through it was a two-year education and what I felt like I gave my power away that I it wasn't it wasn't like this heartfelt experience it was like taking over sort of the concept of something which wasn't like it didn't feel authentic to me I felt I need really need to dive into myself and connect directly with God that was my path yeah so yeah so the work that I do now if I can jump into that now is like I mean I started on Facebook pretty late I think it was 2010 only got on it because my family because I was living abroad I was living in a foreign country I've been abroad for 18 years and so they asked me why don't you come on Facebook everyone is on Facebook and then I went on Facebook and I started to share my the messages that I got through from my guides but I started very very slowly and and was almost shaking when I was suppressing on until the first time and it it it it sort of developed very fast you know so within not I don't know a few years I I was already like 5 000 at 5 000 friends and and had a big reach and people like said to me where can I buy your books


can I come and visit your ashram and stuff like that and I was just like what's going on here you know and I was the one preaching be your own Guru you know because I I saw how much in the spiritual community that people that were giving their power away and all that and and it was just like yeah so how many forget you know that God is within and looking externally and and this this was also part of my journey to really internalize that to understand that so it was kind so we were sort of searching searching searching outside of ourselves and and and chasing almost chasing you know Awakening or chasing truth or J you know and I just found out you know it can be became clear to me it's just like I'm I'm not gonna achieve anything in this way and so yeah so when I was in the mystery school which was a very thorough and very yeah we went very deep there was a lot of initiations also the teacher was an Athenian priest so this is if someone doesn't know if this was the teaching of Jesus and there was this holy scene very ancient teachings and but he was my teacher was also very aligned with you know the galactic teachings of various star systems bringing in we we connected with I mean everything you know serious pleiadian Cassiopeia and all that and he brought in a lot of channelings and I also did a channel education I actually did that but then when I came to the point that I cannot I need to go internal now I need to go directly to God then I sort of got into a crisis or like this some call it the Dark Night of a soul and yeah I I I I I got totally confused because I was starting to getting everything that I thought I knew through let's say how many years would that be about 10 12 years of reading and reading and reading channelings doing workshops here and there it just turned out that I It lost value somehow I just thought that I it doesn't really bring me there you know and and and and and then when I dropped out of the mystery school then it was actually my higher self that came in from the sideline and sort of what she'll say took that decision I didn't have any choice this has happened several times in my life also when I got divorced from the five of my children I mean it wasn't planned but it just came in from the sideline and I couldn't go one day longer living on this live which it was it wasn't functioning and all that and and so but so I so after I took the decision to so to say getting opening up to my own inner source of wisdom then I started to being basically stripped to the core layer by layer like an onion so everything I have built my whole spirituality on my my understanding my beliefs everything was just torn apart it was torn away from me so it was like having the rock pulled away from under your feet and and so I was just like stand up standing there you know I I didn't know anything I was just like very wrong vulnerable and had nothing to hold on to and so so that was a very tough period because there's also a lot of ego layers that have to go you know I know this I know that you know and then you know and suddenly you have nothing you can go out and say you know because you basically say I know I know that I know nothing you know and basically that I am nothing so really letting go of all those It Go with layers also and the etiquette's spiritual etiquettes that you know I had put on myself and others had put on me Suddenly It's just like gone yeah so so I went through the Dark Night of the soul and you know and that it was a very tough time so yeah I didn't really want to go outside I was just like disoriented and confused and you're on that in this kind of void where you just you have no orientation you have nothing to orientate to because you have nothing to hold on to there's nothing it's just like avoid you know and so I yeah so I felt very really bad and then I realized okay by disconnecting and being stripped about this stuff I even basically disconnected from my higher self from God from my guide so I was literally in deep separation you know which is actually what we try to heal and try to avoid you know we all want this being one with all that is feeling one with God and and and and and connecting and feeling that Oneness that's when we are home when we return home but that's just the illusion is that you find it out there or you you know you're searching for God externally but it's only found within yeah so so this was yeah very painful period but then I understood okay I actually disconnected with everything which of course was a purpose to realizing oh my God now I really I mean I have to sort of come into my heart and and and and so I actually called God you know I I just like begged God you know I'm just feeling so bad I'm opening up to you again sort of here I am you just take me in now I'll take you in or whatever you know I was just like laying myself out to God and just opened my heart and then yeah from there then I reconnected with God in a in a very authentic and real way you know and and then from there I then yeah then let's say from there I was sort of still I hadn't let's say completely awakened but I was like starting from I was kind of zeroed so I was kind of um starting from From the Inside Out connecting where before I was coming from my wounded self I was searching outside of soap but now I was really being real and true and open and coming from the inside and then in this yeah so I dropped out of the mystery school and so basically now I was on my own with God so I had no teachers or no nothing of course all my guides my team I reconnected with them and so also the way I used to channel totally I mean I'd learned a certain way too Channel and all that and it's just like everything was in the Dustbin I was just like opening my heart and it's just like it just flowed in in in a total different way and and it was more like telepathically and it was just like that in it gift that we already have you know you you don't actually need to learn it we're already doing it but it's just like you think oh I have to learn it I have to and then we have to think our way out and we have to use maybe a method and this and that and it's just like often this noise just complicates things you know so to really being a pure channel is just actually just opening up and being available yeah so what was what the next I wanted to say was then yeah I lost the thread now


so many people look externally and that is part of the journey when you first start on this it is and and I don't want to say teachers are bad because we all have teachers however yeah that piece about giving your power away to the teachers and that's the thing yeah and I didn't know your path you know I I just knew what I saw on Facebook and you know I think it was probably 2012-13 that I found you so it's been okay wow okay yeah and and so witnessing your journey and witnessing what you do I didn't know on the inside that you and I have very parallel stories yes you know what you just shared is it was my experience as well you know giving my power to the teacher in a mystery school and coming up the outside so like when you speak it's like ah there's my story oh it feels so good but it's not just me because it's a thing it was so personal especially when your ego gets involved it's like how could this happen to me yeah and then so finding you and then asking you to come on this journey with us and then actually hearing your backstory confirmed to me my knowing of how closely connected you and I are and that's that Vibe on that on that ray of light because you you literally have met and hold hands with the angel of death that would be my language you know you you explained your transformation in your in your language my explanation is you know we are now friends with the angel of death yes yes yeah I'm not I'm not scared to be here exactly myself I am my best friend I am my hero I am my picture I am


this is very interesting because it just pops up now because at one time that's interesting yeah because you say this about the angel of death because I have been working with my dreams paying attention to my team working with my dreams from very early on I you know I've read about the the natives how they work with their dreams and all that so from my early twenties I was very aware of that so my dream life have always been very important to me I put a lot of attention and and so I haven't had a lot of lucid dreaming a lot of initiations a lot of things I've seen myself in Council meetings and all sorts of things and also the after we connected I had some very important dreams also which I sense was a precondition to something that we are going to do together but just to come back to the angel of death because it just popped up now when you said it I actually had in one dream state experience I was granted to look in my I say grounded because that's how it felt I know that you say yeah you could just read the classic records and all that but anyway this situation was like I was grounded to look into the acoustic records and it was like a book you know like to pull the pages and I was I was yeah symbolically right the dream language but it was like that and I was allowed to see two pages only at that particular time and one of them was it just said


okay it must be an angel and that's actually the angel of death and Angel of transition and actually forgot that you know so it says like that that's activities you can say part of me I don't know but it it just came to me that you are connected with or you are an aspect of the angel of death which of death was of course the transition it's birth it's everything is is in it and the other one was then which is not important for this discussion but that was that I was a Kahuna so that it's just that so this dates back to lemuria you know so they still have the name Kahuna in Hawaii but it is this lemurang connection which I embody very much so so this was the two information so yes to the angel of death that was really confirmed in that Insight that I had there or shown yeah so very interesting yeah but yes I had an astrology reading he said yes you literally walked through hell and the thing is when he said that I just wanted it's nothing you know yes yes you know but I mean we are badasses we are tough and we've been around since you know I mean I I always sense like it sounds crazy but like you know since the beginning of time that's just like I feel I know because I have this let's just say in a knowing of you know I can feel I have a very strong so when I connect with different cultures and ancient timelines and so on I I just I had this it's such a strong knowing you just can't deny it because your body is also reacting and and you you can't fabricate fabricate that so I know you know I I am a very ancient soul and I know like you we've come here many times to support in bringing in the light and bringing in the next step in evolution and yeah I'm so grateful to be I'm so happy you know that that you reached out and we could connect and as I said I had this this posting where we got connected it was actually because if I should just mention that when I had this yeah that that I was actually I think it it had just been the day before or something I I oh yeah you reached out so I was talking with someone on the phone and we were talking about uh yeah the the new Earth communities and and and and how we are gonna come together and and we have been so much on this digital level but now we are going next level we're gonna meet much more in the physical and all that and and while I was talking I suddenly had that Vision but but you know when you get that Vision you get like a package so it's like it's more than just like one picture you get you get more information you know so when I had that image I just knew it was a gathering it was in Mexico and I don't know how you say it yeah I don't even know how you say it I always wanted to go there but so I just had that Vision you know that there's gonna be a big Gathering there I knew I was gonna get there and I saw this big Gathering and I'm speaking of thousands of people that are gonna come together to to to bring in the new coats of light and some kind of gathering and that there's like there's no let's say no leader there will be many co-hosts it's like a Unity you know so we will all bring in important you know our presence and when we connect there will will will create a massive beam of light and you know those that are called to go there they will I mean it it's sort of it's already it's already written in the stars it's already planned and we will come together and and and so there will be a Divine timing when planets and Cosmic bodies align whatever I I sort of feel that it will be in 2024 I don't know if it could be in 25 I feel more like 24. but but that just came in so I posted that and then you wrote that comment and I can't remember exactly what you wrote but you said yeah we're gonna go there and you're gonna come and and and so you'd had the same vision and were were having the same information more or less so yeah that was pretty amazing and and after that I even had another but that was that was another Vision also while I was awake and there I was suddenly also getting this Vision where I was again at the Mayan pyramids I don't know if this was also until watikano where it was a different place I don't know but I just saw I was walking into a sort of it was in a landscape and then I go in and there's sort of an entrance and so I could just go in and just say see green just green like a sort of and say Garden but there's some green landscape and then I look and then appears a pyramid which was clearly a Mayan pyramid you know they have this way of building and then I looked to the right and then I see this I've forgotten the name now Jack hinder or something I can't remember something but that's a specific flower of that area I didn't know it but I described them in in posting and someone said who lives in Mexico they said oh this is that flower you know so again I had another vision of being there so whether that was that timeline where we are going there I don't know but that was pretty interesting yeah that I had that so definitely something you know well it what what came up for me with the Mayan temples as well as teotu Walken working with this new Mentor that I have she has has really called out my Viking roots Oh yeah and when Seth and I were in what was that no we were in Cancun Cancun we went to we were at some pyramids yeah yeah we're too I'm too high to remember where they were or what they were called but that guide there said that there's a connection between the European Vikings and the Toltec Warriors


revealed himself to those people as a white Anglo blonde haired like wow like how you would describe the Viking character that's how cancer killed himself to the Mayan people of the peninsula of Mexico yeah wow so working with this Toltec Priestess she she called in roots and you know I've been working with full Tech philosophies for a long time and yeah there and this was just yesterday so I'm still integrating these in integrating the medicine but there's a connection that I don't think most most of the general public understands that you know the Vikings are part of that Toltec history yeah wow very interesting yeah and then there's also a mountain in the west Kootenays in Canada called Valhalla


yeah and so last night I was dreaming a lot about that pilgrimage from Europe over to Mexico on yeah there's there's some of my ancestral Roots how I ended up being in the Toltec world that you know it is literally part of my DNA well you know third attention we are all one but when we drop down figure out you know what rays of light are the closest to us you know that that's my history that's that's my genetic and yeah there's two yes yes yes yeah so if if the the listeners don't know I I'm I'm in Denmark so exactly you're literally in here I don't know that business probably don't know yeah so I'm from Denmark and uh so brought up here you know grown up in in this culture and and so they of course having this imprint also in My DNA I actually also have Scottish Roots because my grand grand mother figured was was Scottish also I don't know how far the Vikings went but it's it's certainly here Scandinavia and I think it goes further I don't know how far but it was a pretty big you know I don't think people maybe realize how big it is so yeah so very interesting but yeah so but but I wanted to go to Mexico for so long it has been on the top of my my bucket list I went to Peru and spent one month in Peru but also so suppose the the Incas and the Maya it's it's all it's just like um


it's yeah so so that's what I mean being ancient Souls we have been in many of these ancient High civilizations we carry the Keys and codes and and so yeah so very exciting how we're gonna get together there and yeah so yeah I don't know how how far you have gotten planning and all that you obviously have connections there because you are teachers and connections there which is awesome yeah well and you know there's as you know as Sears we see 50 steps ahead and I I like I said I've been envisioning and dreaming into this for 10 years yeah the first piece the fruition is this book which is we're birthing it on summer solstice like yeah exciting is that yeah step one like you know some people and I've seen it in our community of authors you know oh the book's out great next like oh are you kidding this is the baby yeah to nurture the baby and grow the baby and and and when I say the baby we are collectively birthing this together we're all going to be babies and we get to create storylines that come out of this and clearly I have a plan


but as you've noticed and Abby as you have as you have experienced as an author in one of our collaborations it's intense yes a contraction and the expansion and the contraction it literally is like labor pains right yeah and you know the traumas come up and then they go away and then another layer comes and and now we're going to be birthing it and then we're going to be doing this and then we're going to be doing this like there but yeah just like as when you're giving birth to a baby you don't know the future you have a plan but you also have a plan go that's part of flowing with the universe because yeah exactly because yeah one of my mantras is okay Universe show me this or better because we we do have creative expansive Minds however


we are we we are limited being in these physical Soul baskets yeah so yes we can dream these glorious dreams but if you let go of that sometimes the universe can give you that even better yeah limited belief systems even though like people like you and I we have very expansive belief systems and can flow through a lot of things and have lost that rigidity but if you can even let go past that that miracles happen that that things that humans Minds can't conjugate yet and you know that's where the clear cognizants are literally pulling Miracles and and to do things and that profit space drops in right yeah and so yes I have a plan and I'm keeping it to myself because I don't know the universe might steer Us in another Direction all on is that what I've created is [ __ ] badass yes and if the universe is going to give us something even better hell yes well yes we're in I'm in for the ride yeah exactly and that's what I mean and that's how so how I live I'm just saying I'm in you know and that's like also surrendering to God you know and very much living in the feminine divine feminine energy of like I don't know maybe right now how when and what but I know I had the Divine intent I have the vision and then just sort of letting go of it you keep holding the vision and it's all also like for me you know early on on my path I used to you know ask my guides and early early on oh I pulled the cards on and on and on and asking it but it came the time I stopped asking because I know if I'm gonna have to know something they freaking know to make sure that I know that I have to move my ass you know to go in a certain place or do a certain thing or share something or whatever I I can't miss it and that's again when you are living in that when you really come into embody Divine trust and faith and and being in the inner knowing you know you can't miss anything you know just just hang loose you know there's nothing to you know just just be and and and because that's the thing when you're afraid of you're losing control losing control or you're gonna miss something then you start to interfere I would say interfere with f e a r so you're acting out of fear and you you you start to mess up things you know because you cannot go with the natural flow so you might have your idea how things are you want them to be but again the universe your higher self may make regard an even more extended version you know how this is going to happen so when you're in your mind trying to figure things out you let me take yourself you know and yeah you you interfere so it's really about coming into the heart and just stepping back you know as some say you know let go and let God you know it sounds so easy but it's really be having that discipline to be mindful and and to really you know you have to monitor yourself and seeing when you are slipping into the mind into Old programs because it's like the problem is when you slip into the mind you are limited to to past and future you know and life is happening now yeah so so and that's what this Quantum field is of infinite possibilities but when you come from the past you're limited of what you thought was possible in that limited awareness that you had at that time and it is also tainted by all the fuck-ups and all the things that didn't work out out and obviously when you're in that space and and still maybe if you haven't you know cleared the wounds and all that you're living in fear of that going to happen again so you're living in avoidance so you're trying to avoid that you don't want that to happen in your future but what you resist persist because you vibrate that energy into the future you're trying to avoid it and you actually attracted you know so that's why sometimes people find themselves you know things repeating themselves coming and having the same sort of topics and issues and problems and or attracting the same type of Partners or whatever that's the thing so it's really about being mindful coming into the heart and really being in trust and and and and really surrendering and just saying okay I got my vision I know what of course you need to be clear of what you want and and and as you say Yeah the more energy you put into it you make it grow and evolve but exactly how when and what just leave that to your higher so leave that to the universe just say yes you know I'm in I'm in though I don't know you know how this is gonna work out I can't see maybe the exact Vision or maybe you do have a vision but it might be a limited Vision so instead just keeping that vibration of you know like it's already happening and being joyous being grateful and just keep up the vibe but leave it open you know like be open to everything and attached to nothing you know that's where you have the best cards in your hand yeah so that's really very much about living in that divine feminine energy allowing yourself to surrender and let go and because then you can be aligned you can be attuned to your higher self and to source and being in that flow of the present moment where all the goodies are you know absolutely yeah yeah so we during the course of our of this conversation we've kind of talked about from from waking up to being aware to being in that that space that ultimately everybody wants to get to whether they realize it or not and I just want to kind of like lay out this this pathway that we discussed for the listeners to I guess simplify it a little bit we might see where they're at on this that's the Divine masculine right yeah it's good so I realized something that I have to be more structural sometimes yes sometimes it just helps to see to see where we're at on this on this in this journey right so you wake up and you realize there's something greater than yourself and then you start looking for that something that the world has conditioned us to look outside of us looking a book on the internet go to find a guru and then when that falls short we're forced to start looking Within yes and when we start looking within sometimes then we find out that we're getting in our own way and so like we start stripping back to layers but when you dive in so deep you end up throwing the baby out with the bath water right yes including the layers oh [ __ ] yeah I'm in the void I got nothing and this is that walking with the angel of death and I feel like death it can feel like depression like there's nothing worth living for but you've disconnected like you said yeah because you feel purposeless in a way yeah when you're there yeah and and then when you can when you hopefully you make that connection you go oh I've I've lost my connection with what matters what I was actually looking for yes start drawing that back in and you make that heart connection and so you're you have this Bliss space that can open that opens up but there's still this you know there can still be this mind space that wants to control still yeah as we let go of that control of the mind and Trust the heart that intuition starts to drop in we start to trust your intuition and that is when we can do what you were just saying is before we start I know at the end of what you were talking about where then we can open up and just allow what is without attachment to the outcome and keeping that focus on what we want the desires don't focus on the things you don't want um like when you're riding a motorcycle if you look at the tree that you want to avoid you're going to run yeah


that you're pointing your attention so recognize where you're at as the listeners on that path and know that it's just part of the journey there's not a right or wrong yes exactly yeah you're just on that Journey somewhere and you're and you're experiencing what you're here to experience right now yeah know that there is a point where you can let go and let love be your guide and fill you up all the time and and the dramas can fall away intuitions can come in you'll be connected with the greater being the greater good the greater Consciousness and and life just becomes something unimaginable even yeah magic starts to happen yeah and walking in both worlds and that's what we said that's the goal is a foot in each world be in this world not of this world and that will allow you to be in both worlds yeah so yeah well the beautiful conversation covering lots of really good stuff yeah and and we just are so grateful that you said yes yeah and I am so grateful that I was privileged to have your medicine for the last 10 years on as a closet side Seeker as I was watching your your Evolution and it was just an honor and a pleasure to be part of your growth and I'm so excited for these next steps that we get to play together it's just so exciting and I just love you so much so thank you thank you so much I love you too thank you so much you really touched my heart both of you Soul's family


yeah yeah and we will surely get together you know whether it's going to be in Mexico with them or but that's happening it's just a win we just gotta figure it out and and also interesting because one of your teachers Jose what is he called Delgado yes


yeah yeah that that was also so interesting because after we connected I also met him in dream time twice right yes yes very shortly after years after this project yeah exactly so that that was pretty amazing and in one of them he was and I didn't know anything about him I just have to I just saw the name in your side and you you mentioned it and and then I met him in in in dream time and it was alluded to it was absolutely clear and then yeah he showed up there we were just hanging out talking and then he said to me I believe this one belongs to you and then he gave me a crystal yes yes I didn't know that he was very much like Jorge doesn't it he did that to me when we were in Peru yeah this is your Crystal Skull here you go yeah yeah yeah it was that funny way of saying it you know I believe this belongs to you you know yeah beautiful that you get an opportunity to meet him as well yeah and we do have our first pre-launch in Salt Lake City in May May 12th to 14th and yeah it's launching on the 21st and I think July 21st is going to be our official book launch the Friday so hopefully all our listeners can all our listeners can tune into that we will be hosting that live and hopefully and join us yeah I will I will I mean you had so it's over the weekend I think on the Friday the timing is just like in the middle of my night or something but the second day I will and I think that's actually where he will be there then where he's teaching about the tick Tides I think something like that which was also awesome because I just after I had that dream the following day I had this meteorite for right in front of my window and I remember the picture it's a narrow space that I mean I wasn't outside looking I have such a narrow space from I live in a fat house the roof is a fats the roof I think you call it so it's really just a stripe and I just go through the window and then Zoom but slow mode you know and I was just like I was hit in my heart like I mean it and I mean it went on it wasn't it was a download it I mean it it I was changed afterwards energetically it was really a download and then I shared with you and you said you know what he's working with with tactiles I said oh my God you know so there was a lot of things just happening just you know around a time when we connected and it was just like wow this is certainly you know we're doing the right thing here you know it's confirmation that it is time together and the people that have come together in this collaboration it's it's going to be a fun ride and we look really forward to it and we're so happy that you joined us today yes thank you yeah thank you for being here thank you so much and I will I will so I will join you in Salt Lake City one of the days or whatever you know since I'm living in Scandinavia I can't just come like otherwise I'm


otherwise I wouldn't have missed the opportunity to go and meet in in person but I'm uh kids and all that so there has to be a bit planning on my side when when I do stuff I think too to walk in is when we will all gather that's where it's going to happen so we'll just contribute to that and find a day and thank the listeners for being here today too yes yes I know there's some really good gems in there for you to take out and and mull over and work yeah and stay tuned for our book launch on June 21st thank you so much grace all right thank you my love to both of you and to all of the listeners all our love oh yeah [Music] foreign




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