Investing in the Self, BUILDING SPIRITUAL MUSCLES with Jennifer Falchi - Bytes of Light

Season #1 Episode #32

Today we are happy to have another one of our authors on the podcast, Jennifer Falchi! She provides insights into what her writing journey was like, what steps she took to birth her chapter, and what it's like building and exercising your Spiritual Muscles, with the intent of helping those who are looking for guidance. We also touch on what it means to "Master" a healing modality, and the framework around healing in general.

All this and more in today's episode! We hope you enjoy your time with us.

Jenn Falchi is a gifted luminary, catalyst, and alchemist whose activations and experiences span four continents. Her commitment to decades of self-discovery illuminating, excavating, and healing her own shadow creates a bridge for authentic rapport. With deep wisdom gained in roles as mother, daughter, sister, Peace Corps Volunteer, executive, and spiritual warrior, she is known as an Empoweress who shares keys and codes to unlock innate healing capabilities, expand consciousness, ignite unlimited potential, and elucidate longings deep within one's soul. She’s a beacon of strength, honesty, and encouragement.


Jenn’s a trusted companion who guides curious, sincere seekers on a journey through their unexplored inner landscape. It begins with a sacred conversation. With clients as co-authors, she facilitates organic experiences unique to each person’s desired exploration of a body, mind, or spirit aspect. She and the journeyers map the expedition, recalibrate GPS to true north, and inspect baggage to lighten the load. Together they clear energetic highways, tune-up vehicle bodies for efficiency, and create unlimited supplies of quantum fuel. Everyone receives personalized healing tools to support smoother navigation in life.


Through the perfect combination of frequency medicine, somatic practices, and subconscious work, a client achieves an optimal balance of their nervous system, clears stress, anxiety, and trauma, and anchors more peace, harmony, and balance as blocked energy is shifted with sound and light. Experiences are offered in person or remotely and tailored for couples, groups, and businesses.


Jenn earned certifications to facilitate:

Resonance Alchemy (

Quantum Energy Coaching (

LaHo-Chi Energy (


When Jenn isn’t swimming in the Albemarle Sound with mermaids, whacking croquet balls across Doodle Hill, or cracking herself up with the divine comedy of life she’d love to connect with you here:

[email protected]


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